1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Impulse Puchases: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Oct 27, 2010

    1. Haha since I belonged here
      What was your worst impulse buy decision and what happened in the end? (Sold, kept, etc)
      My crobi tori. I bought him in 2017. It's hurtful that I can't give him the love that he deserves... I'm going to put him on sale when I got time. ToT
      What did you learn from this experience?
      Research.. Begging myself.. look at the original sculpt without face up...
      What was your best impulse buy decision and why?
      What would you say to someone on the verge of an impulse purchase?
      My friend.. Be sure that you truly love the sculpt. But if it's limited.. Go for it.. *cries
    2. As far as actual dolls, my Fairyland Rens full set I just got is my only impulse buy. I had fallen in love with her when she first came out, but resigned myself to eventually getting a basic one when I could afford it. But when DDE had their Dolly Delirium week and I saw they had a full set in stock, and during a Fairyland event no less, I ended up jumping on it. After I hit that purchase confirmation button I was super nervous all day and night, so much so that I felt kind of woozy when I thought about what I'd done.

      But soon enough I calmed down and now I'm enjoying her very much. I'm probably going to sell most of her outfit and accessories to offset the cost and I'm going to have to sell some of my old dolls to pay off the credit card, but I'm very happy with her and I'm going to keep her.

      What I learned is impulse buys don't have to be a bad thing, as long as you have a way to afford it and it's something you really want. I've actually been bad with small impulse buys in the past and learned to stop before going to the checkout and asking myself a few questions-
      Is this something you really want to own or do you just want to "look with your hands?"
      Is this something you would regret passing up?
      Can you wait to get this later, maybe when it's on sale, or will it be unavailable soon?
      Can you afford it?
      Will you do something with it or will it sit and gather dust?
      I would advise other impulse buyers to pause and ask themselves these kinds of questions before making a purchase too.
      • x 4
    3. What was your worst impulse buy decision and what happened in the end? (Sold, kept, etc)
      My worse impulse buy decision was buying a doll similar to my grail doll back then. I was looking for that sad limited Custom House Hani which you can see at my avatar. I created a post in my local bjd-community, looking for owner who is able to sell her to me. But obviously I didn't find what I wanted. Then I received a message from a women who wanted to sell me Custom House Gabi. I was so desperate that I impulsely purchased her.
      When I received the package, I was so disappointed with her. Her sculpt seemed awful to me. Her poseability level was zero. So I ordered a creepy makeup with bloody tears for her, I frankensteined her with other tiny doll, but nothing worked, and I just kept her away. (Poor doll...)
      More than two years later I came across her. I felt so sorry for her. I un-hybridized (Is there such a word?) her, put her back on her own body. I ordered a new pretty makeup for her. And now I love her. She still is not that doll I wanted so much, but she is beautiful in her own way.
      What did you learn from this experience?
      I learned that somehow the owner makes the doll too, after respected and hard original creator's work. I mean, you see your doll in the way you want to. You make a blank doll individual and alive, and you decide, love them or hate them.
      What would you say to someone on the verge of an impulse purchase?
      Please wait a bit more. Get some sleep, switch your mind. Some time can save you money and nerves.
      • x 2
    4. I'm definitely a bad noodle when it comes to impulse buys :sweat But I really generally feel like they aren't a bad thing, enjoyment-wise. Space-wise and money wise, maybe...

      What was your worst impulse buy decision and what happened in the end? (Sold, kept, etc)

      Probably my Dollzone Bertha head! I bought her when she and a ton of other 1/6 sculpts were being discontinued, since I'd had my eye on her for a while and never seen her secondhand. I still love the sculpt, but by the time she actually arrived I had fallen out of love with 1/6 scale dolls in general. I sort of feel like I bought her just because it was my last chance, and didn't have any plans for her...

      I'm still holding out hope that I'll find an ~45cm body with a small enough neck to suit her... I don't care if she looks like she's got a tiny head, so long as she's 1/4 scale. (Maybe the Island Doll Hidden island body? Hm.)

      What did you learn from this experience?
      Basically? 1/6 dolls aren't for me anymore. That's it. I don't really regret buying her, since she is absurdly rare to find and I do still love her sculpt. It wasn't a bad experience generally, even though it was technically my worst.

      What was your best impulse buy decision and why?
      Either the modded DC Delia head I bought on here because I felt sorry for it or the 2 fire damaged MSDs I bought off ebay because I felt sorry for them. Mostly because I just bonded really strongly to all of them.

