1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Irrealdoll 1/4 Dolls!

Dec 27, 2014

    1. Omg Nur is being rereleased! Here’s what Irrealdoll had to say on their Facebook:

      “This is our Christmas surprise! Nur is back due to popular demand, but this time will be available in toffee and peanut skin tones (sorry milkshake, maybe another time). You will be able to pre-order Nur on December 13th, 19:00 PM UTC/GMT +1 time zone. We will set up a countdown clock as usual to make it easier for you. Keep an eye on our updates for more information and pictures in the coming days. Thanks for reading!”

      Eeeepppp!!! I’m def gonna try to snag a Peanut skin Nur! Anyone else going to try to get one?

      • x 1
    2. Yaaay I hope everyone can get themselves a Nur!
    3. Aaaaaack, I've seen the news, too!
      I'm so tempted!!!!!!!
    4. I'll be trying for one in Toffee TTUTT I've been wanting a Nur even before his formal release and I can't believe the timing is just so right this time around...
    5. I'm wating this preorder since a long time, and I hesitate between the 2 colors skin, but I think I'll go with peanut :)
    6. It'll be wonderful to see all the Nurs! There are hardly enough photos of them around...
    7. How long will the Pre-Order Period last?
    8. I'm trying to figure that out right now actually. The last time it was only until all the products sold out I think. They sold out really fast, like within a few mins I think. I'm hoping there isn't a set number available like there seemed to be last time, but I sadly think that may be the case.
    9. And I'm the proud new owner of a little Nur in toffee skin~!! Hope you guys all manage to get your own as well if you were trying for him!
    10. I managed to snag up a Nur in peanut skin! This is the most I've ever spent on a doll hahaha but #noregrets, I'm just very excited to bring my little bug-like boy home! Now to figure out a bug name for him ;)
    11. I managed to order Nur in the toffee colour. I can't wait to get him! Does anyone have his chest measurement size? I want to get him a jumper but not sure whether he would be classed as a slim msd or not. Thanks
    12. I was freaking out when I saw the pre-order for him was being reopened! Especially after I had just missed a chance at a second hand Nur on the market place... I'm so excited to have a toffee skinned Nur coming to me! I fell in love with his face the first time I saw it. ;u;
    13. @Melface same here x) It was his master that made me fall in love! I had actually spent so long being excited over the grey colored prototype that it was almost hard to get used to him in the human skintones!

      And ugh guys! here comes the wait now that we've all paid our boys off... Why not share some of our plans for them to help us along the downtime?
    14. I know - Nur is so near, yet still so far! My Toffee boy is to be called 'Pickle' (have a geeky girl called Chutney). I found a great Aviator style hat to put on his head and I plan to give him a home made wig of short curly mohair.
      I really want a baggy patterned jumper to put on him but haven't found quite what i am looking for yet :)
    15. I think this is one sculpt that would be great as a set of twins....
    16. @Soenatte ugh, yes, that grey that they used for the master was so nice... but the toffee skin! It's so warm~~ This wait is going to be the end of me. :pout:

      @Saraht Pickle! That's so cute, and omg yes- twins would be so cute to have. I finally settled on a name and such, Marcus Actias, he's going to be a third generation Italian with parents who have a bad sense of humor. He's going to be a college student interested in etymology that actually is dating the L-Bi boy I got from Soenatte, ahahah! I even did a very messy mockup for him... :thumbup
    17. @Melface amg!!! xD I need pictures of that!! Exciting! And, I don't know... I'm so used to seeing masters (my own and those of others in shades of white and grey) that it just feels strange for a bit afterwards. But toffee is just too gorgeous, I have to agree!

      @Saraht aww Pickle!! That's the most perfect name ever. My boy will also have a crazy curly head of very teal mohair -however his will be quite long! I have some ideas about his style but I haven't settled on a solid aesthetic yet. I know he's got horrible eyesight so I really want to get him some ridiculous glasses... but it's so hard to find proper ones with lenses on that look nice. My boy's name is Riya, incidentally, and he has the abilities of a song weaver, which basically allow him to alter emotions via song or even just speaking, although he isn't quite aware of the fact. I'm horrible with mockups but I did sketch him before. I hope it's alright to post this to the thread!

      • x 1
    18. Soenatte your picture is adorable and I can just picture Riya - good luck sourcing the glasses. He is going to be so cute!
      Melface, Marcus has a great story too - I can't wait to see him come to life. :)

      I think it's great how Nur has really got everyone's creative juices going! He is definitely going to be a really individual little guy. I can't wait!
    19. I must say that it's getting really hard to be patient... And we're only three out of five months into the wait. (I'm really hoping that by some miracle we end up getting him early!!) On my end I've still had no luck with the glasses but I did manage to order the mohair for his wig. We've also had a random falling out with his name because I realized I had another Riya in an unrelated work and now my mind just refuses to associate the name anymore so I need to have a good long name-thinking session. xD;;

      I've also been slowly but steadily getting some cute pastel-toned clothes for his wardrobe together (which is driving me insane because I am unable to do "cute" things guys, I swear to god, I have no idea why it's so hard for me) so we'll see how this will all pan out once he's here... I'm mildly terrified that he'll just do a face-heel turn on me and end up being another of my really natural looking kids so all this work will have been for naught!

      And @Saraht honestly, I couldn't have said it better myself! x) I'm not sure what it is about him exactly but he's so unique and beautiful to me, it's almost impossible not to be the perfect place to start to build interesting characters from~
    20. Well you are not alone on all counts! Nur can no longer be called Pickle in my house as my lanky SD10 girl Chutney has a new furry friend now who just had to take that name (first come...first serve and all ) so I am now having to think of a new name too!

      Don't fret about the cute aspect either. Just go with the flow and if necessary think outside the box a little at every decision you make as you build his wardrobe up. Instead of automatically going for something you usually would i.e., light green stripey sock also go for a stripey light yellow one too for the other foot. That way you are staying within your natural palette comfort zone but are also adding quirkiness into the melting point too. Natural colours don't have to be boring, particularly if you put different patterns together - stripes and spots etc contrast wonderfully. Different textures work well too. Just imagine a woollen jumper against velvet flares...texture heaven :D How about a pair of braces too? :)

      So exciting! I can't wait......