1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Island Dolls Mini Discussion part 1

Oct 2, 2005

    1. Uneven legs? That sounds like a miscast or a bad batch of resin. Have you tried contacting Island Doll or your distributor about that? You might be able to fix it.
    2. Unfortunately, it was so slight that I didn't even notice it until my partner pointed it out several months after I already had her. So! Even with iffy legs, she's still a sweet girl. We've considered modding her but I think we'll leave her as is. She stands pretty solidly, you can only really tell when you've got the legs off the body and are comparing them.
    3. 0_0 This thread is so quiet! My Lilith has a new faceup...and finally a name! :)

      Let's welcome back Momo!
      • x 1
    4. OMG I'm sorry I missed your comment! First of all congrats on Amy! :) The head shape as far as wigs is fine for me. Momo wears 7-8inch wigs and they stay on securely without any Velcro, rubber bands, etc.
      I hope that helps! >_<
    5. Some more love for the thread:

      Here is Momo and Kairi (any peach girl fans here?)

      It's weird, I have two characters in this doll, Lilith the demon queen, and Momo our spunky little school girl...lol I should have the demon queen posing as a spunky little school girl...I mean her minion Orion is doing it already (posing as a human boy XD ).
      • x 1
    6. I'm a newbie who is very grateful for this thread & the 'real life' photos in it(as opposed to the company site pics, that may be photoshopped). Always nice to see an item as it actually appears. I do have a question for those who own Wallis, though. Given that she's larger and more mature in build than most MSD female sculpts, have you had trouble finding clothes/shoes that fit her? Are there particular brands that a potential owner should seek out? ( yes, I'm seriously thinking of ordering her -- she fits one of my characters .)
      • x 1
    7. Mousethatroars, my Lilith is on the mature body also, the same as Wallis, so far I haven't had any problems dressing her. She fits slim mini clothes better (for Volks SDC...43cm and similar sizes). Standard MSD clothes ("fat MSD") may be a bit loose but still useable. Lilith's legs are longer so pants maybe a little short. In the picture I posted above, she's wearing standard MSD clothes. I think most MSD sized clothes from dollmore and nine9style would work out very nicely. :)
    8. Weeeee! I finally got a good couple shot of Momo and Kairi! :D



      I wish more people had these dolls. ;___; It gets so quiet here sometimes.
    9. Amy is just lovely! :D
      I think she's on the 41cm body, correct? My girl is on the 45cm body and she fits into more slim mini clothes than standard mini clothes. I just checked her measurements and she looks to be close to Unoa's measurements. My guess would be that Amy should be able to wear Unoa, minifee and similar sized slim mini clothes (hmmm...now I'm tempted to get a 41cm ID girl! XD).
      There is a resin match thread here.
      If you look at mintoncard's website under each of the doll's pages, you can see the different resin colors. Here is Amy's page.
    10. Oh my, I completely forgot!

      here we go~ (sorry it's a bit blurry :( )[​IMG]

      This is my Amy, named Merricat

      She is my first BJD, so I can't compare her to anything but my friends doll. However, I'm extremely glad I chose to get her, because I simply adore her with my whole heart!:aheartbea

      If anyone wants more pics, let me know~
      I guess I can try to answer any questions to my best ability.

      The only clothes I've bought and not made were purchased from K2 through Mint on Card, and they fit just fine. Shoes, on the other hand, are rather elusive... :|
    11. Thanks for the resin link, I wonder just how "pink" their pink resin really is compared to Dollzone pink...other thread prehaps? Amy is soo pretty but I do wonder about her open mouth with teeth, think I could mod them out if I wanted to?
    12. Hmmm...I'm not expert on modding but I had my girl's teeth repainted because I wasn't a fan of her teeth (the shape). I asked Mint on Card about their island resin and they said it doesn't match anything because the resin is transparent. :( It's too bad because I really wanted to get one of their 41cm bodies (soooo pretty). I love how these guys pose too (almost if not as well as minifee).

      And finally I have some Thanksgiving spam! :D
    13. Here is my Islanddoll Amy named Kat. She is in the 45cm body.


      I need to find all the photos I have of her but I'll say this she stands very well on her own. When I have the chance I'll post more photos of her. :)
    14. Kat is lovely! :) Does the Amy head fit well on the 45cm body? I think Island Doll did an amazing job designing the 45cm bodies and I think (from my personal experience) it poses just as well as a minifee A-line. :)
    15. The neck is a just a tad big for the head in my opinion but depending on the clothes, wig and the poses you put her in you don't notice it at all.

      Here some photos of her I use for an art project. WARNING: Slight doll nudity.



      :) I'll get more photos up.

      If anyone wants to see any specific poses let me know and I'll take photos and post them up. Kat loves the camera.
    16. I'm placing in my order for my first doll this week, and it's going to be Lilith in the island color. I'm really excited, but I wanted to know, since I'm doing her face-up myself: I was reading the thread on Testors DullCote and how there was a slight color change on lighter resins. I'm trying to decide between Testors and MSC, and while I've come to the conclusion that if you're using it properly, Testors is a good choice, I'm nervous on it's effects on island resin, since it's translucent. I'm not rushing into my face up as soon as I get her, so I can deal with not getting either right off. I'm just weighing my options and going to practice on her headcap until I can get a proper fixative to do the real thing.
    17. Testors has issues drying completely, just FYI. MSC was made for dolls. Testors was not.
    18. Yeah, I read that you have to be very patient to have Testors dry completely and that warm, dry climates are best for that. Being that Long Island winters are typically wet, I decided to use the ZM spray a friend is going to lend me until I can get an order of MSC. Right now, I can only comfortably get the sculpt, eyes, putty and her wig.
    19. So, I got my doll and her wig just came in. I ordered a 6-7 sized GLIB wig from Junky Spot, and it most definitely doesn't fit her, no matter how I try to get it on her head. Just as a heads up. I'll post pictures once a new wig is in and all.