      What did you learn from this experience?
      I'm a bleeding heart. Also, "damaged" dolls can be just as good as brand new. Or better, in the case of the Delia head.

      What would you say to someone on the verge of an impulse purchase?
      Just... at least be sure you're getting a good value so you can sell it reasonably easily and not lose a ton? I dunno, man. If I knew how to curb impulse purchases I wouldn't be in this situation lol
      #104 0bsequi0us, Dec 11, 2018
      Last edited: Dec 11, 2018
      • x 2
    5. What was your worst impulse buy decision and what happened in the end? (Sold, kept, etc)
      Was feeling impatient and wanted a body for one of my dolls and ordered a resinsoul 1/3 body because Denver Doll had it in-stock. Like right after I ordered, someone I contacted about a different 1/3 body on the marketplace got back to me. I thought the doll wasn't available, but it turned out the seller was just on vacation. :doh

      Turned out the resinsoul body super duper didn't work for what I wanted and the prportions looked even thinner in person like I thought I could maybe make it work from the measurements, but it was just no.

      Thankfully DDE let me exchange it for store credit which I put towards a 70cm body that I need for another doll. But boy that was... spending more monies than planned all at once. :shudder

      What did you learn from this experience?
      Don't pick the "almost right"

      What was your best impulse buy decision and why?
      Akagidoll Ban. I love this head so much this character might get their own body instead of sharing. I am weak for $25 heads lol.

      What did you learn from this experience?
      I think it swing me back to stylization, my previous few dolls are more realistic.

      What would you say to someone on the verge of an impulse purchase?
      Figure out if you want it because it's available or because it's a perfect fit.

      On a smaller scale, I'm weak for eyeballs and it's like "oh it's just $10-$15 eyes! No big deal" is like... some day my brain will understand what 10 pairs of $10-15 eyes means lol
      • x 2
    6. What was your worst impulse buy decision and what happened in the end? (Sold, kept, etc)
      A mirodoll body just because it was a lot cheaper than most SD bodies. I ended up selling it because the poseability was really bad and the resin match was way off lmao

      What did you learn from this experience?
      To not settle for something just because it’s cheaper. You gotta buy something you intend to keep for the reason that you really like it.

      What was your best impulse buy decision and why? My Irrealdoll Nur. He was a grail doll that I never thought I’d own so when I had the opportunity, I jumped right to it.

      What did you learn from this experience? Sometimes you just gotta go with your gutfeel haha

      What would you say to someone on the verge of an impulse purchase? Ask for second opinions from your friends and/or loved ones! :)
    7. What was your worst impulse buy decision and what happened in the end? (Sold, kept, etc)

      I bought an Iplehouse Edan head in a split on eBay (the body it was sold with didn’t have the joints I wanted). This wasn’t the best transaction overall – the head arrived damaged from where the seller had sanded the face-up off. Given that Edan isn’t super limited or hard to come by, I wish I’d waited. I still have him, but I’m considering selling him.

      What did you learn from this experience?

      Be patient! I think I was just ready to bring him home, but honestly, I wasn’t in the best place financially and it was a disappointing transaction. I also learned to keep my doll buying on DOA or from the company.

      What was your best impulse buy decision and why?

      I had WTB threads on the marketplace for a couple of rare artist heads. Keep in mind that I had never seen either of these dolls for sale secondhand in span of 4-5 years, so I was expecting a long wait. I got PMs from sellers for both heads within a couple of months of each other, haha! I bought both of them. They still need bodies and eyes but I’m grateful to have them for when I can devote money/attention to them.

      What did you learn from this experience?

      There are certain dolls that won’t wait for you, but it takes experience to know which those are. I have one credit card I devote solely to doll purchases and I’m very strict about it.

      What would you say to someone on the verge of an impulse purchase?

      Don’t impulse buy basic or unlimited sculpts – save for those and follow through.
      • x 1
    8. What was your worst impulse buy decision and what happened in the end? (Sold, kept, etc)
      Got myself an April Story the first time they said they were discontinuing everything at like 2 in the morning when I should have been asleep. After time I realized they ALWAYS had a huge sale going and they weren't actually discontinuing bodies at any point in time which has made me unreasonable irritation. It's all I can think about when I look at the body. I also ordered the wrong bust size :doh

      The body ended up not working out for my plans anyway, so I got a different (significantly more expensive, ouch) body that I liked more anyway and eventually I'll sell the april story one. It's just in its box right now.

