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Inkling discussion part 1

Oct 22, 2010

    1. EEEE! Got my Inkling today :D :D :D

      She was a little put out, though. The wigs I bought were too big, the shoes were huge, the clothes were too small, and she had to sit in a *gasp* sock dress (oh the horror! lol) while I went shopping.

      I did, however, immediately sit down and make her a wig. Surprisingly enough, the first pattern I made fits her PERFECTLY *whew*

      And all of this while I need to be packing and getting ready to leave for vacation tomorrow >.< But this little one demanded it.


      I am so thrilled with her :D

      And the outfit she is wearing is a new Bratz PJ outfit. I'm hoping to take her with me on vacation & sew some clothes for her during the week.
    2. Congratulations, Tiarah. Your Inkling is adorable! I'm so glad she arrived in time for your holiday <3
    3. Yay!! I love those Pyjamas Tiarah - she is adorable!!!! dont tell but I'm chopping up socks as we speak for Diva to wear when she arrives between fittings of her new wardrobe LOL (yes yes the horror here too;))
    4. Tiarah, she looks stunning :D Have a great vacation, hope you take some nice holiday shots of her :)
    5. O.O OMG so many dolls...so little cash. I love it!:thumbup
      I may have to get out my sculpting tools and do something about making my own dolls.
      ;)Keep up the great work.:abow:
    6. I should be getting my Inkling tomorrow! Her wig is still in commission though. :( I need to find my hand-sewing needles so I can try to make her little sundress! :D
    7. I am eagerly waiting for pix as they arrive with you all, very excited to see a brand new doll and how people style her!!
    8. Excellent to see the first Inkling arrive! Those PJs are cute :)
    9. :DYAY TIARAH!!! SHE IS LOVELY!!!:aheartbea And GREAT job on the wig-WOW, your first try!!! I happen to love the bratz stuff, and it's cost...have fun and take care!!!

    10. She is so cute, and your box opening was too! I looked back in posts but somehow missed which wig this was, it is very lovely and full. I bet everyone is looking around with new eyes for scale with her tiny-but grown-up-ness.
    11. Congrats on the arrivals. I can't wait for mine to arrive.
    12. She has another wig I got from eBay which was rather scanty and blecch so I ordered a couple of Puki wigs from DDE:


      I got one for Ribsy, which you see in the shoots, and another in the grey/white combination for the next Inkling to come someday.

      My eyes are on this page for the day DDE restocks, because although the wigs are a little big, they do work great with a bit of padding. I stuck a blob of the silicon ear plug goop I use to secure eyes on her head and plopped the wig on. I just hope the goop doesn't damage the wig.

      It's a scientific experiment! (cue mad scientist cackle and neon retort bubbling)

      What I could use is another pair of eyes. Aimee wasn't kidding when she said it would be mind numbing to put all the eyes in those Inklings. It took me nearly half an hour to get Ribsy's in without her looking either dead or stoned. For sure I'm not switching them from faceplate to faceplate. Once I was happy with the insertion I wanted to cement them in, like the oldest Volks dolls.

      Are they size three or size four? And can we buy more from Seed Dolls or is there another source that we need to use?

      Can't WAIT to see everyone's girls! I have Inkling fever SO bad :P
    13. I too can't wait to see all the new girls with all of their many different personalities!
      A tip on the eye putting in, I use my hemostats. They help out a TON. :)
    14. Spampers, you are as wise as you are beautiful! I kept my blood pressure kit and the Ingersol watch that pinned to my bib apron (I was a British Nurse) but I never thought I'd need forceps or hemostats after I retired from that profession. I wasn't anticipating kitchen table surgery here in the States.

      Guess I was wrong!
    15. Good advice, I have some hemostats, theyre very handy for fiddly doll things. Congrats on your Inkling, Im number six on the list so maybe 3,4 and 5 will land before mine :)
    16. I have a few extra pairs of eyes, but I'm probably not going to be stocking the 4mm glass eyes in the future... The place that made them did it more as a favor because they don't make any profit on them. They cost the same as a normal size pair of eyes, because while they take less material they end up with a LOT of rejects. I don't know if they'd even let me order again!

      Starling and other future dolls will likely be coming with acrylics. I'm going to check out places like Dreaming Tree, who I've heard great things about.

      I believe Hands Glass Eyes also does 4mm through their website... And maybe if you gang up on ginarolo, she could check with her contacts to see about 4mm eyes. :D there are also the 4mm eyes on wire, which can be nice for standard colors like blue, green, and brown. The samples on the Seed page use those.

      I am terrible with eyes of all sizes. My inkling is currently wall-eyed. :sweat The image of sending out 40 cross-eyed or wall-eyed dolls seemed worse than sending them without the eyes in!

      I'm reworking a few parts of starlings body... The current plan is that she will come with double-jointed legs. :) The small bust piece is giving me trouble too because I apparantly have no idea what the heck I'm doing!
    17. Aimee, my usps tracking number doesnt seem to be working, Im in the UK. Maybe it has been tracked until it was out of the USA?
    18. Eee, she's here! I love her. Unfortunately all my 4mm Dreamingtree eyes are way too small. ;_; At least her defaults are pretty! This is just a temporary Puki wig, it's the smallest thing I've got.. her real wig is still being commissioned. This outfit actually fits her better than I expected, though it's still pretty big! It's a BFC, ink fashion-sized outfit.


      Now to attempt to sew her a sundress...
    19. Bwahahahah - "Weedling" *rofl*

      @ strawberryblossom - congratulations - she is positively adorable!!!

      Edit to add: My Blue Inkling is wearing 6mm eyes from Artistique and to be honest I'm happy with how they are fitting.... I've tried them in all the face-plates and I had to lightly bevel the scowl and smiley face to get them to sit better but I love that they "track" so you can always see the whites even though they are a little larger than the default eyes Aimee included with lil'blue. at $2.25 a pair I think they are a steal :)