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Iplehouse Girl Cocori Discussion Thread~~

Apr 12, 2006

    1. Aren't you glad Im asking those questions!!!I wanted to know for Modin needs!

    2. Nice! I am very glad! XD I'm just a bit lazy for this girl, since I know I won't be able to afford her, all I want is her BODY~ In BW for my Louis~ XD
    3. What a body- so glad she is not strictly limited, this may be the african/american girl of my dreams. She totally reminds me of a DD. I may want to do a lot of body swapping, depending on resin matches.
    4. I love her belly. I find that an odd thing for me to focus on, but damn I LOVE her belly. It just has this nice round swell to it that seems more natural than most girl bodies...
    5. I hope they make a nonlimited version of her. She'd make a perfect Tia Dalma character doll.
    6. Is it just me, or have the pictures on the site gotten a little more clear?
    7. .... I see it too. *blink* The skin tone is easier to see, but they haven't changed the camera angles, and the front shot remains unchanged.... you gotta admire the theatrics.
    8. I didn't notice anything different with the photos... but I did notice this (or maybe it was there before and I'm dumb XD)

      [ body size]

      * Tall: 58.5cm
      * Circumference of neck : 8.3cm
      * Circumference of chest : 24.2cm
      * Width of shoulders : 11cm
      * Length "from shoulder to wrist: 18cm
      * Circumference of wrist : 5.5cm
      * Length of back: 10cm
      * Circumference of waist : 17cm
      * Circumference of hips : 25cm
      * Length "from hips to ankle: 31cm
      * From waist to tiptoe : 37cm
      * Foot size:6.8cm

      * Quantity of this item is limited to only 20 pieces of the world.

      The date of release is Jul. 27, 06:00 PM, in Korean time.

      Bigger chest than Luts mature by 1.2cm, smaller waist by 0.5cm, smaller hips by 1.5cm, larger foot by 0.1cm Also taller by a cm or so X3
    9. Oh, wow, I don't think I noticed that. I know that wasn't there earlier, because I immediately went to the bottom for stats when I first heard of her, and saw their tiny descriptive paragraph.
    10. I'm dying of curiosity...>< I can hardly wait until they show her face...
    11. I been wondering if a Delf El head could fit on Cocori body...I been thinking about El as a girl with the Cocori body ever since I saw the pictures XD
    12. Oh wow. If that necklace shot shows her skin tone then Cocori's really dark. I had thought she was going to be lighter since the body shots didn't look too dark, but that necklace picture makes it seem that she's going to be a really rich coffee brown....

      I have a feeling that she's going to be so expensive and sell out so quickly I'll never have a shot for her, so I'll just join everyone in lusting over her body and hope someone else captures her so they can spam the board with pics.
    13. ON the Q and A board, they said that she's be about the price of the tan soo-ri

      they also said that she will never be released in normal colors (that makes me so sad... a NS one would be perfect for my Emma Frost doll), but that they will be releasing normal color girl dolls, hopefully in late Aug.
    14. Well...the way I read the answers on the Q and A board...is they won't be doing Cocori's head mold in other skin tones because Iple House see her as a black girl, but it doesn't really say anything about the body and since they are releasing new girls in August, hopefully they will be released with this gorgeous new bod???
    15. It sounds to me that the darker color will be limited, but they will be making unlimited in the lighter brown. they refer to one color as black, and the other as tanned. I'm still hoping for a batch release though- anything to be able to get one.
    16. I want that body +_+ I hope they release it in other skintones, and not limited..*plans to mod it into an androgynous body* XD I mean, this is perfect! So curvy, so beautiful, and that belly! I love her belly ^_^ And the hip joint is very intresting..the tan might be too dark for my boy though, so I guess I'll just try for a normal skin/lighter tan body and dye it myself, to make it match with my boy's head..

      *squeels* She's so pretty! Any idea on when she's released for real? Or the other girls/bodies?
    17. This weekend! July 27th!!! in 3 days. at 6pm in Korean time which is around 6am or so here I think!!I also dont have a chance for her...sigh. But someone on this board has to get her so we can all swoon over her!:D Being limited to 20 sucks!!

    18. jeezus, those clavicles are like razor blades. she looks a bit robotic up there to me. however, her profile does look lovely. she looks like an african dollie :O why limited to twenty? why? D:
    19. Thank you :D ^___^ and indeed, it sucks that she's limited to 20 ;_; Hopefully the people who will get her will spam us with pictures XD