      What did you learn from this experience?

      Shell out for what you really want. Save up, use layaway, go through service that offers longer layaways like BJDivas, whatever you've gotta do. This is an expensive luxury hobby anyway, I'm not going to compromise on what I want. And that means buy the $600 body instead of the $300 body sometimes.

      What was your best impulse buy decision and why?
      Midsummer night soom Sard. When he was released I slept on it for, I think, one night and ordered him with layaway the very next day. I think that still counts as an impulse purchase. I love him, and my BF and I had been working together a lot on his styling and character which makes him just that extra bit more special!

      What did you learn from this experience?
      Run the purchase past my impulse control (BF). He's got an innate sense for when I want a thing because it's in front of me and affordable, and when I actually really want a thing and would be truly disappointed to miss it that I will never understand.

      What would you say to someone on the verge of an impulse purchase?
      Take some time to think about it and analyze WHY you want it. It can help if you have someone you can talk to who can help you figure out if this impulse is a whim or not. A few things I'll ask myself if I'm thinking of a purchase I maybe shouldn't make are...

      1) Do I want, or already plan to get something similar? If yes, do I have a favorite between the two?
      2) Am I alright with the amount of space this new thing will occupy in my home?
      3) Does this money need to go to something more important like groceries or rent? (this should be number one :sweat)
      4) I've decided I cannot have the thing. Sleep on it. Now how do I feel about it?
      5) Sleeping on it is generally good advice, give yourself a few days if you can. Make your choice when you are alert, awake, and clear headed.
      6) Am I willing to pay an inflated price for it second hand? If it's on sale, would I be willing to pay full price? If no, you might just be excited right now and may regret spending the money later.
      • x 2
    9. What was your worst impulse buy decision and what happened in the end? (Sold, kept, etc)
      This one is a doozy.. after I got laid off from my job last year I had this rebound moment where I walked into Denver Doll Emporuim (I am local to their physical store) and I bought an in-stock Resinsoul Mei and walked out having spent 200+ dollars. Later I realized she wasn't the type of doll I liked in my collection so I sold her 2 months later :( I did get my money back for her though

      What did you learn from this experience?

      Maybe don't spend so much money after just losing your job... also I realized the direction I wanted my collection to go, which is great

      What was your best impulse buy decision and why?
      I bought a cria alpaca wig for $100.. a friend of mine was selling it and it was love at first sight. It helped me make and complete a solid character.

      What did you learn from this experience?
      I learned that in order to have a successful character, I need a wig first and foremost to base the faceup on.

      What would you say to someone on the verge of an impulse purchase?

      Just do it! Worst case scenario you'll sell the item/doll.
      • x 1
    10. What was your worst impulse buy decision and what happened in the end? (Sold, kept, etc)
      I'm inordinately lucky with my impulse purchases, at least as far as dolls go. I guess my worst impulse buy recently was a BH Steve who was a great price on the MP and who I still have no idea what to do with, no space to display him, so there he sits naked in his box in the hall closet. I'm happy to have him and am lucky enough that I'm under no financial pressure to sell him, but there's no reason I had to buy him when I did instead of waiting another year or so when I'd have more space, you know? Steve's aren't so rare that I wouldn't have found another one.

      What did you learn from this experience?

      I'm a slow learner, lol. That hit of dopamine that comes with getting something new wears off all the faster once you realize you have no idea what to do with your new shiny, though.

      What was your best impulse buy decision and why?
      Also on the MP, I ran across a big BB hybrid that I bought after about five minutes' thought. I had no prior interest in big BBs, and I don't know that I need any more, but I'm quite happy to have this particular guy. He's unique in my collection, and considering he came with both jointed hands and a really nice artist faceup he was a bargain.

      What did you learn from this experience?
      Sometimes it's okay to just get a doll you like, provided you have the money to spare. It took a while to come up with a concept/character since I usually go the other way around, but it's fun to try doing things differently in this hobby.

      What would you say to someone on the verge of an impulse purchase?

