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Iplehouse JID Secret Santa Arrival & Teaser pics (New teaserpics added!)

Nov 24, 2009

    1. Eee! I'm so glad it fits! Both the girl who made it and I were so anxious. XD I would've tried it on Ania first, but she's a big bust. It looks so great on her too, and the shoes go well. I was trying to find some in an earth color that would look good with the coveralls, and tell your mom to get her own lamb. XP
    2. This totally makes my day. I was just about to be heart broken it my dress didn't make it. (I was about to tell you I'd make another one). I knew you where going though some changes with your doll but she still seemed to be ok with soft colors. I am still new to doll sewing but I've been making costumes for some years so I'm glad the seems look good. I'm a pro when it come to cotten sewing but I have a hard time with anything else. The color of the dress looks so good with your girl. It was fun to work for a pale doll as mine is tan. Merry Christmas. ^^
    3. LOL, funny, I don't think she looks scary at all! The eyes look lavander on my screen and seem to match some of the flowers in her dress :D Very pretty. I know what you mean by staring at the stitching. I can't do a straight stitch and stitching that is right on the edge of something that's so straight, I just love seeing that too :D
    4. I'm truly in love with your dress and surely will make a good use of it. :aheartbea
      Mariette looks really nice in it, I'm glad it suits her even though she's more spooky now. :p

      Ingie - I wouldn't even dare to dream about making straight seamlines and stitches. xD
    5. Oooh, thanks Ingie!! Jeans experimenting! Called it! This could get interesting...

      Everyone's swap gifts are awesome! That dress looks great on your girl Asatee and I love the purple eyes, I think they look cute.
    6. Oooh - everyone's presents are so so nice!! I'm impressed with how much everyone put into this, it's so much fun to watch all these cute and happy dolls in their new outfits :D

      I still haven't had any time to take pictures of Ella in her outfit yet, but I WILL do this during the holidays. Just waiting for that daylight to come... it is so so dark here up in the north at this time of year *sigh*
    7. I think there's no chance for seeing my present for Sylphide, though...
      I hope she's ok, since I haven't seen her online for quite some time. :eusa_pray
    8. :( I do hope Sylphide is ok?
    9. Maybe some Christmas duties cought her so strongly? *_*
    10. Hi and Merry Christmas to all!

      I am so glad that this swap turned out OK for everybody! Truly think this is the first swap ever in which no one flaked!

      O, and thanks IngieBee, so glad Fred likes his gifts.

      If no one disagrees, I'll start the new swap on monday.
    11. Wow, All right! :) Lets go again!!! Hee hee hee
    12. Yeah, I'm not sure if it would fit very well if she was the large bust model, the snaps would probably pucker.
      We love it so much, she is still wearing it XD Now I just need to find her a tiny tool set!
    13. Just got the second pair of jeans in for my SS's boy. Here is a teaser picture :D

    14. Very, very pretty!
    15. A little late, but I've taken some pictures of Ella in the beautiful dress and knit-sweater Susan made for her :aheartbea

      Here is a picture from the photoshoot, I haven't uploaded the rest yet - but there will be more pictures from this set. I just adore her in these colors! The blue looks really perfect on her :D

    16. Thanks for the lovely picture! I'm so happy to see Ella enjoying her gift.
    17. I have not posted any pics either, have a problem uploading pics currently.

      Have re-tried this morning, and managed to upload 1 pic of all the pics im trying to upload. And its not one of the swap items.
    18. Your welcome Susan! She truly does enjoy it too! Still wearing it :aheartbea
    19. I really appreciate that. You're the only person of the 3 swaps I've done this fall/winter to even let me know they got what I sent.