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Is Your Doll Better Dressed Than You?

Feb 19, 2017

    1. Mmmm....mostly, yeah. I live in jeans and t-shirts, my doll has lovely handmade clothing that I could make in full scale for myself, I guess, but I haven't. Of course, she also only has about four outfits, but I haven't really had time to make more yet.
    2. Ahahaha... Yeah I guess ? XD;;
      The ladies have more beautiful dresses than me.

      I have a collection of t-shirt & jeans + a very few of party dresses.
      But, I really like to dress my female dolls in pretty gown that obviously won't be worn by me.
      Even the boys have nice choices of non-casual outfits.
    3. Totally. My Gray, in his bloodied tattered clothes has better fashion sense than I do <_<
    4. no... i have around 40 pieces of lolita clothing for me and only one for my dolls
    5. Oh my goodness yes. I have a uniformed job, so I barely buy one pair of pants and a new shirt a every year. I even get free shoes from work. I've had the same REI jacket that I got on sale for about 5 years now. With her montgomery and sailor dresses, my Dearmine Priscilla has gotten more money in clothes in her initial order than I've spent on myself the past few years combined.

      And don't even get me started on how much my Picco Neemo wardrobe beats mine.
    6. I have yet to own a doll and I can still say yes.
    7. My dolls definitely have some very cute clothes. If I looked so cute in dresses, I might wear them more often. ;) But yes, they are likely better dressed than I am. I am very casual in my dress, but I don't choose to buy those sorts of clothes for them.
    8. I currently handmake everything my dolls wear, and I'm not the best seamstress, so currently I'm still in the lead! But if I ever get my grail doll, he will have so much more than me. If his fullset is still available when I can buy it, it'll cost almost 150$ CAD - and if it isn't, he'll probably get no-price-too-high custom outfits from whomever is available at the time. He'll get a fancy guard uniform as well as a rococo ballgown of some sort.

      If I'm not able to make more doll clothes, they'll probably have to be custom made as well, because my dolls don't have very common aesthetics.
    9. Yes. Sheesh. I wish I had custom tailored suits.
    10. Yes ! I dress my Dolls with all the clothes I want to wear, but that I can't wear because I'm too shy or because it's just too much for me... So sometimes my dolls looks like princesses , big candies or goth' ... They have so much differents styles, while me I just wear jeans and T-shirts every day's ... xD
    11. Yes, they are. :lol:
    12. My dolls each have one nice outfit and are dressed very nicely, but I also like to buy cute clothes for myself :)
    13. Yep, absolutely. :huh?: I haaaate shopping for myself, but shopping for my dolls is super fun. Of course, Aelic is the only one that wears "normal," modern clothes; Ilya wears mostly his tribal outfit, and Toshi dresses in traditional historic Japanese attire. I generally just wear jeans and t-shirts, but I love getting cute pieces and outfits for Aelic. :kitty1
      #93 KiyoshiSenshi, May 13, 2017
      Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
    14. Me and my dolls dress the same, I have mostly lolita, gothic, preppy clothing and so do my dolls. And my school uniform is very similar to one of my dolls outfits. Only thing that's different are shoes,my dolls have wayyyy cooler shoes than I do:(
    15. Considering how absymally TINY my dolls' respective wardrobe's are in comparison to my own...

      ... yes. Definitely.
    16. lol I would say so? I have a very minimalist/capsule wardrobe, so not only do I own very few clothes but there's very little variation (I live in tank tops and joggers). My dolls have far more variety, especially my fancy Victorian girl
    17. Remnant fabric can make 2-3 items for less than $10. The same could not be said for full-scale pieces.
    18. Definitely >D I personally do not care about clothes at all, it has to do the job, and that's all - if it's comfy it can pretty much look whatever. Hate shopping, boredom kills me. For dolls though, I rather enjoy searching for or making items that match their personality and style best. I'm in the process of preparing outfits for my guys, including incoming ones, and I admit spending much more time on that than on picking stuff for myself.
    19. Yes :blush My dolls has waaaay more clothes, shoes (not to mention more expensive) clothes than me >3< They have better style. I rarely buy clothes for my own since I am not the fashionista type, but I do love wearing simple clothes such as long sleeves and tshirts. Unfortunately, this does not mirror my crew's style :sweat
    20. honestly, yes they dress way better than me and have expensive clothes than I do. One of my dolls and my most spoiled is my doll of 1 year, Astrea. I even bought her a $100 dress one time lol. The other 2 are new and I still yet to buy clothes for them :) I am lazy when it comes to dressing myself up I am good with just simple shirt, jeans and my favorite vans shoes.