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Is it strange to only want one?

Aug 9, 2007

    1. I have four MSD and one SD body. The four are girls and the one is a guy. NOW I'm thinking I want another guy coz he is outnumbered and enjoyed making his clothes more than the girls.... I started with......." I will just have one"... uh huh !!! lol
    2. I've had an SD girl for about two years now and at first I only wanted one but I am now planning to get her a friend of some sort, partly because I want to try a different style doll and also because I feel like she's a bit lonely D:
    3. I only have one doll. I have no plans to get another one right now. I don't think there is anything at all wrong with getting one. With some of my collections I wish I had stuck with one of certain things and expanded on that one. So, I totally understand what you are saying about focusing on that one doll. It certainly helps to have the money to really buy better items for that one than to buy so much stuff you can't possibly enjoy it all. One is fine, but so is having sooo many. I think its collector specific and also whether or not you will be caught by that collector obsessive frenzy that happens so easily that makes one say, "I want it all." LOL
    4. I used to be 'there' believing I will always want one doll and cherish her with all my heart. And I did have that very special one, but I couldn't really keep my promise with not OWNING more than one. XD

      I always assumed it is possible to have a special doll and focus on her entirely, but I'm probably not that kind of person (anymore?). I'm far from owning alot of dolls - when I had around 7- 8 I honestly felt overwhelmed and couldn't possibly imagine how people cope with 20+, lol! So I'm not a hoarder either, but I wouldn't be able to stick to one doll, really. I consider myself a collector, I choose my dolls carefully and every each of them is special to me in a way. But I think that wanting and owning just one doll is a very special kind of love for a doll and I wouldn't call it "strange". It is simply a different approach to this hobby! Perfectly normal!
    5. If I am completely honest, I never actually thought I would have only one ball jointed doll.
      As a matter of fact, I never thought I would ever take a leap into this hobby at all.
      While I instinctively knew I had a preference for SD 1/7 dolls, I found them to be quite expensive.
      The idea of giving dolls a faceup was quite alluring, but for eight (8) years I teetered on the verge of buying one.
      The more I read about owning a bjd, the more I realized that it was a serious commitment in such an expensive hobby.
      At the time I had different hobbies I was very committed to, so sparing any cash on expensive dolls was a big no-no.
      After years of consideration, and to test my commitment to this hobby, I bought an inexpensive Resinsoul 70cm Feng Boy.
      Feng, now Kyle, was far from my ideal doll since I love more muscular/anatomically detailed male sculpts.
      Still, he showed me I was capable of being committed to this hobby, and I have been slowly increasing my collection ever since.
    6. It's not strange to only want one doll (almost everyone starts that way), if you find yourself wanting another doll later then you can always get it later and if you're happy with having only one doll then that's great too, it all depends on you.
      Personally, I wanted to have a really big collection when I first found out about this hobby. But over the years as I saved for my first (and currently only) BJD, and especially after I finally got her, the impulse to buy dolls diminished. Of course I've added dolls to my wishlist (and taken a lot of them off) and part of me does want to get more dolls but if it doesn't happen then I'm perfectly content with only having Nadeko. As crazy as it may sound, sometimes I think that she's lonely and needs/wants another doll around but other times I feel like she wouldn't want another doll around. :sweat
    7. No it's not strange. I've only really bonded with one doll anyway even though I have a few.
      In the beginning I said I only wanted one, but that led to two .. and three.
    8. It all depends on WHY you are into the dolls in the first place. I NEVER only wanted one - cause I wanted enough to do doll stories. The number kinda exploded (I thought I could get by w/10 at first) but I always knew I'd have a lot.
    9. I originally was going to stop at three. I am not a doll collector, but an arachnid collector so I figured one DC Elizabeth of each color would be enough. Now I am on the search for a Impldoll Colin and Soom Vesuvia and all the fun things they need.
    10. I only have one and before I bought him I had only planned on getting one. I'm glad to see others only have one because I was feeling like an oddball, lol. I don't want any more because I want to be able to spend time with only him and bond with him, plus he wouldn't be happy having another doll come into the house as he doesn't like sharing my attention with anyone. Also I want to be able to spoil him and buying for one is a lot easier for me.
    11. I don't think is unusual just hard. There will be always beautiful sculpts being made so I think is easy falling in love with more than one, but also possible to only want to have one and stick to it. You can like a sculp but not want to have it.

      I always wanted to have more than one to make a story and I don't find is a problem, I focus on stuff I love a lot so all of them get the same attention to get stuff and development and when I can't is not like they can complain lol it's a hobby and you should do what makes you happy.
    12. I started out with just deciding to get one doll so I can save up money and spoil her but as I learn more about the BJD hobby I find that it is easier said than done. I'm already making plans for another BJD and I didn't even receive my first one yet. I also didn't want to start to have favorites like I had with my Pullips.
    13. Maybe on a forum like this, since it tends to draw in more collector types, but not so much strange as not as common. I'm new to the doll hobby, and only planned to get one from the start. But I loved him so much that I'm getting another doll, they're so beautiful and I think he'd appreciate having others to keep him company. I think a lot of people only thought they'd get one doll and end up with more.
    14. I think I want to have one doll, is an illusion. There are simply too many beautiful dolls and we do not want even live alone !
    15. Hey this is YOUR hobby and you can do whatever you like. The beauty of bjds is how many different looks you can get with just one doll! Think how much money you will save too! However, I suspect that one day .... you might just possibly be tempted.....
    16. I only wanted one... then three... It went downhill from there. ;)
    17. I would love to downsize to one.... buuuuut it's impossible xP;;;
    18. No, but once you buy one you have to buy one more. Before you know it you have 5 then 5 turns into 10. Then you downsize to 4; then your back to 5 because you were looking through the secondhand market.