      Something I try to ask myself as I'm hovering over the 'buy' button is whether I'm just indulging in retail therapy. Do I really want the doll because I think I'll enjoy having and working on it, or am I just bored, stressed, tired, or sad about something unrelated? If I still want something after I've had time away and slept on it, then I can move forward, but I try not to use buying things as self-care if I can catch myself. So my advice would be to check in with how you're feeling at that moment that you just have to have something, and figure out what you think buying it will accomplish.
      • x 1
    11. What was your worst impulse buy decision and what happened in the end? (Sold, kept, etc)

      I made the mistake of joining a split for a Soom Lucky based purely on the fact that I thought the resin color was cute. I didn't bond with her, so I gave her to my mother, who likes making wigs for her.

      What did you learn from this experience?
      Just because the doll is a pretty color doesn't mean I should get it unless I know more about what I want it to look like.

      What was your best impulse buy decision and why?

      I saw a glorious doll lying naked on someon's bed at Dollism, she was incredibly floppy and incredibly beautiful. I bought her immediately then took her next door to buy a wig from the guy who was selling wigs. She is beautiful.

      What did you learn from this experience?

      Impulse purchases are okay as long as you know what you want to do with the doll.

      What would you say to someone on the verge of an impulse purchase?

      Stop and think about what you want to do with the doll. Are you getting it because you like one thing about it, or are you getting it because you have a plan for it? Even if the plan for it came about because you looked at the doll and went oh I saw a wig for it ten minutes ago I'm getting this doll so I can get that wig, a plan is better than no plan at all.
      • x 1
    12. What was your worst impulse buy decision and what happened in the end? (Sold, kept, etc)
      Thankfully no bad impulse purchases, but I did make an impulse trade. Long story short, I'm still waiting six months later. Thankfully it's not anything urgent (just clothing) and my side of the trade was handmade but not sentimental, so eh could have been worse.

      What did you learn from this experience?
      No more trades. :lol:

      What was your best impulse buy decision and why?

      It's not here yet, but my Noble Dolls Rivanone! I never thought I'd get a hold of that doll but YAY for being wrong! I was asking my friend if I should buy it as I was buying it. XD

      What did you learn from this experience?
      The best kinds of friends are the ones who enable you support your decisions so you can get items you have long been coveting with zero guilt. :aangel: I'll have something better to say once the doll actually arrives!

      What would you say to someone on the verge of an impulse purchase?
      Probably just whisper, "Do it! Do it! Do it!" while they're looking. But really, if it's something you LOVE and it's not going to be a financial burden for you, go for it! If you have to do anything like fall back on bills/rent or just live really tightly for a little while, don't do it. At the end of the day, dolls are "wants" not "needs" and you shouldn't sacrifice necessities in life over "wants". You'll get a second chance one day!
    13. What was your worst impulse buy decision and what happened in the end? (Sold, kept, etc)
      I bought a Kanadoll Eden head a day or less after finding out about its existence because the artist preorder was about to start and I thought it would be a good substitute for the head I really wanted as that one could only be gotten secondhand and I did not like the markup. Almost as soon as I got it I had to admit it was not right and I quickly sold it and used the money to buy the head I wanted from the start.

      What did you learn from this experience?

      Substitutes don't work. You know what you really want.

      What was your best impulse buy decision and why?

      I'd been wanting a tiny goblin for a while, but nothing out there was right, so I gave up. A month or two later, DHS Aldou came out and I had less than 24 hours to make a decision. I slept on it, then waited at the website an hour before the sale and made my purchase. Nothing else has come as close to what I wanted as her, so that was really my one chance.

      What did you learn from this experience?

      If it's something you've been wanting, it will probably work out. I've realized that the sculpts I ultimately get and like have been sitting in the back of my mind for a while.

      What would you say to someone on the verge of an impulse purchase?

      Think about it. Try to ignore the pressure to get it now now now! Why do you want it? Is it something you've been wanting for a while? Something you have a concept for? Or is it solely fear of missing out?
    14. What was your worst impulse buy decision and what happened in the end? (Sold, kept, etc)
      Fantasy Doll Mathan. He is my only boy doll. I love him! But I just Don't Know what to do with him! I am keeping him, but he is in his box put away, unlike the rest of my dolls.
      What did you learn from this experience?
      Don't rush into buys just because they are cheap....
      What was your best impulse buy decision and why?
      I got a fullset Withdoll Penn! SHE IS SO CUTE. The BEST purchase I've made in a while.
      What did you learn from this experience?
      Sometimes rushing is okay?
      What would you say to someone on the verge of an impulse purchase?
      ...How much money do you have in your bank account?
    15. What was your worst impulse buy decision and what happened in the end? (Sold, kept, etc)
      The Only Doll Yunan head that I bought, just to complete a doll. (I had a floating head that needed a body, in the beginning, but then I got a better body and had this poor headless thing instead...) I still have her, and she's adorable enough, but just don't have any strong feelings for her. If I had a little more motivation, I'd put her up for sale.

