1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Iplehouse Girl Cocori Discussion Thread~~

Apr 12, 2006

    1. Wow, she's so beautiful! Looks like she's built like a real woman, too. Yay!

      I'm loving the torso jointing, and the sculpting on the belly looks to be incredibly natural looking.
    2. Her name REALLY bothers me. Umberto is like... a manly name here. And not one of that names that can be used to girls as well or fits girls.... so... seeing a girl called Umberto REALLLLLY.... is kinda unexpected O.o'

      but she is beautiful. I love the boobs o.o I really like them. I find her body hot! - sadly, I expected for a unlimited girl doll ó.o
    3. Just when you think the wait isn't worth it....


      Those boobies are too die for, can't wait to see the while package. :wiggle
    4. I think Umberto is her last name, they just put it first in introducing her name since it's the Asian way of doing it kind of thing X3

      But yeah, I cannot WAIT 'till this body is released~ SO gunna pick it up X3 Hopefully the body will be the same price or lower than the boys bodies~~ X3
    5. Thanks God.... 'cause if it was the first... would be strange O.o'
    6. She's amazing!
    7. She may be the only girl I'd get o_o
    8. Oh those infamous Iplehouse nipples.
    9. ................ I told myself no more dolls for this year....... But I need her. Her body is gorgeous, I guess her face sculpt will be a deal-breaker for me ;-;
    10. I have this horrible feeling she's going to be released when I'll be on vacation. Nooooooooo ;3;
    11. Oh my gosh, she's gorgeous!!! :D

      I *love* her lips and breasts . . . goodness gracious . . . somebody in this household might be getting a new body, at this rate. Mrowrrrrr!!

      She does indeed look tan -- I'm looking forward to the official release photos ^_^

      -- Andi <3
    12. I can't wait to see more she looks very curvy XD
    13. :love The Ideal Body!!!!! It looks just AMAZING:love from what I can make out...:sweat I have been looking for a body JUST like this for some time now ​
    14. LOL! The nipples ARE to die for. I really want this girl............. :aheartbea
    15. If she's as wonderful as these promo pictures are promising.. she'd definitely make into my top list. She's amazing. Exactly what I look for in a girl doll. Oh my god. *wants*
    16. She looks like she is darker than tan.. I think her lips are like Lishes...

      All making her extremely tempting..i cant wait for them to release her and post more pics. She is hot. and her mold is very realistic, her body will put my other girls to shame..lol
    17. :sweat Oh man and I thought I was the only one that had boobs like those, can't let my hubby see her or he might want to buy her. Good heavens if she is tan then it's a done deal for sure!
    18. ooooh, she's amazing. her face reminds me of lishe a little, but I wish we could see it better!
      I really like the tan color :3
    19. She is simply amazing. I'm speechless. *________*