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Iplehouse EID Special Edition - Dexter!

Aug 22, 2011

    1. On seeing him full-on my first response was, "Dude, he'd make a perfect Conan" :sweat. Fortunately I do not need a Conan the Barbarian in my life, but he is seriously gorgeous.
    2. I agree. However, I could certainly do with a Conan in my life.

      Also, I really like that they offer the face-up with out the beard.
    3. I have the full set Avid and I didn't think Iplehouse could keep up with such hot guys but I guess Dexter will have to be added to my collection. I wonder if Iplehouse are going to make an extra order for the bullets as they did for Avid. I thought I had paid enough for the full set but found the bullets cost about an extra $60.
    4. Well I fell for him - knew it was hopeless. And I even ordered the four sets of bullets as extras. Now the big wait. I will probably team him up with my tan Tedros - also a mean look - and they are both going to fight over Carina in her western outfit. Avid can look on.

    5. Should I just give up now thinking I can go six months without Iple taunting me?

      I have an RS Arvid sculpt and that boy is hot, but I too was stunned at how young he looks next to Dex. My initial impression stands. Dex's definitely "lived" a harder life. The sculptor's kickin' it up a notch with latest EID men.

      I'm not saying the price is too high, but I could do other things with $300 than buy Ronin another outfit. Shoot, he's getting a new one as we speak (down boy!) I do love that coat tho'. Maybe one day in the MP. Meanwhile Dex is a big Possible on my 2012 doll list.

      Did y'all also note the last picture? Arvid and Dex back-to-back. Like someone else bigger n' badder just rode into town. Heh heh heh.
    6. In profile he sort of looks like Richard Armitage. See what I mean?


      If Richard ever had a kid with Viggo Mortensen, he would probably look something like Dexter. :lol:
    7. Oh my, he is seriously gorgeous; very manly and very Red Dead Redemption - I like! :)

      However, having never seen a real life EID, I still worry about their size and possibly being too...chunky!:sweat
    8. I made this pic, and I think this dexter look like Michael C. Hall!!

    9. May I just say: YUM! Iple has a record of making me drool all over my keyboard with their guys xD and this one is no exception, those cheekbones!
      I showed him to my boyfriend trying to convince him that there are manly dolls out there (he really likes my girls but isn't entirely convinced there are mature looking guys out there) and he said he looked like something you'd come across in a gay cowboy bar! :horror: Of course it was only a joke, but if Iple can't convince him I don't think any company can xD
    10. ...Aaaaand you've just given me another reason why I should get him :lol:
    11. Is the other doll in the Dexter pics Arvid or Dexter without a beard? The nose looks different....
    12. That's definitely Arvid :P
    13. Oh my god, I had to look. D: I've been wanting an EID boy for some time now but kept waffling over which headmold as there were several that could work for a specific character of mine. And now, I'm both glad I waited as Dexter is *exactly* what I was looking for and sad because I just won't have the funds in time. Guess I'll be waiting for his general edition to come out, booo~! T__T
    14. well I'm happy to help ;)

      lestatlc - I definitely see some features being the same, but when I saw him, this guy was the first that came to mind:

      I can't wait to see him blank, he might work out for one of my characters.
    15. When I saw his nose on the first pic they showed I was thinking Alan Rickman.....
    16. Possibly the toughest looking BJD out there! His face is so intense! The facial hair looks so well done and those promo photos are probably the best I have ever seen with the stand off. All round amazing work.
    17. me too!!!!
    18. Well, Dexter definitely knocked Tedros of the throne for looking hard and weather beaten! I'm betting that the next doll will be a female and the 3rd in this particular story. You know, "The girl who's in love with the sherif but also has a thing for the bad boy. She can only have one and the two men have decided that only one is walking away from this!" The old Western story, LOL!
    19. lestatlc, I think you may have hit the nail on the head with the whole Michael C Hall thing. It's very interesting that they named this one Dexter and he really does favor Michael.
    20. the nose and jawline are completely different. but the look in their eyes, their eyebrow shape and mouth are very simillar!