1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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In love with a discontinued sculpt

Jan 26, 2017

    1. This is exactly what happened to me too. I want an Iplehouse Lee so much, so I have to see if I can find one second hand.
    2. I kinda gave up on her so she's not officially on the wish list, but if I ever spot Doll Zone Baixuan in the marketplace I'll snatch her up posthaste!
    3. Oh man! I'd just about kill for a Lillycat Ellana! And about a dozen others!
    4. I'll say I was lucky a few times..

      But mostly mine are limited which I got them 2nd hand on DOA.

      Only 1 which was recent, was discontinued due to a damaged mold in their factory. Pygmalion Allen. I was all excited abt him but then found out he was discontinued.. I immediately got onto DOA, and walaaaaa! Someone is selling his head!!! Without hesitation, PMed and now he is with me!

      Currently still looking out for Soom teenie Yarn.. So hard to find him.. T.T
    5. Yeah, there is this one head I really liked, and it pops up often enough... At increasing markups. I did not like it enough for that, so I looked for a head with a similar aesthetic and finally found one I liked. Still waiting to see if it will work out.
    6. I uselessly don't buy discontinued dolls unless I really want it. Hope you found it. <3 I go for in stock dolls.
    7. For me it's a Soom Roxen also a Soom Puss in Boots (baby, cat ver). I feel in love with both sculpts. I haven't found either secondhand which is really disappointing.
    8. I've certainly liked discontinued dolls before, maybe even some of them enough to look for. But they're all obscured by one doll: Fairyland MiniFee Ruth. Ruth is a smiling doll, not opened mouth, but a smile is definitely on that face and I've got a real love for dolls that look happy. Ruth was discontinued for 'maintenance' in 2015 along with many other early sculpts. A few of those have come back. The less popular ones? I'm still waiting. Ruth wasn't a super popular Minifee when I first got into dolls and now I never see one on the MP when I do bother to look - the issue is I'm not financially able to make a real search right now. Well I was, but I kept myself from having more discontinued love torn sculpts instead. My severe love of foxes helps me not regret this decision :lol:

      Worst of all, I wanted Ruth on a female body. Either Fairyland finally brings back the last of their 'discontinued for maintenance' Minifees or I'm going to have some work getting a head and a body that will sort of match. At least the body might actually be the easy part!
    9. I've been in love with Volks Williams for so long now. I saw him once at Yahoo Japan and here at DoA marketplace but he was way too expensive for me. He's kind of my grail doll. But I don't give up hope! Someday, I'll be able to have him :love
    10. Replying again to say: don't ever underestimate the secondhand market. In the past two months, I've found a head that was EXTREMELY rare and discontinued in 2005, and I put up a WTB for another head I'd never even seen for sale that was made once in 2012. Within a week, I had someone offering to sell me the head. Don't give up hope, stalk the secondhand markets on DOA/FB/nstagram, and eventually you'll get lucky!
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    11. I consider myself lucky! I was able to snag a secondhand Fairyland Juri '14, which was a limited event sculpt!

      I am quite smitten with some other limited sculpts though, including Souldoll Junia! If she were to come up for sale on the secondhand market, I'd no doubt pounce on the opportunity!
    12. Ugh, my first doll I really looked up upon is a limted sculpt that is also hard to find! Like, how high are the chances of falling in love with such a rare sculpt right in the beginning of the bjd hobby? *sob sob* I usually cope with this by thinking that when i have the money I will totally find him... although in reality I have extremely low hopes. I usually just look at doll pictures of that sculpt to cheer me up. What a sad life.
    13. I like the process / wait of searching for a discountined doll though. It gives me more time to calm down and see if my interest in the doll would waver.
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    14. It's indeed terrible! I'm trying to find at least a similar sculpt that would be available, but no luck!
    15. There is an old Soom girl that I would love to find her name is Alice and she is an SD.
    16. I wish I could find the one I really want which is a dollstown Hue but to no avail. ;A; maybe one day in the future I can get them. ;A;
    17. My grail is a Noble Doll Raspberry. There is no coping. Only crying. Crying and praying that she goes on the second hand market.
    18. I've rarely gotten worked up if a doll wasn't available to me anymore, but there were a few I kept an ear up for. I've been lucky as the ones I searched for often got rereleases that contributed to my getting them.

      My only complex one was both the Soom Vesuvia body and the Galena face, both of which I had liked but couldn't justify at the times they came out (plus Vesuvia's purple made it hard to switch out). End of 2011 rolled around and Soom did a pick-your-own face/body/tone release with both of them available. I gladly snatched up the mix I wanted.
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    19. I feel your pain :...( my grail doll was a limited (as in 7 day order period) artist doll and my second grail is by the same artist and even more rare and expensive. Good luck getting your dolls home babe :thumbup
    20. I want a Venitu so badly, but when they were re-released I was broke. I may never be able to get him, sadly :(