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Iplehouse EID Female ~ Yur ~

Nov 20, 2009

    1. I like her. I think I need a white kitty! I wasn't too thrilled with Luna's cat face but Yur's cat face really appeals to me.
    2. I think she's very pretty...more like Jessica than Luna. Her outfit is pretty but doesn't seem to quite fit with the circus whoch seems more modern.
    3. I thought she was kinda pretty until I got to cat face. ... I can't quite get use to that cute kitty face on a full size doll. D:
    4. Galena was a huge no-go for me, unless they offer a choice of skin color, so I'm looking harder at a NS basic of this girl. My big problem is that the EID body, even the small-breasted one, is too much for the character I want her for. Jessica small breasted, however, is perfect for another.
    5. Aw, crap. I like her cat hands a lot. Hmm...wonder if I have the spare money to swing some.
    6. I wish I had the money for her, shes so pretty. I'm not into the cat parts but she is really pretty.
    7. Iplehouse is just crankin em out, aren't they? I have this feeling they're going to get backlogged xD

      Anyway she's pretty, but a little too young looking for that body in my opinion. And I think they either should explain the cat-face thing, or change it up a little. I mean, Luna and Chase both had it and I thought they went together nicely. But she doesn't seem to fit into it in my eyes.

      Oh well I really do like the pic of her with the tarrot cards ♥
    8. The thing that makes me happy about the cat face is that maybe -- just maybe -- we'll see another wolf boy that maybe works a little better with the face sculpt, since I had to (sadly) pass on Chase. I think Chase's smile and stylization worked against it a bit, and a more realistic-styled face sculpt (more like Luo or Kamau) might work better with that idea.
    9. i love the cat head and would love to make a hybrid... sadly there arnt any splits open. so i will just sit and wait. O.O
    10. I love her human face, it looks so pure and innocent for me. She's the first Iplehouse doll that made my breath stop, and the only one I would like to have. I'll definitely try to buy her when she'll available in her basic version. Her animal face iscute too, but I'm quite shocked Iplehouse made her a cat as Luna was also a cat.
      Outfit and jewellery are nice. They're not as sexy as Jessica's and Luna's, but I think it's good. They remind me of elves' clothes and I think that suits her the best, because Yur's face looks quite elvish for me too.
    11. any idea if i wanted to hybridise her cat what bodies would fit her?
    12. if you wait until the end of the ordering period, they might offer her body with no head like they did with Luna. Assuming of course that you even like the body.
    13. Bodies that are cream white with a 10cm or 10.5cm neck, such as the supergem girl body, should fit.
    14. She's really pretty. I'm not a fan of the cat faces though. Her outfit is gorgeous!

      I still like Jessica the best though.
    15. After getting Jessica and Luna I had to have Yur. This is the type of BJD that I've always wanted, and Iplehouse is now my favorite BJD company. I'm totally hooked on these girls, and hope to get a Lou down the road.

      My Jessica and Luna have the regular thigh joint, but I decided to get the mobility joint for Yur. I figured since she has the dress it won't ruin the aesthetic lines of the leg.

      The cat parts do nothing for me.
    16. Just seen this girl. Oh my... when they released Luna I was cursing Iplehouse because I wanted her in white skin for a character.... and would you look at that! a white skin kitty!

      I'm not really interested in her human parts just the cat ones >.> my Chrom's feet are waiting to be used lol XD

      She doesn't seem to be very popular though? there aren't that many splits at all in the market place, which I find rather odd :o unless everyone is keeping her full-set :o
    17. I don't think she's as popular as Luna. Maybe because she was the first cat girl and had the grey resin. I'm so in love of Yur's face that she'll be going on layaway Thursday and joining my Luna.

    18. Yeah I can understand it because she is the second release and all, but I would have thought she would be more popular in the White skin than in the grey?
    19. Eh... The cat parts actually kind of ruin it for me. The face is too cutesy to belong on a body that big.
      Oh well, no threat to my wallet, then! I'll just happily wait until a basic version is available. :P
    20. they offer layaway? how does it work?