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Is it strange to only want one?

Aug 9, 2007

    1. Manon, no, it is not strange to want just one. :)

      Meijuli, you sound exactly like me! Are you reading my mind, or are a lot of newbies just the same way? I'm planning on my first to be a girl, and then to get a boy after I've bonded with the first one, to be sure I really want another and, if and once I do, so I'll have one of each sex. I'm really hoping that I'll fall desperately in love with my girl. We'll have to see. :sweat
    2. I think most people get into this hobby thinking, "Just one!" or "Just two!" I was one of them, declaring, "Just two!" It wasn't necessarily because I wanted to spoil them, but because of how expensive they were. I couldn't see myself buying as many as I have now.

      But then I fell like a rock for a second, limited doll... and the extra head I'd gotten with my first doll demanded his own body... and an artist head I loved was nearly out of stock... and I wanted a doll I could mod as much as I wanted... and it just goes on from there. :sweat
    3. I only wanted one, and adore my Chiwoo boy, but was disappointed I couldn't get a pointy eared elf, then came into some money and got myself an Elfie girl (RML with 3 sets of ears head on kneeling SD10 body), and had some of the "mad money" left over so was able to get another elf (Petite Ai Raphael) and thopguht that with boy, girl and little one my bJD family was complete... then I put the minimum bid on a Soah which was at a too-good-too-ignore start price, certain I'd get outbid.... and didn't, so suddely had to find the money for a new doll I hadn't really expected, but she fit right into the family and makesa aperfect older sister to their big brother (my partner's unexpected purchase of an SD16 - quite an expense for someone who isnt interested in dolls).

      The tinies (Hana Angel & Devil) were bought on lyaway after much agonising over whether or not to get them... they are the wrong scale for the bigger ones so are a seperate family unit.

      The only one I've regretted is Elf Elly Banji who is the only whiteskin and looks really out of place with the others (I've come to the conclusion tht whiteskin just looks *wrong* to me) and with my other types of doll too.

      So, I definately lost the "just want one" battle....{g}

      And I don't have time to make them all the clothes and costumes I have planned.

      Thoguh the complete lack of space for any more dolls in a house that was already over-full with them before I discovered BJD's *has* worked as an effective deterrent to getting any more.

      I'm wondering if I could squeeze in a Narae, but.... probably not is tha answer.

    4. I used to want many dolls. But now I think I would only want one. My original plan was to only have one boy and one girl doll. But I'm not sure anymore. Even though I have one now and one on the way, I think I'll end up with just one... It's not unusual to have one. I understand what you mean when you just want to pamper one. I think it's great that you know that you want just one.
    5. lol, I was convinced that I Just wanted one! Now I have four! I actually had six at one time. But I'm currently happy with my gang of four. ;) That seems to be my ideal number for now.
    6. Agreeing with most everyone else, it's not at all strange to only want one. Everybody who has dolls starts with wanting one. Once you have one, it becomes a little difficult to not want another for any number of reasons.

      I say enjoy having one for as long as you can hold out. I started out thinking I was going to have three. Now I have eleven and I sometimes feel overwhelmed. I was even thinking about putting a few back in their boxes for a "rest" so I could focus on a smaller group for a while. I like them all and I have no intention to sell any, but I miss the days when I could just pick up my only doll and play with him.
    7. I don't think its strange at all. When I first got into this hobby I only wanted one...as of now I only have one XD but the more I saw how lovely other dolls are I wanted more. In my case I'm actually trying to turn my group of characters into dolls. I don't think I would give any of them less attention than the others...or at least I hope I don't. All of my chars were made to be friends that are like a family anyway. So I'm mostly saving to give my boy his friends.

      But going back, no its not strange. Not everyone wants to collect a bunch of dolls. And then on the other hand some people want to have like 20+ dolls. It all depends on the person really.
    8. Yeah, enjoy this while it lasts! We alllll thought we could just have one. :) Ha ha ha. Right.

      Sometimes 15 dolls is overwhelming, but other days I realize that I can play with them "in rotation" if I want. By groups, or individually. Sometimes you're in the mood for a cute widdle Tsukasa, other weeks you can't put down the Yukinojo. Some days you're in the mood for beautywhite demons, other times you only have eyes for tan godlings. And sometimes I ignore 14 of them and just bring Rowan in to watch wrestling on TV with me.

      I tellya, though-- even if I DID only have one doll, he would still have enough shoes for 15 dolls. :sweat
    9. No, you're normal. What's weird is saying before you start saving "I only want 5! Well, maybe I need to make that about 12..." *_* That's what I did. Say Elfdoll Ryung and she had to have her three siblings, significant others, family of significant others, friends... It grew within instants for me. :lol:

      My limit's been as high as 35 but never lower than 20. I have 13 currently and my wish list grows and contracts like the tides. I have no idea how many I'll have in 10 years but they'll probably have taken over the house. :doh
    10. I want one MSD and one SD13. I love my DD, but she's so light. I'd love to have a big heavy SD size doll in addition to Nathan, I'm just not sure if I want a boy or a girl.

