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Iplehouse EID Woman Luna

Sep 18, 2009

    1. wow i really like her face but i'm not too sure about the skin colour, hope to see more pics soon!!
    2. >_< Why... why does Iplehouse keep doing this?! I like her 10x more than I did Jessica, and the medium bust is much more to my liking. On my screen her skintone looks kind of on the gray-side, but it somehow works for her. I'm really eager to see more. And really hope I'm not doomed again by Iplehouse. D8
    3. I like the bigger bust, I'm hoping for an option to get Luna with the big bust!
    4. Agreeing on the bigger bust; I really hope the bust sizes become a standard option one can choose with all the girls, even if they are LEs. (Since they can do it with the mobility joint option, it's probably -possible-, but possible doesn't mean it'll happen.)

      Any idea when we'll see more info on her, or when she'll be listed for sale?
    5. The trouble with offering a LE with a boob option is that they have to make two versions of her haltertop. I wouldn't expect that much from these guys. :(
    6. Ho Shi~
      I may need that outfit. I'm not sure about Luna yet though. I want to wait until we can see more pics of her face. It would be awesome if they would show some different face-up options like they've been doing lately.
    7. Not sure, really -- if you peek at that snug-fitting black dress with the little red jacket, it seems to fit both sizes quite nicely. It may depend on the style/materials and how it's cut. Or they could just put a note in there somewhere saying, "Outfit is cut to fit <X> bust size, will not fit others." I'd be content with that, honestly. :)
    8. I don't think she is gray; it's a trick of the face up, light and the royal gray wig, she looks fairly white to me! I suppose perhaps she will be available in different colors? I really really hope she would be available in any tanning shade, a friend of mine has been smitten by her lovely face at the very first second!
    9. Having seen the face, I'm safe this time around. Pretty eyes, but I am oh-so-tired of that snub nose that they're putting on every girl doll.
    10. Beautyful, I always wanted a cat-girl!
      I liked her before, now I love her....
    11. surreality, that dress and jacket comes in two different sizes, large bust and medium bust, so they are starting to make clothes to fit both sizes, but it is not one size fits all.

      Personally, I can't see them offering the LE in the two bust sizes because of the problem with making the costume. But she will almost certainly come out with both bust options when they release her as a standard.
    12. Ok, just saw the new teaser for Luna. 65cm Pukisha, anyone? I hope the cat head isn't limited. Even if they don't sell it with the standard edition doll, I'd hope they'd at least sell it extra. I really love the idea of a tamer who is a lion herself. I really like her human head too, this girl is probably going to sell fast.

      And it does look like they will be offering the LE with a choice of bust sizes.
    13. And the ordering period is 25th Sept to Oct 20th. I wonder if the LEs are now to be time-limited rather than number-limited, as the previous ones have been? Taking a leaf out of Soom's book, eh...?

      And good news about the option busts. They really are trying to keep us all happy, aren't they?
    14. D***, I think I like the kitty-head. Too bad I didn´t win the jackpot last night :(.
    15. O_o' a kitty head? X___D OMG, 65cm anthro FTW, this is really cute and... kinda weird XD! Seems she will be white skin for sure. I am so intrigued!!
    16. Oh good, when you go to her sales page now, there is an option for large or medium breast size, along with general or mobility joint in her thigh. And she's definitely white skinned:

    17. oh wow, that cat head is nifty! not something i would be interested in personally, but cool nontheless. will be a standard Luna for me. she looks very pretty in white skin but i think i would prefer a normal tone.

      ahhh that second pic of her normal face just makes me want her MORE! yay!
    18. I don't know about the outfit being offered in both sizes; it doesn't have an option to choose either size, I think they're just showing the fit on the same garment on both size busts. It seems a little stretched on one, and a bit loose on the other, at a glance, but it may be something that needs to be mentioned in order comments or something? Hard to tell on that, then.

      Cat head. Oh... my. I normally despise catgirls, but someone just yesterday -- just yesterday!!! -- put an idea in my head for one that cracked me up so much I added 'catgirl' to my mental list of 'must haves'. Sometimes, it's like they just know.
    19. Normally, cat heads don't really appeal to me, but what I've seen of hers so far is lovely! :)