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Is your doll part of an elaborate "world"?

May 30, 2009

    1. I'd be interested in something along the same veins. Not sure if I'd prefer to create or join though. What I've come up with so far is pretty set in stone. :)
    2. I'm glad I'm not the only one, PoeticDragon! I'd be happy to join someone else's world, or get together with some folks and go about merging some worlds together, whichever suited everyone.

      But I havta wait for my boy to get "home", so I can get an idea of who he'll be. (*impaaaaaatient!!!*)
    3. My dolls are all part of one storyline living in an imaginary place called the City-State (there's an official name for it, but I'm too lazy to type it up). Most of them hold high positions in the City-State, especially those that come from the 3 great noble families: Cupris (copper) - current ruling family; Auro (gold) - historically holding the opposition party; Argenti (silver) - magical family that serves the ruling family as High Minister. All the rest of the dolls are characters that interact with members of the three noble families.

      Part of their setting and story is inspired by the Renaissance era, the Discworld series of books, the show The Tudors, anime/manga/light novel series like Trinity Blood and Blade of the Immortal, and some of the characters have been lifted and remade from an original story I used to write.
    4. No, no elaborate world(s). I've got a very loose and fluid "thing" around some of my dolls but nothing official or in depth. I'm not entirely sure I'd want a concrete world; these dolls don't look like the type of people I imagine and no ammount of modifying would satisfy. It sounds like a surefire way for me to lose interest in the dolls entirely from frustration. Thankfully you don't -need- any of that to enjoy your dolls if you don't want it. :)
    5. One of my OC's are... but the big story that most of my characters (that I hope will be dolls someday) aren't really in any special world, but their story is REALLY elaborate XD

      But overall it's just the normal world :)
    6. I'm an avid writer so most of my dolls come from different worlds of my various stories. :) However, I've found it fun to also write my dolls' characters interacting in my other stories, so there is some crossovers.
    7. Yep, all my characters have always been like that. I'm obsessed with being as detailed and accurate as possible with my stories, whether written or drawn, or in my dolls' cases, taking pictures...
      If the character's story is part of a realistic fiction (I count Sci-Fi as realistic fiction, btw.) then I will research for hours to get their characters perfect. That is, if they need it. Even then, a lot of work goes into my pure fiction as well. Usually I will create very long, detailed character bios that usually entertwine with those of other characters. Sometimes I'll even write long descriptions of the settings... I have a couple examples of characters that share the same setting, but different stories/plots within the setting. For instance, my two dolls right now are both in the same setting; a post nuclear apocalypse, but in their respective stories they never meet or know of each other. Some characters are more developed than others, depending on what they're for and how frequently I use them. For instance, my four oldest and dearest characters started out as some of the most generic, unthough-of characters one could imagine, but for the many years that I've used them; I've honed their characters and stories to perfection.

      So short answer, yes, all of my characters, doll or not, are part of some sort of story and world. Not necessarily always very detailed or elaborate, but they usually are. I have several elaborate worlds.

      Edit: I forgot to mention... For dolls; as characters they stay within their respective settings and stories and personalities, but as dolls they all know each other and cross over and stuff.
    8. In short, Yes. xD
      Mine and cheshire's dolls are part of a two different stories that are a bit loosly connected. c:
    9. She will be XD I just haven't designed the character for the doll I ordered that well though
    10. My first two dolls didn't have a story of their own until recently, as I had never really been able to settle on their personality traits, occupations etc. Then once they had their own elborate word and storyline built up around their characteristics, my third doll entered the fray and joined them having been a sculpt that suited the character I had planned.

      My fourth is the resin personification of a character I'm currently playing in a PnP game, so you would expect, the world around the character the doll personifies is huge and full of various intricacies : )
    11. Some of mine are, and some of them aren't. The ones that do inhabit a "world" are denizens of a separate universe I have had incubating happily in my head for several years~ Their own ecosystems, own history, own culture. :)

      The others kind of have a less-detailed whimsical side "story"--my twin Juns are representatives from a little fishyworld who've come to the surface. I intend to dress them properly in steampunk-esque clothing~
    12. Vince is not. Maurice (my floating head) is, however-- actually, he's part of three elaborate worlds.

      As for the dolls I plan on getting to follow, most are-- not all the same worlds. Some are original characters from things I plan on writing/have tried writing about, never got anywhere with, but still love, some are character dolls for things I feel connected to even though someone else created them.

    13. Not for me~ My dolls don't have developed characters, so they aren't part of an elaborate "world." They exist as dolls within my world. :3
    14. I just read through this entire thread it is so interesting. The only "story line" my dolls have is more of wayward orphans that have found their way to me...
    15. A doll that I am planning on getting is part of a story that I read. I'm infatuated with it and I wanted my own character in doll form. [mspaintadventures.com] But the world in that story are pretty elaborate and just reading the story takes a little bit of thinking. But it is really fun! My friends and I are all making our own doll versions of our characters. ^^ My friends and I plan on making backdrops from the story, dressing them up, and doing crazy photoshoots. ^^ We're getting really excited!
    16. Yes, but only because my doll embodies a pre-existing character, for which I had already created the world and background.
    17. They are. Originally I only wanted 2 dolls to be 2 characters from a story I read, but as I got more dolls, 1 of the 2 original ones eluded me. I had to make up a story to explain the missing doll. It's a huge world now. With maps, house blue prints, back story going back generations, government, languages etc. Basically the world is Illyria, and it has 5 parts, the North House, the East Oasis, The West Moore and Castle, the South Manor, and Central. All my character's are from some part of that world and yet somehow ended up living with the Lord of the North House. and there you go.
    18. bump, I like reading about other doll worlds!!
    19. Yes. ^^ Actually, a friend and I are currently Rping the dolls we're waiting on. They've got a "thing" Yay. :) But, I mean come on, who gets a doll and it's just that. A doll? No life, no feeling, no history? OO
    20. Oh, yes! My girlfriend, Wyldangel, and I have several enormous worlds, some with 70+ characters. I don't sweat getting dolls for all, or even half, the worlds we have. Mostly we stick to a pairing we enjoy, which helps us branch out in the worlds we have. They can be pretty intricate and involved, but it's all for fun anyways. Save for the ones we're actually writing down to one day sell to publishers. O.o