1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Iplehouse CREAA Doll

Apr 10, 2018

    1. Thank you)))
      I also posted their final look)))

      please share your girls after arrival))))
      • x 1
    2. [​IMG]
      IH_CREAA Noel

      edit 3rd time: here's the direct link. Flickr says all my pics are now 'moderate' so I can't share. ????
      edit: trying to post pic via desktop pc. wtheheck? I've been doing this for many years.
      edit: trying to post pic from phone. not uploading.

      well, imagine a charming young man who's very skinny and gorgeous grey. :XD:

      my Noel arrived Dec 22 but no ship notice, no USPS tracking notice. Local post finally left a redelivery note in my mailbox today.

      Love this boy's faceup. I was worried, after reading posts in the fashion doll group about faces not looking at all as advertised. But, he's perfect.
      #662 petiteballerine, Jan 7, 2023
      Last edited: Jan 7, 2023
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    3. I have clicked on image, it has sent me to Flickr, i restored my password there, clicked on filter to allow adult content and there he was!
      Really handsome lad. Just one image, though(( We need more of this beauty!
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    4. Whoops. Yes. Pictures. Must post pictures...
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    5. @Dunpeald - thanks for looking. he just arrived so I snapped a quickie pic. he needs hair! have to search my stash.

      I guess I must chat with flickr team about why I'm censored. certainly doll related since I don't post anything else..

      Interesting note on IH shipping: they didn't use a ship box. The doll box was wrapped in heavy plastic material with the address on that. It worked quite well, & cuts down on ship cost - for them.
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    6. Re Packaging, that's cheap of them((( and not too secure.
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    7. Given the amount they're charging in shipping lately you'd think that a shipping box around the doll box would be the method used.
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    8. Could anyone please advise me on CREAA eyes. If i will order 8mm or 10mm with 4mm iris, would eyeball fit and would she look surprised? What is the optimal eyeball/iris size for them? Thank you))
    9. That's going to be way too big. 6 mm, maybe 8 mm if you like the big eyes look. They have very tiny eyeholes.
    10. thank you what size of iris you would suggest? I have a nice handmade 6mm eyes, hopefully those won't be too big. IH eyes i have are of a poor quality((
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    11. Personally, I prefer a tiny pupil and a big iris when eyes are that small, just so I can see the eye color, so I would say the smaller, the better. If I could find 6 mm eyes with no pupil at all, I would snatch them up.
    12. Hmmm, can anyone translate this message fron IH to a more or less newbie, please:
      'We would like to tell you that your order has been completed in the first stage, and is currently in the second production stage. After that, the makeup work will start. Please kindly note that the shipping might be possible in February.'
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    13. They may mean that they've completed casting the doll parts and are in the clean-up/sanding/quality checking phase of the pieces before stringing the doll. Once that's done, the artist will begin working on the face-up. Having the doll complete and ready for shipping might be possible in February.

      Or at least that's what I'd assume from their response.
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    14. thank you. So second stage is sanding, cleaning and stringing. Got it!
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    15. Got my Zinnia yesterday!
      On the very second day had to glue back her eyelashes)))
      Head magnets are falling out too, but I will glue them back some other time.
      Changed her eye to more natural looking ones, surprisingly had three pairs to choose from, no idea how i managed to amass tiny eyes.
      Quite happy with her, possible need to find a different wig.
      Where do you get natural looking shoes for your girls?
      I've tried the ones that should fit, but they look gigantic on her twiggy legs.
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    16. My Elysia has been so hard to pose since I got her, and I realized it must be because her elastic was loose. I restrung her body and legs tonight. Her legs are better, but still floppy, and her torso and head are loose. Anyone else have this problem? Any advice on how to fix it?
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    17. my Zinnia is floppy as well. Haven't done anything yet. She is so thin, not sure wiring would help.
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    18. Yeah - my girls are floppy too. There are a few options:
      1. Restring with a slightly thicker diameter elastic, or use shock cord (for boats and stuff). The elastic creates natural friction that holds the limbs in place a little better.
      2. Sueding. Hot glue, mole skin (the stuff they sell for your feet), possibly actual leather you glue in place if you can find it thin enough.
      3. Wiring. Plastic-wrapped electrical wire from the hardware store is best, cuz it won't scratch the resin, but Dollmore just uses thin flexible wire (also available in large rolls at the hardware store).
      Edit to add: if you use the stuff for your feet, suede both parts of the joint. It doesn't create enough friction if you only put it on one side.
    19. Hot glue sueding is also an option. If you don't mind the time it takes to cure (about 24 hours), you can also use clear silicone caulking available at any hardware store. The caulking can be a bit messy until you get the hang of it but it's easier to control the thickness of the layer applied over the hot glue as you can spread the caulking with your finger while it's wouldn't be a good idea to do that with the hot glue even if you're using the low temp stuff. Just be sure to frequently wet your finger/tool when spreading the caulking otherwise it'll stick to that, too.
    20. My Chloe also came very loose. I wonder if I[lehouse does it on purpose in case tension would make the delicate resin snap or something around the joints? I think I will try a thicker elastic at least in the legs, that's the worst part on mine as well.

      I also thought I'd share a comparison of my gray Chloe next to a Minifee Aline Ingrid. They are both wearing tight minifee clothing. The short dress really doesn't work well on Creea, it JUST clears her crotch level. Sleeves are also way too short and the socks are loose/short. Some clothing items will probably work ok as long as you take her very long limbs and torso into account.
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