1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Iplehouse CREAA Doll

Apr 10, 2018

    1. Shipping at $98 for me *_*:eek: That is objectively the most expensive shipping I've ever paid on anything lol. I wouldn't tell anybody besides another bjd collector I did that. XD The dolls make us crazy, I swear.
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    2. That cost of shipping is ridiculous for a Creaa-J. I've paid less than that when I bought my Soom Euclase (with human and fantasy parts) in the full Soom box coming from Russia. He is both much bigger and heavier than a Creaa so something ain't stirring my Kool-Aid. I think Iple needs to look into using a different shipper.
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    3. It appears the only option they are currently using is EMS for the US. I did add some wigs, with just one doll it would have been about $88. I'm definitely not a fan either but I didn't want to miss out :( I wonder if it's worth reaching out to double check on the cost with them.
    4. Someone in a FB group I belong to for Iple dolls ordered 3 Creaas and the shipping at check out was not the shipping that Iple later messaged them to say it was different. That person was told shipping was actually $286. They cancelled the order because that is just not right both from a purchasing stand point (what was initially charged) and the total of the revised cost.
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    5. Iplehouse shipping prices are based more upon the cost of your order than the size and weight of the actual box. I have personal experience with this. I ordered some clothing and hands/feet from Iplehouse. My items came in a box that was about 6 inches long, 6 inches wide, and 4 inches tall/deep. The entire box weighed less than a pound. Shipping cost more ($90) than what it's going to cost me for shipping for one CREAA-J doll ($70).

      I don't know if shipping out of South Korea is dependent upon the value of the contents of the box. All I know is shipping from Japan and South Korea to the US is prohibitively expensive, and it makes no sense to me. Mandarake (Japanese consignment stores) shipping prices work the same way. For example, a couple months ago, I purchased a used BJD (Allegorica Evelyn) and an expensive playline doll (Momoko) from Mandarake's website at different times. Both were the same price, but the BJD weighed almost twice as much, and the BJD box was easily three times as big. And yet, I paid the same amount for shipping for both orders.

      How does that even work?

      I believe that shipping costs are largely the reason why Alice's Collections doesn't partner with many Korean or Japanese BJD companies. (Most of the BJD companies that ACBJD offers are Chinese.) I know that Denver Doll Emporium and Doll Peddlar have basically stopped accepting pre-orders for Korean BJDs because the cost of shipping was just too high for them.

      In the US, the value of the contents only affects the cost to insure the package. The shipping price is determined by the size and weight of the box.

      Sorry if I'm getting a little off-topic here, but it's a puzzle I've been pondering over for a while now.
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    6. I know shipping prices went a bit crazy for a while but it seems like most places are getting back to a more normal range. But I've also not ordered a doll from Korea/Japan in quite some time.

      Here in Canada, the shipping is calculated by the size of the package, weight and where it's going. How quickly you want to get it wherever will also affect price as well as if you want more insurance than is provided. For receiving packages, it's a dice roll on whether or not you get nailed with Customs fees. Anything over a $20 value is potentially subject to fees. If the item is marked as a gift, the threshold increases to $60. The two cannot be combined to increase the non-taxable amount to $80. Customs fees in Ontario are 15% of the declared value of the package so dolls insured for full value can get even more expensive if Customs holds your doll hostage.
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    7. I'm grateful to live in the U.S. when it comes to Customs fees, as collectable dolls like BJDs are still classified as "toys" and are exempt from them. Especially when I have to pay an extra $88 for shipping. I think the previous record was $40.
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    8. So far, my most expensive Customs fees were for my Unidoll Ark at $113CAN and my Soom Vesuvia Poison Kiss at $119. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to which packages get dinged either. I've had dolls that I feared would be held hostage that scooted right on through while other I would've thought were beneath their notice get stopped for fees. I also firmly believe I'm on a list with Customs now as I'm running about a 50/50 chance of them smacking me with fees.
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    9. Do you know what clothing is good for them? Ordered one.
      Also the shipping to Zone 3 region was 170usd:sorry:...( almost half of the doll's price.
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    10. I'm sorry- I don't know either. These will be my first two.

