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I've been bitten by the Yo & multiple tiny bugs!

May 22, 2007

    1. I started out with 'only one doll' when I got my first (and SD10). Then it was 'one of each size category' when I got a Leeke right after a DoC. But the tinies - they have such a range. Now in the tinies I have
      2 leeke
      1 volks yo
      2 bc colored elfs
      1 elf elly banji
      4 wishels
      1 pocket fairy
      1 lati yellow
      1 lati white
      2 od winged vampires
      on order
      1 ch petite ai
      2 ch junior
      2 dd ani tinies
      and oh, i keep seeing more and more that i know i'd love to have come home.

      i'm so bitten that i need a tub of calomine lotion.
    2. I tried to remember how long I have been buying tinys
      ...since Sylph was released so I think its about 4 years ?
      I sold all of my large dolls then to get them

      5 Pocketfairys , Rosie, Alex, Peter , Maisy and Polly
      5 Elf dolls , Luthien ,Tinuviel ,Pippin, Mini and Sissy
      3 Wishel , Pumkin , Luke and Adam
      4 Yo`s Twink ,Elijha , Flossy and Hobbit
      1 BC Hybrid , Charity
      2 Nari-pon , Gither and Magrat
      1 Ssin boy- Verence
      1 Lati white Arin girl - Perdita
      1 Latie white pury -Esme
      2 Bobobie , Florrie and Harry ,
      1 Banji .Beren
      1 i-elf Nessa
      1 Lati Lea y -Iris
      1 Lati Lea g -Mary
      1 DD Anne Mero -Titch
      1 MR Hamster Lillica -Izzy
      1 Pippitan -Cherry LittleBottom
      1 Pippos Namoo ...Sad Sam
      1 Orientdoll - Otto
      1 Leeke Elf / bc ...Angel
      1 Dollshe Moon ...Moon
      1 Notdoll Lucy - Nami
      1 Vanilla - Ladybug
      2 Hana Angel and Devil ....Moona and Merry ..
      1 Freespiritz- Bluebell
      Megu- Mouse
      Pandora -Pandora
      MiniFee Soo-Fred

      2 chocolate bobobieboys incomming
      2 Lati white incomming
      and Dogibi incomming
      Aga Candy Incoming
      DDAnne Lil boy Incomming

      Tae elf head and Pink Baha on layaway

      waiting for the release of DDAnne Near Elf and the little girl Hexad ...so cute
      Kayz Kid tiny

      I have reicently sold off 4 of my large dolls
      I have 2 floating heads to sell
      so I can get the body of my Cherishdoll
      and I have almost talked myself out of the Unoa pre-order

      ....and Im in re-hab:) and broke for the next year :)
      now on a Dolly Diet
      but boy am I happy
    3. Well been eyeing Bahas now also and damn... I need one.
    4. My affliction started with my festivous wishel and steadily grew worse since last September:

      Kohaku - Festivous Wishel
      Rhoswen - Honey Elf Leeke with Bambicrony body
      Gloriana - Roko Bambicrony
      Aisling - Bambicrony Mistyrose Pepe Elf
      Jadzia - Tiny Near
      Mia - Tiny Lii
      Mei Li - Tiny Lii floating head body incoming in July
      Miyako - Yo-Tenshi Mamu
      Leonidas: Chocolate Ye vampire
      Tobler: White Chocolate Ui Vampire
      ??: Volks Yo-SD Lin waiting to arrive
      ??: Volks Yo-SD Papi waiting to arrive

      I have bong sun wha elfdoll on layaway
      Tiny elf near on preorder
      Tiny sleeping Hexad on preorder
      2 DD-Anne bodies type 3 on preorder (1 was promotional gift)
      1 tiny mero head (was lucky bag selection part of preorder)
      I'm in Kaye's waiting list for colored tiny elf
    5. There you are Tinybear! I could hardly read your list it's so long
      AreeElf, I'll bring Adel next time I see you, she's so tiny she's a great stowaway.
    6. Eeeeek my "list" is not even a list compared to everyone here lol.
      I got drawn into BJDs just about 2 months ago - got a Leeke at the end of March, then got a Volks Yo last week.

      I enjoy looking at photos of photos of dolls of all kinds and sizes, but the only ones that have ever made me go "woooow I gotta have one!" are the tinies!
    7. Selmada I started out with the "one doll" theory. That went oiutthe window after Kohaku

      I can't wait Adel, Lyn and Sylph have been on my wishlist for awhile now. I missed ordering her by a day or so during the last order period.

      Tinybear is my greatest enabler. Not only does she show such cute tinies she has to make the most adorable wigs :lol:

      That's a lovely Bijou and that is an impressive list for two months that's a doll a month
    8. My tiny family IS tiny compared to those!!

