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Is it strange to only want one?

Aug 9, 2007

    1. It's kinda sad for me. I'm still waiting for my first one, but I'm already considering getting another.

      So I guess it's "I ONLY WANT TWO!!!" in my case. :sweat
    2. So far, I think I'm the only who's posted here who never believed they could have just one. I came into the hobby knowing that once I got my hands on my first doll,only more would come to follow it. I have one doll at the moment,another on the way,and plenty more I have my eye on. ^^;
      Though that doesn't mean I won't love them all,however many I end up with. <3
    3. I have one doll and I don't know what I would do if I had another, my boy already takes up most of my day(:) Even though I love it the time I spend with him!) I keep looking at the CP EL doll... *Sigh* Not going to happen XP.
    4. You just wait until you get only one... things change. I only wanted one, and now I have five. What a plan!
    5. With me it was a bit different.
      When i first learned about BJD the onlt doll I could think and dream about was CP Soony.. but she was too expensive.. so I got this cool idea to buy a small one, do her up and sell her on eBay for more, so I could afford Soony. So I bought Kid Delf Ani and sold her on eBay for twice the price I bought her for, I was so surprised!

      So in stead of buying a Soony for the money I got from the eBay sell, I bought anòther Ani, and did the same with her... and she sold well again! I continued diong this with several other dolls, all sold well.
      Then I saw Lati Red M and loved him on the website, but when I got him home didn't bond with him, so I sold him to be able to buy a Chiwoo Elf, which I thought I'd buy solely for eBay purposes...

      But I totally fell in love with him!!! So now he's my One doll, allthough I have several, he's my Big Love, while I never even considered his sculpt before.

      And I still don't have a Soony...

      So I was planning to have one doll only... but 'accidentally' ended up with several dolls and a little eBay dolly trade, but only one Big Love, my Chiwoo Elf named Cotton.

      And now he's getting a boyfriend, not because I want another doll, but because hé wants a boyfriend, and when Cotton's happy, I'm happy. :aheartbea

      And still no Soony... :roll:
    6. I only want one. Originally, I was just researching them so I could understand what my dollfan friend was going on about, and then I found a mold I fell in love with. When I saw that Luts was releasing new Senior Delfs, I thought about getting him a boyfriend too, but beyond the whole money issue, I realized that I kind of wanted my Moon to be my one and only. I feel that we should bond on our own, and I'm not at all sure I'd have the interest and attention for multiple dolls (I have enough problems with jealousy between my 2 cats!). If later on I decide he's lonely, then I can match another doll to him, but for now I'm planning on being exclusive.
    7. It's definately not unusual. I only want one too...well for now. BJD is a hobby that needs time, space and money. And if you have only one, then you don't have to deside whitch doll to take to a meet-up ;)
    8. Well, I'm only planning on one, mostly because I can't afford any more than that, but given the time and resources *coughcashcough*, I'd have at least three. (Saint and Bernard, 'cuz I sooo want both, and a so far undetermined girl.)
    9. all i gotta say is /i/ only wanted 1


      im going on 3
    10. I don't think it is. Right now I only have one and I'm real happy with her, but I still have plans for others because I don't like the idea of Rhiannon being alone and having more than one doll for me allows me to use my sewing skills. But for me having more than one is right for me, others have lots and that's right for them, so it's whatever is right for you :)
    11. Having one doll is great. You get to devote all your time to just that one, and you can spoil him/her like crazy! It's harder with more than one. You have to divide time and resources evenly. I was never really good at that sort of thing. I do have one little piece of advice. If you're a 1 doll person, make sure you are TRUELY IN LOVE with the doll you choose. If not, you'll end up buying another one and then you've got a problem on your hands. That's what happened to me. I chose the first pretty boy I found and now I'm in the process of selling him and ordering another one. My new doll isn't even home yet, but I already love him more than anything!
    12. Wanting one is not unusual and if you stick with just one lucky you ^_^

      Having one has definite advantages especially if it has a very changeable style. Sometimes I wish I'd stuck to the 'just one' thing, being able to put all your money into stuff for the one doll would be awesome they'd have the coolest outfits, best props, etc. but then, on the other hand, I think that my resin world wouldn't be nearly so rich with just one (I've got 8, 2 heads that need bodies, and 6 on my to-get list) ^_^