      And yeah - shipping is pretty pricey! I feel your pain.
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    11. Someone on Flickr has a picture with their Creaa J girl wearing something made for Soom Rosette but I don't know much beyond that: CREAA J Leah

      She may be able to fit into Doll Chateau Bella sized tops but I'm not totally sure.

      I think it will be more a guessing game once our dolls arrive since it doesn't seem like there's a lot of clothing information out there, probably since the release periods were short and years apart.
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    12. I can say that finding ready-made clothes for the boys is tough because they are such skinny, lanky guys. I make the clothes for Wisp (Creaa-J Lev) but even so, everything for him is custom made for him pattern-wise because of that extreme lankiness.
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    13. I can understand that, that line is pain to dress.
      Do you make your own patterns? Can you share some (if that is possible). I have troubles making patterns, tried various methods and it's always a failure.
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    14. Because of the style that Wisp prefers, most of what he wears is basically skin tight. I achieve this by using knee-high/mid-calf dress socks with interesting patterns. I cut the foot part off, pull the sock up his legs do the top cuff of the sock will be at waist level, put a pin about 1/2" down from his crotch and then cut the sock in half length-wise from the bottom to the pin. Sew the seams for the inner leg and then make darts at each outside hip to make the top of the sock fit his waist. I'll finish off the cuffs with satin ribbon or whatever other trim I have that goes well with the look.

      The jacket is usually made from the other sock and follows sort of the same method. It's a terrible way of explaining it, I know, but I honestly don't have a pattern for his clothes because I usually use dress socks for him or little girl's 1-piece bathing suits since it's also thin and stretchy material.

      This is Wisp in one of the outfits I made him. He's also wearing the Iple Black Glove Creaa girl hands and Creaa girl heel feet and butterfly heel shoes.
      [​IMG]Wisp-butterfly heels by ID Locke, on Flickr
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    15. He is so stylish!!! I missed the black gloves. Begged Iplehouse to let me jump in late into pre-order, so nothing was on offer - just a doll. I have asked them about CREAA for at least three years, they said they are planning and I have missed the pre-order because I've been closing the contract and wasn't sure what my name was)).
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    16. He's kind of a diva and pushy as hell (but not obnoxious about it). Took me a couple of tries with his wig, too. Funny enough, he's wearing one a friend gave me because her boy rejected it. I hadn't pictured him with hair like that but as soon as I tried it on him, that was it. His eyes were easy and he was happy with the first pair I made him.

      The black glove hands and girl feet fit him perfectly despite being girl items and him male. The feet are ever so slightly a different shade of white but I also bought them well after I bought Wisp (when he demanded heeled shoes). He has black superfine glitter that I coated his lower forearms in that goes part way up his forearms as that's part of his character looks.

      This is Wisp with his husband, Rai-Sui, God of Death & Decay, Guardian of Souls. Rai-Sui is an SD Vito Azreal The Hierophant skull head.
      [​IMG]Wisp & Rai-Sui by ID Locke, on Flickr
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    17. Finishing my Edwardian dress and was thinking of making something for Creaa girl. Anyone can help with a basic top pattern?
      I guess her torso is about 6cm long, right?
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    18. My Elysia elf arrived today! The Peach Gold resin is lovely, the wig I ordered with her fits perfectly, and I fortunately have have some clothes that fit her slim lanky body. DDE's Iced Tee short sleeve tops fit well, though the long sleeved version is short in the arms.
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    19. Minifee items quite suitable. My dolls have high heels and casual clothes… only one point… long sleeve would become 3/4… and same for trousers
      So pls be aware.
      But still minifee sized items are OK (for girls only!!!)

      Sorry I don’t have fresh pics, but here is one with two of my girls in MiniFee sets
      #659 Helgovochka, Nov 29, 2022
      Last edited: Nov 29, 2022
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    20. @Helgovochka - I love the wings!
      Now I'm really excited to get my girls!
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