      What did you learn from this experience?
      You don't have to complete the whole doll, if that's not where your interests lay.

      What was your best impulse buy decision and why?
      My second and third KID Lisa dolls -- the second was offered second-hand, and the third was one of IH's auction dolls with a custom face-up, and I just fell hard for them.

      What did you learn from this experience?
      When I fall for a sculpt, I really fall for it!

      What would you say to someone on the verge of an impulse purchase?
      If you can afford it, go for it!
    16. What was your worst impulse buy decision and what happened in the end? (Sold, kept, etc)

      Oddly enough, CLOTHES. I’d see something, go OMG CUTE WANT, buy it, and it just...doesn’t work out as I had in mind. I think most of the clothes for my Dollmore Ipsae fall in that spot. The clothes Dollmore had at the time for her just don’t fit my feeling of what my girl should be now. It’s also a very easy thing to be impulsive about. Doll clothes are cheap when you look at the price of the dolls themselves. 200 dollars for a bunch of outfits? The doll was 1500....I CAN DO THIS EASY!

      I haven’t sold anything I’ve bought. That said, I’ve considered selling things very cheaply in person, or to just up and give things to someone if I don’t want to bother with a sale, or if the sale would not be worth the time and effort. I’d rather give someone something I’m not using anymore than try to sell it and make nothing, especially with really insignificant things or things that are not in the highest quality condition.

      What did you learn from this experience?

      Watch out for the “easy” purchases. Bookmark them first. Wait it out. Come back to it a few times and think about it. Think about the visuals and style you are going for and ask yourself if it will fit into the end goal, especially if the intent contributes to a longer term look. This can probably go for dolls too, but stuff FOR dolls...clothes, wigs, eyes...they are rabbit hole that is easy to fall into.

      What was your best impulse buy decision and why?

      Hard to say, really, though making the decision to go for my first one-off probably ranks pretty high. He was a sculpt I really wanted, and I had no idea I’d be drawn for him. He was very much a “what the heck, let’s do it” moment. But I did take the time to think about a little first, because I didn’t walk in PLANNING to go for a one-off! I spent a lot of time sitting at the table before (and after) he was drawn going “okay, I can make this work...”

      What did you learn from this experience?

      Take a deep breath. Think about it. If it’s a big purchase, think about budget and all those silly “realistic” things, especially if you know you will be in a situation where you have to act quicky, such as for a limited item. Often the pressure of limited numbers or opportunity push us to do rash things. Just because the window is there doesn’t mean you have to jump through it immediately. Doesn’t mean you SHOULDN’T, but don’t jump blind.

      What would you say to someone on the verge of an impulse purchase?

      Think it out. Even if it’s for two to five minutes. Do you have the money? Do you have the space? Are you buying this thing because it really fits, or is it just because it’s a good deal? Ask yourself as many questions as possible, don’t let the pressure of a limited moment stress you into a purchase you may regret later.

      > I’m only answering the below because while I HAVE made some impulse purchases, I have gotten better about such things.. I guess I’m a “recovering impulse buyer”? XD

      What do you think of impulse purchases?

      They are OK if they are not something you are constantly doing. Sometimes you don’t know a thing is what you want or need until it’s right there in front of you. Just be mindful of yourself and how OFTEN you are making them.

      What keeps you from making them?

      BUDGET!! Okay, budget and space. I don’t have a lot of space, so I can’t currently keep my dolls on display (probably better for their resin health and care anyway). New doll means new need to figure out where it’s going to go, and I’m running out of options under my bed. Same with clothes; I am a LOT stricter now about why I am getting an outfit for a doll, because I don’t want something that will get worn for a bit and then go in a box to be forgotten.
    17. What was your worst impulse buy decision and what happened in the end? (Sold, kept, etc)
      Maybe the worst wasn't really an impulsive purchase, I was thinking on it for long, but it was a bad economic moment for me so from the beginning that purchase was a bad idea. Was a Dollshe 28M Rey Lewis in grey skin, around three or four months after received him I decided to sell him... Almost 4 kg of boy, special measurements, too big, too realistic compared to the rest of my collection, was too much bad points for me...

