1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Iplehouse Girl Cocori Discussion Thread~~

Apr 12, 2006

    1. EEEEEEeeeeeeEEEe never pushed a button so fast! I ordered too! So does that mean they are ready now and will be shipped right away? or do they have to make them?

      Judy :D
    2. Congrats. Judy! I wish I knew if they were ready to go. I HOPE so.
    3. She is very cool, and if I didn't have my dark tanned Lishe who looks more ethnic than suntan, I would be really tempted by Cocori. I like her leg joints--knee and swivel at top of leg. And she has a very nice elbow joint too. What a lovely doll she is. I wonder if she will be released later as a less expensive doll without her outfit?
    4. I have not paid for the doll yet. What Paypal address did those of you who paid that way use for Iplehouse? Hope I'm not too late!


      Edit... I found it finally~ Payment sent. Can't wait to get confirmation!
    5. I have been reading some conversations regarding the disclaimers about the problems that may happen with her color. I'm not sure I should be worried but all the negativeness has got me a little spooked. Any thoughts? I really do love her but that is a huge chunk of money!
    6. I know what you mean! It is a little spooky! But... we will just have to handle them with extra TLC!!! And NO sunlight!

    7. Oh my, what beautiful lips! And the eye color works so well with the skin tone... I'd like to see her in purple eyes! :)
    8. Maybe they're just mamking sure the customer knows the risks.

      There's been a handfull of dolls who have turned green around here. ;-; They might just want to make 110% sure that no one gets an unpleasant shock without having any clue it was possable.

      But man.... I wanna know how they colore dher, she's beautiful.
    9. wow. i think she looks fantastic!
      so different from the other tanned dolls out there!!!
    10. :...( Damn damn damn......I can't buy her, no money since it goes to bills! Once again I can't get the doll of my dreams, and she is one African American doll that is the perfect color. It's about time someone got the pigment right, way to go Iplehouse.
    11. She's gorgeous and she looks perfect to be African american.
      There's a warning on there not to leave her in the sun for many hours... it sounds like they heard what happened to that one tan Kiss doll.

      I look forward to seeing her in owner pics. x3
    12. Fatcat77:

      you check the inventorynumbers by going to the Korean site.

      And about the paypal-adresses; I'm not very sure but there were two as I recall. I think you can use both, but when I ordered my Soo Ri I used [email protected] and the money arrived safely.
    13. wow, her body is so amazing..and those hands! I love those long, slender fingers..*squeels*
    14. I'm in shock. I just loved her when I saw the teaser pix, but decided to just get a good night's sleep and forget the idea of pushing buttons at five in the am. But, she wasn't sold out this morning, and I got her!!!

      All that disclaimer about green and sunlight is because one of us on DOA (I forget the name) asked a lot about it. You can see it in the earlier Q&A and on this board. Fingers crossed for all of us with tanning dolls.

      Congrats to others who ordered her. I wonder if she'll ship right away????

      Anyone have a name for their girl yet?

      Oh, I love that dark chocolate skin. And, those long legs. :daisy
    15. That is so funny! That is exactly what I did too! LOL!!! I was thinking about a name.... I always rename my dolls, but this one is just going to stay Cocori! I can't think of a more perfect name for her! How would you all pronounce that? Is the accent on the second syllable? That is how I imagine it. Who knows maybe she will be Coco for short! I hope they ship sooooooon!


      At last count it seems there are about 4 left

      PS.... thanks Silk! I sent my Paypal to maro@iplehouse that was on the site.... hope its right!
    16. OH WOW!!! I thought she was gonna be tan but an african american? Thats just too cool! :D
    17. If this counts as "discussion," please move it to the appropriate thread . . . I was just wondering if anyone caught these little tidbits in her "modeling" backstory:


      The new hip joints are amazing -- I really look forward to seeing this girl in action! I haven't seen that particular configuration before, and it seems to add a lot of poseability.

      -- Andi :>
    18. Her body is pretty Freakin AMAZING!!! Congrates to everyone that got her. I can't wait to see owner pictures... TappinDoll you are my Idol!!! You get all the gorgeous dolls.... We have to get together one day so I can play with all your GORGEOUS kids:D I love all the ones I've seen:chibi You have to spam me one day with pictures of Wolf and Coco lol...
    19. wow she's beautiful! Definatly one of a kind
    20. Thanks Silk. I would have never thought of that!

      About the name...well I had one picked out long before I got up and 4:30 a.m. to order her. Ya, I did set the alarm for this one. It was a first for me. When she arrives her name is Areti, pronounced Air (like what you breath) i (short vowel sound) tee (tea).

      Judy, I saw that you asked on the Q & A board about shipping. I can't wait to see the answer. I sure hope they are ready.

      Did anyone who ordered think to mention the summer event stuff they are offering? I don't care if I get it or not but just wondering?