      5 Elfdolls - Dodo, Catsy, Min, Adel, Lyn
      2 Banjis - white and black hair girls
      1 Bambicrony Elf Pepe
      1 Limhwa ToYou

      A couple of years ago, I had never seen or heard of BJD's when I happened to see a tiny Elfdoll Dodo on the web. I forgot where I had seen her, but by the next morning I was driven to find her again and know more about her!

    9. I really thought I would never have tinies.
      Nope nope nope, I didnt like them at all.. Except for maby a catsy.
      And then DaggerChan ordered her Banji girl and I got hooked.
      First came Týr (feb)
      Then I now got Pinku-Desu (may)
      And desperately trying to convince myself I dont need another pretty little boy. ((Longing for a BambiCrony Gun, considering waiting and seeing if they will ever make a elf version))
      And just earlier today bought my MNF Elf Shiwoo.. (I know, not a tiny but still in the smaller range :XD: )

      P.S. Also desperately craving a Baha kitty of my very own T_T

    10. Oopps ...hope your hubby will forgive me LOL
      Tinys got me into wig making
      I was never happy with my Elfdoll wigs ...so made my own ...the rest is .....well history

      its almost a full time job now ...but I love it ...
      and am internally grateful for every ones support

      over the past 4 years ..the tinys and wigs have kept me sane whilst my Son was in the Army

      ....guess what ......blubber blubber :...(

      he is home ....safe and sound ...for good ...and Im that happy :...( ...thats a crying happy
      he came home today ..my god it feels weird

      OMG .....grovel grovel ...were not worthy

      .....that was my 1 big goof ....I chose Sylph
      I was even offered a Dodo , but preferred my little Luthien ....and I wanted a Bong ....which I was told at the time was going to be released
      now I would pull out my teeth for a Dodo :)
    11. What's a Dodo? I've heard it mentioned but I'm not sure I've seen a picture.
    12. A doll a month...
      I am on the road to insanity!
      Trying hard to resist yo-sd Shinn right now. Kind of hoping that I don't draw a good number at the lottery at the AE, because if I do, there is a very high chance that my self-control will fail me.

    13. Carolyn has a Dodo ...and Glassmountain in the Uk
      I dont know of anyone else ?

      Ive beentrying to find a picture of one
      I know they are in RainMans old pictures ...I will see if I can find her
    14. I started out finding the DOD site and lusted after Shall then found this forum and never looked back. More and more I come to the tiny forum and find I am hooked on the little ones. I used to have a dollshouse but stupidly left it behind when I emigrated so it feels like coming back to my roots. I dont have many right now

      Hana Devil - - Jinx
      Orient so vampire ji - - Bao-bao
      NS elf pepe --- Kizzy

      On layaway the Monaemi sisters (I just bought them a house)
      A Naripon Pansy in the air on her way to me right now
      Number 22 on one of Kayes new tiny elves

      I need two bobobies, orient so sun and a banji boy a pocket fairy Yoko and lati yellow Lea, then I tell myself I am done ... I dont really think it ends though judging by your collections. Doomed but happy these little dolls bring a smile to my face and give me an excuse to duck into toyshops now my kids are all grown up
    15. I had teenie weenie tinies (PFs, Elfdolls, etc) but sold 'em all, then sold my Petite Ais...

      Now I am obsessing over Yos...I have Kasumi and a Papi boy...and I want want want the bambicrony double set, plus a Mamu...


      *stands up*

      My name is Alice and I am a Yo addict...and I will sell the contents of my food cupboard for a bamicrony Pepe (and a Kumi in the Anniversary event...)

      *sits down again...*


      PS where are all the lovely Yo clothes for boys??? Papi needs duds.
    16. Dodo was the first Elfdoll Rainman sold and I think he only sold her for about about 6 months. I discovered Dodo and then DoA right after Dodo was discontinued!! It took me a look time to get one secondhand.

      I don't know how many of these links still work, but I have a group of links to Dodo photos in this post (the link to mine still works - mine has funny text too):


    17. Your Dodo is so cute. I have to say it's ashame rainman discontinued his tinies he really excelled in them. He has a unique tiny style
    18. Dollys are like crack, espically the tiny ones... You get hooked way too easily and before you know it, you can't stop! I think there should be a tiny and Yo doll rehab clinic for people who can't stop buying them! *clutches dolls madly* :mwahaha
      PIPOS BAHA!!!!!!!! :kitty2
    19. yes yes !!
      I need rehab !

      yesterday my finger slipped again
      ...one last spasm ...big time LOL

      Zoomoki ...for my Husband
      Im going to call him Oberon
      ...and my Leeke Elf Ophelia :aheartbea :aheartbea :aheartbea
      I was lying awake last night thinking of the photographs Im going to take ...cant wait !
    20. LOL, have I ever been bitten? Bug sprays are of no use. However, I do own but only a humble few with a never-ending wishlist and I feel the pain.