      What did you learn from this experience?

      If is a bad economic moment, it isn't the time for that purchase, I will find reasons for don't keep it. Also, never is enough information about the doll that I think I want so I have to take enough time for decide if I really want it, if I really will enjoy it and if it really will match fine in my collection.

      What was your best impulse buy decision and why?
      My Lillycat Ellana in Pink Tan skin.

      What did you learn from this experience?
      She's simply perfect, was a doll for me since the very first moment. Inmediatly, I had a clear idea for her style but also I discovered that she was sold out. My heart almost brokes... Daily, I started to follow Lillycat's profile in social media and days after, appeared 2 remaining dolls from two persons who didn't place the payment on time. There was the option of pay in layaway, so I throw myself to the pool! :D

      What would you say to someone on the verge of an impulse purchase?
      With doll, I believe in love at first sign so I never will judge anyone for an impulse buy but, stop yourself, take your time and think carefully if you really want it. :3nodding:
    18. I'm not sure if I can comment on a thread that is several years old, but I wanted to comment.

      What was your worst impulse buy decision and what happened in the end? (Sold, kept, etc)

      I wouldn't say it was the worse impulse buy, but a very stressful one. I had no idea Lord of Jotunheim – Zak : Artist Ver. was releasing. I knew a soom tiger doll was releasing and I planned to buy that, but then I checked idealian and saw it was the face sculpt I liked and the skin color I wanted.

      I changed my mind and bought the doll I didn't plan to buy impulsively rushing because last time idealian had a limited doll I missed out on. Last time I tried to use layaway for a limited item and didn't know why it wasn't working. I think because it was limited to I think it was 2 or 5 dolls layway on check out wouldn't work.

      As a result, it sold out. Zak wasn't selling out fast, but I felt rushed and I didn't really understand what their reponse meant when I spoke to them, so I made a mistake paying in thinking I was suppose to pay in full first then ask for layaway.

      It got resolved with no one getting angry with me, so I give idealian a 100 out of 10. I am very happy with my doll and plan to keep it.

      What did you learn from this experience?
      After joining the hobby. I thought everyone was nice, but I learned people can get upset about things I didn't expect them to get upset about. One person was irate with me, not on doa, on a different platform because I have a hard time understanding and kept asking for clarification.

      Anyway, I am now am scared to ask for clarification or post anything because I really hate making people upset. I feel like I am really bad when I end up unintentionally offending someone with my lack of understanding and poor communication skills.
      I was feeling a little bit confident with posting and speaking to people on my own instead of avoiding chatting, but the little confidence I built up is completely gone now and I feel guilty to strangers when they get upset with me.

      Luckily, Idealian was super nice and helped me, and allowed me to do layaway. That was really nice of them. I really love the doll I have on layaway. I am not always sure why people are upset, but I don't want anyone upset or hurt or make things worse so I pretend I understand why they are upset. I'm still not sure why that person was so irate with me on a different platform. I was really relieved when idealian was understanding I was scared they would be angry or upset.

      I thought they might react like that previous person did, was it a year or two ago. Wow I've been in this hobby for I think two or three years. I have a lot to learn. I don't recall when it actually was. It was long enough it is fuzzy in my mind, but not too long enough that the feeling of anxiety is still there.

      Everytime I interact with someone relating to dolls I am extremely scared and anxious wondering if they will get angry or upset then feeling guilty forever. Anyway, that person I had a bad experience with I don't buy from that seller anymore. I'm sure that seller was just having a bad day and took it out on me. I am not going to name that seller because I dont want to ruin anything for anyone. Because we only have one life on earth it's best not to ruin people's lives over things that will pass. That is what I learned. I pushed the experience out of my head, but idealian was so nice I went on to think about that bad experience for some time. I don't know why.

      What was your best impulse buy decision and why?
      My best impulse buy would definitely be Distant Memory head. I made a plan to take a break from buying dolls, but distant memory released rm's head and I was so excited. I planned to buy distant memory even before I officially got into the hobby. I wanted bts distant memory heads for a long time. I'm glad the first member I bought was the leader of bts.

