1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Immortality of Soul (Part VII)

Feb 27, 2018

    1. thought I'd share... was taking pics for the Crow hybrid thread, and he looked surprisingly good as a ginger... somehow this happens a lot in my doll crew :lol: he actually has a whole styling plan (for once), but it's fun to see him in a different light. the unexpected androgyny is a wonderful bonus! this body's neck is 9cm. I lightened his teeth digitally. going to do it with acrylic soon.

      • x 9
    2. Skimming through the thread, I saw the listed neck size and the actual neck hole size seems to differ. Does anyone have a Rufus that they could give a neck hole measurement for? I'm looking at his photos, thinking I might be able to get away with a smaller body with a fur ruff to hide the neck difference, and I'm very curious as to the in-hand measurements.
    3. Do you have any photos of hybrid of Class70 head and body from other company?
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    4. Hello!!!!

      Looking for help :XD:

      How it looks a 70 head IOS in a 80 body (IOS too)? Any pic there?

      Thank you! :sweat
    5. I ordered a Class65F body and a Confutatis head back in December. When I checked the IOS website today, it said the head was "preparing shipment" and the body was "pending". Anyone have an idea what these terms mean?
    6. hiho! I recently fell in love with the crow head but I do not have any knowledge about I.O.S or SD dolls. Does the stated Clas60 means he is 60 cm including the head or without? I had many years ago an E.I.D from Iplehouse and he was just too heavy and tall to handle for me (I have a disability affecting my hands and arms). The same went with my Switch Soseo which was more slender but still too much (i think he was 72cm? Can´t remember which body I used).
      Since then I had (and still have) a few Fashion-sized ones from Iplehouse and Agatti and I really loved that size (they are somewhere between MSD and the"traditional"(?) SD.

      Second: how bad are they delivery wise? I will pay in full without layaway if I decide to take the plunge. I don´t want a second Dollshe or Dollzone disaster.
      #487 Uminari, Apr 3, 2024
      Last edited: Apr 3, 2024
    7. my order with just heads from Nov2023 also says the "preparing shipment" tag, and my January one with a Unitot full doll says "pending". I'm not 100% on their tags, but I think the pending is maybe still in the production phase and the preparing shipment is QC and dealing with seams etc on into the shipment process.

      it looks like the 60 class male body is 61cm with the head on, and i have a Crow, he is definitely the smaller type of 1/3 sized boy. I don't have the 60 body from IOS so I'm not sure if he's very heavy.

      maybe another owner with the body could let us know if they think the 60 is a denser resin than other 60 class makers?

      about delivery, my orders with IOS (with & without layaway) have ranged from around 3 mos to 6 mos longest. the 6 mo order had a 70 class body in it and was during the height of the pandemic, but lately seems like 4 mos is about average but I've only had orders for heads in the last couple years. my Unitot order is just at month 2 so we will see about that one later!

      The sale they just had was very good, so they might be on the longer side right now due to volume to fulfill, plus it included the more complex skull models - but all in all they have been very reliable.

      hope that helps :)
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    8. thanks for your answer <3 it helps knowing he is on the shorter side already! and 4-6 month is very ok ^^ Time to prepare everything else
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    9. @Uminari - no problem, Crow's page take a little time to load completely, but there are some measurements shown about halfway down in case you want to check out the shoulder ratio or anything. I hope it all works it for you the way you want :3nodding:

      @Sweet_yuki - I found my IOS80 in NS body, and I have these below in 70 class:
      Chaos (NS), Jaguar (WS), Confutatis (WS), Shadow (NS), new Sezz (WS).
      my Blue (WS) has a horror type faceup (Ruvik) so he might be distracting for your purpose though he's amazing :lol:
      the other 70s I have are the animal skull crew (all WS) if you want one of those.

      I think this 80 has the 12cm neck, i got it second hand so i'll have to measure it, but the whole doll it was bought as usually has the slimmer neck at 12cm.

      Did you want to see one of those heads?
    10. For anyone currently thinking of ordering from IOS, I'd advise against it.

      I ordered a Confutatis head on December 2nd last year and a Class 65F body on December 28th. I messaged IOS and asked if I could combine shipping, which they agreed to.

      Since then, I've received no communication and no dolls. The Class70 heads were meant to be sent out 1–15th of March, and the Class65F bodies March 15–30th.

      I messaged IOS on May 12 to let them know my address was changing and asked for an update on my orders. I got no reply, but apparently my messaged had been looked at.

      Today I reluctantly opened a Paypal dispute for both the body and head. The six month Paypal protection for the head expires on May 31st, leaving too close a timeframe with no updates.

      If I receive any communication from IOS, I'll post it in the waiting room.
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    11. just got my tracking via email for my order from Nov 2023 of the discontinued heads. I hope they can reassure everyone soon, and truly hope that it's just been an overload from the discontinuation in combination with the other super sales. I know it's a sensitive topic these days given some other situations though.
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    12. Got a tracking number today. I'll close my Paypal dispute once my parts arrive safely.
    13. wooot! -they're all here- so many skulls to paint now LOL
      I am so curious if anyone has ordered the new 75-76 class body.
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    14. I am still waiting for tracking for my Rufus, I ordered end of Nov 2023. You getting your tracking has me all excited for mine to show up.
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