      I think what drives a doll owner to multiple dolls depends on what kind of things they do with the dolls. Those who have the dolls for sewing purposes, generally wind up buying more because a character gets established and they don't quite suit a certain types of clothing or they want to design for both genders. People (like me) who usually use the dolls for photostories end up getting more because it's really hard to do a photostory using just one doll and generally the dolls we are representing are characters in a bigger world (RP or a Story World) and those characters have friends, family, enemies, and loved ones in their stories and sometimes it just doesn't seem quite right to have one without the other ^^; (or at least that's my justification *laughs*). Then there are the ones who collect them for their beauty, you surf through the sites and see absolutely beautiful dolls and you wind up falling head over heels for it and next thing they know they have seven lined up on a shelf ^_^

      Ah the beauty of living in the BJD world :lol:
    13. I have 7 dolls, but I often think it would be better to stick to 1 or 2. I can't go back now, I love all my dolls too much. BUT, I don't think it's odd, or unusual, or worse, or anything to just have 1 doll. It can be tough to keep to just one though, if you have the money, since new dolls come out all the time that you may want. and if you're anything like me, you can't give up the old doll ever. Then the collection grows. I think that's why the numbers add up suddenly.
    14. I don't think there's anything wrong with only wanting one. I do hear that like tattoos once you get one, you may end up craving more. But as I'm only saving up for my first doll, the thought of a secnod seems a bit overwhelming. I like the idea of bonding with one doll and focusing on clothes for one and making it perfect, but perhaps I'm not a multitasker and maybe 5 years from now I'll have a family of dolls. I guess if I come across a second doll that moves me, then I'd have no problem in getting another, but for now, I too think one is enough for me.

    15. Before I got Morgan, I planed on only having one. I thought I'd just pick out one really beautiful face and lavish all of my attention on just the one. They're so versatile, change the eyes and wig and the doll becomes a completely different character.

      That's what I thought before I got one; but once you have the one, it somehow seems more feasible to get another. All of that money doesn't seem so out or reach; and you start making up reasons why you might need another one.
      For me, Morgan ended up not being quite as versatile as I had planed. He didn't like wearing dresses. Plus he was lonely.

      So now I have planes on having 4 or 5 dolls. *_*
    16. That's how I began. I knew that I didn't quite have the budget for such a large family of dolls. I have had one for a year and gone through 3 other dolls that I've bought and sold. I suppose my extreme pickiness is what's keeping me at one! X3
    17. *giggles*

      No, it certainly is not strange to only want one. I'd say that a large portion of the people who want BJD's or have recently gotten into them only want one!

      I certainly had only planned to have one so I could focus on a single doll, not to mention the cost. But . . . many people that only wanted one, myself included, eventually find that they have room in their hearts and the desire for another. And like -cain- mentioned, one day your doll may seem to want to have a certain companion come live with them! ;)

      I didn't get my second SD until I'd had my first one for over a year, so time is another thing to take into consideration when thinking of how many dolls you want to have. I guess I have a lot of dolls, relatively speaking, but I got my first one over 6 years ago, so I've had plenty of time for each of them. :)
    18. nah, you're not the only one. I knew from the day I decided that I was going to join the hobby that I had to have at least two, because their characters & relationship were revealed to me simultaneously (after looking at doll sculpts all day, the characters kept me up all night thinking through their backstories, heh).

      so although it's not unusual to want just one, it's not too unusual to know you want more either. ^_^

      o, and to those who are planning to get two (boy & girl) for design purposes...if you are thinking of designing for commissioned clothes, you probably won't stop at two...you'll find that the clientel demand at least SD and MSD-sized items, and when one combines the siren call of Cash To Be Made with the lure of new beauties, well, I think a lot of people find that they've got room in their hearts & wallets for just a couple more.
    19. I definatly want to TRY to stay with only one, personally I'm hoping some close friends will get dolls too so I can toy with more then one :P but I am keeping it at one doll for myself, at least untill he is totally perfect and I might want a companion.
    20. I never only wanted one. :sweat I actually ordered my first two boys within a week of each other, though I didn't think I'd ever have more than just them. Aaaaand now, I'm at 14, working on 15 with my impending Cristal. :roll: I certainly don't think it's strange to only want one, though, I just happen to not be that type of collector. But it would probably be nice, and I can definitely see the advantages to just having one to spoil and lavish with attention, goodies, and photos. :)