      What did you learn from this experience?
      That sometimes impulse buys are okay, but don't do it often because then you might not be able to stop shopping for your cute dolls and continue to splurge on them. You might find yourself thinking your doll needs a family, friends, accessories, etc. Then the purchases keep continuing and that's how you end up becoming a doll hoarder.

      What would you say to someone on the verge of an impulse purchase?
      Does your doll really need that extra wig or whatever it is you might want to buy for them. There might be a better doll if you save up for that one doll instead of buying on a whim. There is always something better out there, so don't get upset if you didn't get that limited item for your doll or miss out on a doll you desperately wanted at the moment. Don't be stupid like me and rush accidentally paying a large sum of money. It worked out for me, but I don't want to go through that experience again. I feel guilty because I inconvenienced them and wasted their time for my mistake. Idealian was extremely nice and helpful.

      I didn't realize I was in this hobby for two to three years. I only recently joined doa. I have lots to learn. I don't think I even remember the seller name anymore. I would really recommend not to impulse buy too often especially whe you are tired and haven't slept in a few days. You should sleep first and then make your decision. Also if you really have to go bathroom don't hold it in because there is 30 minutes before the release of a doll. That just makes you make you rush and not think clearly. I always get nervous at release times.

      Don't feel so pressured because it is limited order period. You have time to think about whether you really want that doll. If it's limited quantity I suggest you think quickly, but carefully. I took too long with Illusion garden hades. I had plenty of time to think about if I really wanted him. It turns out I did, but I took long on pondering on whether to buy him I only got his regular Hades head, and missed out on getting a second to make them twins.
      #118 Forever We Are Young, Apr 8, 2022
      Last edited: Apr 8, 2022
    19. Volks Luna head for $60, amazing!! Oh no it was actually just for her eyes and I hadn't read the listing properly before hitting 'buy'

      Most expensive pair of eyes I didn't want
    20. I should start off by saying that I’m blessed (or cursed, depending upon how you look at it) with an overly creative imagination. So the beauty of it is if I see a doll that really interests me, a character will quickly spring to mind. Within a very short span of time, I will know if it’s a character I want to bring home…a simply “must have” whose ideas are growing…or just a fun, quick and loose exercise in imagination.;) This allows me to make a decision on a doll fairly quickly, and protects me from regrets. From my many years in this hobby I have, of course, occasionally sold dolls, but always in an effort to refine my collection and never from a regrettable purchase.

      What was your best impulse buy decision and why?
      Hands down, my Dollzone Anson (see avatar,) When I first saw her in the news section here on DoA, my jaw literally dropped!:o I had never envisioned such a doll even being possible, but my mind immediately went into overdrive imagining her character, the artwork I would do on her petals, the clothes I would make for her, etc. My desire to bring her home was instantaneous…literally seconds! I had to wait for my doll dealer to activate her buy button, and once they did, I purchased her so fast, I swear smoke was rising from my keyboard! Dollzone suddenly canceled the sculpt only 3 months later do to breakage of those delicate petals in shipping, and so many who wanted her missed out. I wound up rebuilding my entire collection around this single doll…and thus wound up with the collection of my dreams.

      What did you learn from this experience?
      Life is short. If your heart is really moved by a doll’s overall presence, then go for it! (Assuming you can pull it off financially of course…one must be practical in these things.) In time, you won’t miss those carefully juggled funds, but you will miss the experience of a doll that truly spoke to your soul.

      What would you say to someone on the verge of an impulse purchase?
      Is that doll just another pretty face, or do they fulfill an important place in your future collection’s story? Pretty faces are sold all the time, so there’s no need to rush a decision. When you see a character, a sibling, a love interest, or a best friend in that doll…that’s the time to buy. Then you will never be sorry. A perfect example for me is the now long discontinued Iplehouse Luo. I thought he was the most gorgeous BJD guy I’d ever laid eyes on. But no character sprang to mind, no desire for styling, nothing other than his “hubba-hubba” manly good looks to draw me to him. I lusted after that sculpt for years, but deep down I knew I’d just never commit. Even to this day I think of him fondly in a wistful way, and I’ve never seen a sculpt so handsome. But I somehow knew deep down in my heart he wouldn’t fit into my crew. The handsome Luts Elf Storm however…yeah, fullset purchased within minutes of his release!
      #120 PoeticSoul, Apr 8, 2022
      Last edited: Apr 8, 2022
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