      <editify!< Lol, I was just thinking about money allowance for hobbies. My two most expensive hobbies right now are dolls and archery. I wouldn't dream of having only one bow. There is this one bow I want, a type of compound bow that's 600 dollars. Thats not counting arrows, quiver, etc. I won't likely get that for a while yet though. I currently have one long bow and want another of a slightly heavier weight. Heh, sort of like the dolls. I currently want one with a little but more size and weight than my MSD, but he's about 600 dollars. So I can't get him or the compound bow. :). So, I'll be pleased with the MSD I have, and the next thing I get will probably be my siege bow. Maybe for Christmas... One bow... and then the next year, I'll get one... more... doll. LAST ONE! I hope... ^_~
    11. OT: you are officially my hero! ha ha, yes, you guessed it, i'm pretty much a spaz about godchild/count cain XD

      okay now on topic: i started off only wanting one doll. i loved him with all my heart: dollshe saint. i still haven't bought him and he's already being pushed back by other dolls i want! at the moment i'm planning on getting: DK Kiss, DoT E-an, and finally DS Saint. but i also want an el. so all is not well in my bank account ha ha
    12. I only want one doll...
      That may be because I'm fairly new to the idea of a doll... maybe about a year and 1/2. I've wanted a few differant dolls, but I'm pretty sure that the one that I'm saving up for is the one that I truly want. :)
      Also, my dad would never let me have another one.
      But, I'm already looking at a tiny that I may want as a second (hopefully LAST!) doll. *sweatdrop* and my first doll still doesn't have enough in her fund to come home. *another sweatdrop*
    13. I only want one and I have one xD Even though I love looking at other dolls, just one seems like enough for me :3 Plus, I'm still a high school student and I don't have a job xD Even if I wanted to get another, nobody would give me the money to buy another o_o

      I like having one that I can put all my love, care, and time (also money) into xD If I got any more he might get jealous ;P
    14. Lenore had been my only doll for almost a year, and I always told myself that it would stay that way. But my second doll arrived today, and my boyfriend's first, so we now have three resin kids. ^_^

      It's like with my cats. I started with one, then got a second, and recently was given a third. I don't love my first kitty any less just because I have other kitties, and it's the same with my dolls. Lenore will always be my first, but now she has some company. And I'm good with that. :cool:
    15. I think it's great you only want one! I wish I could have found the original couple I was searching for - I probably would not have so many others now.

      I only wanted two. When I found only one that worked for a particular character but I couldn't find one for the other, I got very frustrated. I also discovered I was getting intrigued by some of the new companies' offerings and got some of those less expensive sculpts so my poor sad single guy wouldn't be lonely.

      When I still could not find my first doll's partner, I started getting other sizes to represent the characters and that helped some. I also got other dolls to try and make them the character I was searching for but both times, the guys told me otherwise when they arrived.

      Oh, I have eleven of the brats...

      Truer words were never spoken! It's that way at the Chaos Cave, too! Shuichi has too many pairs of shoes! Luckily, he can share with Trans and Kane.
    16. I don't think it's unusual to want only 1 doll. I know when I first got into BJD's I only wanted one doll too and even though 5 years later I now have 4 dolls (and one head lol). The idea of having a bunch of dolls isn't something that appeals to me though and I doubt I'll get many more bjd's in the future. Because, at least to me, the more dolls I have the harder it is to give them all attention. But I don't feel that any of them have become less special than the other because I have more than one. I love them all and because each one has their own distinct characters, they are each special in their own way. No one can really replace anyone else because they are each very different from each other.
    17. Lol. I only wanted one...now my second is on the way home to me and I have at least 2 more planned.

      Most people say they only want one, but the thing is that once you get that one bjd you see how incredible they are and you fall for new molds or want a friend for your first bjd or something like that and then...well the rest is history.
    18. I had the idea of only wanting one, that ended x"D after a year i think. I have one with me right now and a head coming and saving for another [so close >.<]

      I don't think its weird at all to want just one:3, i ended up changing my mind because :"D i just kept seeing more and more bjds i liked and wanted to own more xD! I had convinced myself one was best >.<, but then kept imaging what it'd be like to have another and another for quite a while :"D and thus i gave in and decided to go for more than one. From what I've seen >.< many of the multiple doll owners love each equally, though I've seen some favoring x"]. If one is all you need, than great! as long as your happy than who cares if people even did find it weird. :3
    19. I don't think it's very strange to have one doll at all! That gives all of your time, dolly spendings, etc etc into one beautiful little dolly. I can't imagine myself with more then one right now.. Getting ready to order my first and I'm giddy!

      I wonder if sometimes people feel kind've pressured to have more then one though? Not to say that a person with several dolls loves each doll just as strongly as a person with a single doll, but once you get rolled up into the community you notice how many other folks have such large families! So maybe it drives some people to have more then one doll. The more the merrier, afterall!
    20. In some ways, I think it is better to only have one doll.

      In that way, you only pay attention to that one doll, money that would be spent on ALL THE OTHER DOLLS would be spent only the one doll you have.

      But lots of people like to have dolls with different styles and looks. So I dunno.

      If I had stuck to only one doll, he woulda had ALOT of shoes, and eyes and clothing. :doh