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Iplehouse Girl Cocori Discussion Thread~~

Apr 12, 2006

    1. I absolutely must have that girl! No question about it. It actually looks quite similar to a DD body . . .
    2. OMG. :D She's gorgeous. Dang it, I was just saying I was happy with three dolls, too! ... *starts saving*
    3. Hmmm I think her first name is Cocori....Umberto is the last name ^_^ I think Cocori is fitting for her complextion!!Finally a doll darker than tanned...I've gotta have her!!!WHen did she get sold out does anyone know???

    4. She's not sold out, she hasn't been released yet, it's just teaser pics atm X3
      Gah, I hope she gets released soon~ I need the body for my Louis head before the end of Aug for a meetup! ^^;;
    5. I keep spamming this thread something awful, but her face -or the little we can really see of it- reminds me too much of a cross between CP Miyu and... some Dollstown girlie (sorry, not very familiar with theirs :O ). But maybe its just wishful thinking because originally, I've been wanting a miyu, oops!
      And her body reminds me of a DD2 too ( >D ), but better <3
    6. Any ideas when she might come out? Her body is fantastic (i'm really not a perv!!!:))
    7. Well, I am!

      I'm really interested in her. Her hip joints intrigue me... I can't help but wonder at how poseable she is. I love her skin tone... I think the name Cocori is intentional, in that regard. Her body is delightfully proportioned. Now all I need to see is her face.
    8. She's rather nice looking...very reminiscent of Lishe to my eye.
    9. Wow... so far she looks hot. o.o
      I really will be doomed if she ends up looking like Louis' sibling, because Louis is one of my wishlist dolls I'm looking forward to the most. *sighs*
    10. I'm surprised more people aren't excited that there is finally a black girl, not just a normal head in tan resin, that is what she was sculpted to be. I (heart) cultural diversity! And while she is "limited" they just mean she'll be made in batches then sold until they run out, not sold then made to order after.

      Not that I've been stalking the site and Q&A forum to know all this, or anything. *sheepish grin*
    11. Limited??? Where does it say limited?

    12. She won't be crazzy limited then? GREAT!!!! *___*

      I'll show her to my sister *evil smile*
    13. Oh Sorry Glyndon...I stand corrected.
      I just read it for myself...
      It does seem that she will be 'limited' in the same way that tan lishe is and it does say that she's meant to be a 'black girl' and because they see her as a such, they wont be releasing that head mold as a normal skin or white skin. At least thats what it seems to me they are saying. It also says that maybe we'll be seeing some new girls in August. Now Im really excited to see her skin color and whats coming soon and hopefully the new girls will also have this new gorgeous body!!!
    14. Yup, that's what I got too (surprisingly clear English on their board, I am happy to say). Maybe, "batch release" would be a better term than "limited release"?
      And I am running in circles wondering what the rest of the girls will be like. I've always loved Iplehouse sculpts, but I prefer girls. I'm sure they want to use the one body, since they've been developing it for months. Maybe with different bust size options???? *faints and falls over*
    15. Absolutely great body! I will be watching closely for her release.
      Hopefully they will release her body in normal skin too.. perhaps the resin will match some of my poor bodiless heads. They seemed to release their other doll heads and bodies as "parts" fairly quickly after their general release of the full dolls. It really looks like the perfect/ideal girl body to me!
    16. I hope they do release this body in other skin tones. Since its costly to make new bodies...from a business point of view...I would think they would also make this body available in other skin tones.
    17. Long story short, Cocori is a limited black girl, she will be limited by batch, similar to Tan Lishe. She is also a darker than the Tan Soo Ri.
      It's been mentioned that it's more expensive to make her tan than tanned Soo Ri, so she might be quite expensive.
      They are also manufacturing other general release girls in the normal and white skin which will (should) have the same body. It might be a different bust size than Cocori's though, since Iplehouse mentioned earlier that they planned on having two bust sizes for their girls.
      The other girls are due at the end of Aug.
    18. I think that's *awesome* :D

      (Although I'd love to see her face sculpt made available in all the skintones -- after all, I myself am a pale and auburn-haired woman of African and Caucasian ancestry -- I got the light complexion from my dad's side, but I still have the features from my mom's! *grin*)

      I think that more people may not be excited because they haven't seen the face in full yet . . . a lot of tanned dolls have been released as "Black" (the DoT's and DoC Black Yen), but if she's meant to be a doll with non-Caucasian, non-Asian ancestry (heh, "doll of color" just sounded wrong), I think that she will be VERY popular . . . once people have gotten a better look at her :>

      I'm lusting after her even though she totally doesn't fit into my dolly plans, argh!! (I'm afraid it will have to be a distant affair of the heart, since my wallet is empty and my dollyshelf is full, but I can't *wait* until people start bringing her home!)

      In sum . . . SQUEEEE!!!

      -- Andi :D
    19. :D Well being African American myself, I told my Puerto Rican hubby I NEED HER and cost is not the problem (poor mastercard will be smokin for years).
    20. New info from the Q&A! It seems she's tanned through and through like Narindolls, so you would be able to sand her seams etc. X3