1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Impldoll's new Fashion size dolls

Dec 11, 2019

    1. Congratulations, @BelleEpoque ! How exciting! I can't wait to see her!
    2. She's my very first doll after 15 years of stalking the hobby! I just really like her nose.
      I CANNOT WAIT! Thanks. :)
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    3. Did anyone get theirs yet? Anxious to see some owner pictures
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    4. I'm afraid the covid10 is going to severely impact deliveries. We probably won't see deliveries for at least 3 more months, probably longer :(
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    5. I guess I have time to sew some possible prototype clothes now.
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    6. She's here! Her neck is jointed! How did I not notice that in the photos? It's very unusual, and she's strung very tightly. But I think I'm going to love the aesthetics of her jointed swan neck when she's sorted out. But. . . my doll arrived with no face up! I'll upload photos when I can get the cats off the kitchen table. I DID NOT REALIZE HOW SMOOTH RESIN IS. OH, WOW.
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    7. @BelleEpoque YAY! I can't wait to see some pictures of her! I'm dying of curiosity!
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    8. Her body is really interesting. For some reason, because of the promo pictures, I wasn't expecting her to be so busty. Her hands are so gorgeous - but it's going to be a pain to put shirts on her, I can tell! And the neck! So sculptural and statuesque! (I think the head might be a little small, proportionally, but I'm going to wait to see her in a more put together state. The Impldoll Moon head I got as an event gift looked very promising, too.) As I mentioned, I ordered her with a face-up but she didn't arrive with it. I guess that means I get to start looking for artists!

      Sorry for the mess. I was in a hurry to get the pictures before the cats claimed her box. Under the cut, because she's naked as a jaybird.

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    9. @BelleEpoque , if you ordered with a Faceup, you should complain :vein she does look cool and very cute! Congrats, can't wait to see her all dressed up!!
    10. @BelleEpoque Oh she's wonderful! Her jointed neck is very pretty and I bet with the proper string tension it'll be SO expressive! I love her adorable face.

      I can't wait to see how you end up styling her!
    11. @BelleEpoque I love her! Congrats! So excited , I've been considering getting one but I just haven't seen enough owner pictures to really make up my mind. I look forward to many more pictures :)
    12. Has anyone seen that Impldoll changed the mini fashion doll body? Also, they have a new sculpt, Elise
    13. I like her! But I don't neeeeeed her right now.... Are you planning to get one @IngieBee ?
    14. I'm tempted to get another DollMore FMD head but i just don't get along well with dollmore bodies. But I think maybe this doll is a bit wide in the shoulders and neck, though I'm still thinking about it :) I currently have 2 DM FMDs on Withdoll bodies which I absolutely love. The nice thing is this Impl body has small hands which would work for DM FMD small heads well?? I dunno :D
    15. I found a Eva second hand! Wooo I'm excited. I don't know if I'll use the Eva head or if I switch it out for one of my floating heads. I've never had a doll with shoulder joints like this so I'm pretty curious. I'll post when she arrives!
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    16. I would really LOVE a body review @skyealloway , please? :love And super congratulations :D
    17. Does anyone have the fashion body and a souldoll msd head they could take a photo of it on, by chance? I am curious how such a hybrid might look like! Sometimes souldoll heads sit far up on the neck, which makes me a little wary of ordering the body for myself right now. ^^;
    18. Hey people, I wondered if anyone would share photos of their Elise if you've got one? Pretty please?:blush
    19. @IngieBee ah I'm terrible - I don't think I ever replied to your request for a body review!

      The body is sturdy and holds poses well without issue. But the posing, particularly in the arms, is a bit limited. A lot of my fashion scale MSD either have a rounded elbow joint (Raccoondoll) allowing the arms to cross in front of the torso, or a split elbow peanut (SartoriaJ) allowing the same motion. Sadly, my main complaint with the Impldoll body is there is just no rotation available in the elbow to allow this movement.

      I really like the neck joint having movement at the base of the neck, allows for some nice natural looking head movements. The shoulders are fun but don't look as good in all outfits. I also really like that overall the body is slightly slimmer than most fashion scale dolls, it means she can wear clothes from every company and look good in them. They aren't skin tight on her, so her movement isn't limited.

      I really like her as a hybrid with my jjdoll lab Hecena head, I almost can't imagine the original Eva head on this body anymore!
      [​IMG]TarMeena at the shop by Skyealloway, on Flickr
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