1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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New Feature Introducing Doll Profiles

Jan 18, 2016

    1. Thanks for the help! And thanks for creating this feature!
    2. What a great idea !
    3. This is awesome! Although my 24cm doll is listed under the 40-49cm category? Did I miss something filling it out or...?
    4. @meiloslyther Your doll profile will list on whatever category you're viewing when you click the Create Doll Profile button. If you click that button on the main Doll Profiles page, you'll see a dropdown list of sizes to choose from. I've moved your doll's profile, but if it happens in future, click the Report link at the bottom of the profile and a moderator will move it to the right place.
    5. Ah, thank you! (I also noticed that it shows what category it is at the top of the form page... good to know.)
    6. This is such a cute feature! I had a lot of fun filling out my five profiles already! I would loooove it if we could add more in the future. :aheartbea

      My only feedback would be about the best and worst features of the dolls... mostly it just isn't something I'm interested in when looking at a doll profile. I am interested in technical details like the eyes, wigs, and aesthetic, but not a review of the doll itself, I guess? Though I suppose I enjoyed complaining about my own dolls' shortcomings... XD
    7. I love that this feature was added! I am so excited to start filling out my dolls profiles. I am especially excited that there's places to fill out what wigs/ eyes/ faceup artist/ mod artist/ etc! I love looking and other people's dolls (and now, profiles, too) and so often we sit here and go, "I wonder where that wig is from?", and now, we'll know! Awesome feature, all the way around! As soon as I get some profile photos, I'll be putting my profiles up!

      I'd love to have more space available in the future for more profiles. :3 I, like many others, have way more than five and would love to share them with the world! Even paying a small fee wouldn't bother me. <3
    8. Thank you so much for this feature! ♥ This is a cool way to show off your dolls - easier to find your own info too than from the database threads scattered across the forums. :D
      I did have some issues though, when I tried the feature.

      1) I spent a good hour writing my first doll profile, then saved it as a draft. Then I edited the draft again, but after I saved it the second time, it seemed to disappear from the face of Earth. I can't find it anymore (and I'm a doof and forgot to back my info up XD). I'm sure I didn't click any "delete" button, so I'm a little confused as to what happened - although I understand that all new features will have some bugs and that this is a testing phase. Just thought I'd tell you what happened.

      2) Would it at all possible in the future to be able to do the classic BBCode image linking for the profile picture, rather than have to upload it from my computer? The reason I had to edit my draft was to try to get my image look like, eh, something that wasn't photographed with a potato. XD 200KB is a very small limit, especially if you're trying to fit the maximum width of 800 pixels in it.
      Also I think it would be less strain on the forum platform, maybe? Anyway, just a suggestion - since the feature already has a spot where you can link more images, it would be nice if it was possible to do the same to the profile picture.

      Anyway, like I said, thank you so much for the feature! ♥ I love it, and I can't wait to see what my doll profiles will look like when I get them all done. :D
    9. We'll be increasing the limit after we're done with this final testing period, probably in March.

      Noted, and if anyone else has feedback about that aspect, feel free to share. Eventually we'll have a (much improved) section of DoA for reviews, so it may be redundant here. Personally though, I've enjoyed reading the little quirks about people's dolls.

      @tekkonkinkreet Definitely back up anything you're writing! I'm not sure what happened this time and it didn't generate an error on our end. What operating system/browser are you using? I will try to reproduce the issue.

      There has to be one uploaded photo so that the thumbnails can be generated. It's not possible to use offsite images for that.
    10. I'm loving this new feature! Especially how there's room for which eyes, wig and whatnot a doll has, and personally I like the part about best/worst features of the doll. It's very helpful for when you're trying to decide whether or not to get a specific doll and I don't think it gets in the way or anything. In my opinion, you guys should keep that, haha.
    11. Great idea :)
      It will be more easy to see same doll with different custo
    12. Personally, I think this part should stay. I also like seeing little "technical" notes like this, and particularly if I'm interested in a new doll, I'd love to see not only what others have done with it, but what they've noticed is particularly noteworthy or troublesome.

      Just because one person doesn't like it, doesn't mean others aren't interested, after all. :)
      • x 3
    13. @Dezarii
      Ah, so that's why the uploaded photo. Well, it makes sense then. Any pointers as to what uploaded size/resolution looks the best? I tried 600 x 465 pixels (first 72ppi and then 240ppi) and it looked absolutely horrendous. My image was the usual rectangle when I uploaded, but in the doll profile it seemed to be stretched into a square, which made it look funky I guess.

      I'm using Windows 7 and Google Chrome. I have no idea what happened, I just clicked save, then looked away while I assumed it was saving, and when I looked back it was gone. This COULD be a human error, I am known for my mistakes - but I could swear I did press the right button. x_x But if there was any error message, I wouldn't know because I wasn't looking at my screen. OTL
      And next time I'll first write my stuff on somewhere else, and then copy+paste it to DoA. XD Was silly of me to not to remember backing up!
    14. Love love love this feature. I for one enjoy the best and worst feature on the profile page. When looking at sculpts i think its nice to see what other people who own the doll have to say about it.
      I know i have a few favorite dolls that other people own and its nice to be able to see their profiles, pictures, in one place. Very cool amazing feature over all.
    15. Ooh this is awesome! I hope the limit will be increased though– I have twenty more boys wanting their own profile pages :P
    16. @tekkonkinkreet Please make a test profile so that I can see how the image turns out. Your image shouldn't be stretched unless it's quite small. It does get cropped into a square thumbnail, but should appear normal on the Portrait tab of the profile.

      Edit: I also wanted to say thanks to all of you who've said nice things about this feature. It was paid for by the generous donations we received during last year's fundraising. We hope to introduce more features throughout the year.
      • x 2
    17. I absolutley love this feature! Not only is It great way to see other people's dolls but I'm having fun reading the character info as well. It's had the probably unintended consequence of motivating me to 'finish' more of my dolls so they will look nice in their profiles :)

      I think the best/worst feature is very useful and will be a big help to anyone looking to buy a doll. It's nice to be able to get a feel for a bodies quirks and difficulties.
    18. This feature is so much fun - I love reading other people's doll profiles! :celebrateThank you thank you thank you~♥
      Can't wait to get my doll and complete her character so I can create a doll profile too. :whee:
    19. This feature is rad-- I really enjoyed going through and creating profiles for some of my dolls. Can't wait to get more added, but to be fair, I still need to fill in more of the details of the ones I had made! :XD:

      Will it eventually become a sort of new format for the BJD database, or will it continue to be separate? (i.e., sculpt/company/skintone tags used to bring up dolls meeting specific criteria?)
      Keep up the great work, DoA Mod Squad!
    20. @Leadora doll profiles can be used as an alternative to the BJD database, but they are two separate things. Doll profiles have better search options for specific criteria, but the database will probably always have more dolls listed. It's not really feasible to thoroughly tag the BJD database, so if you want to search by criteria other than company/sculpt, use the advanced search for doll profiles.