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JID clothing database! (Juvenile Iplehouse Doll) Part 2

Sep 15, 2008

    1. I don't see anything on JID boys it all on girls ! Anyone else knows about size or would it be custom?
    2. JID boys have an SD sized Chest. As far as pants, it's pretty much custom if you don't want something from IH.
    3. I know that wizgerg had success using the Tonner Superhero body clothes on her JID guy. Pic here;


      I think she also said she managed to squeeze him into some nine9style shirts. Check out her pics of her JID Ryan.
    4. Thank you for that tip! I was wondering about the superhero size. That's great news:)

      I read half the first trend, and all of this one, and didn't found this so: If BFC inc doll's clothes fit JIDs, then Liberty Jane makes patterns to BFC inc. http://www.libertyjanepatterns.com/category/all-patterns/bfc-ink-patterns.
      They're very nice and have some free patterns too.
      I don't know, how I didn't remember this sooner.
    5. So where is the clothes from ? They are really nice shirt and the one on looks really nice.
    6. I don't know. I would try searching ebay or the internet for stores that carry Tonner doll clothes. I don't have any experience with Tonner as a company so I'm not familiar with their retailers.
    7. skylar, that particular outfit is a custom made outfit by "Chewin", made for my Tonner Superhero guys. (I'm wizgerg3 on Flickr). The outfit fits him as well as if it were made for him. I've had very good luck with my Ryan borrowing all my Tonner Superhero outfits. As far as Nine9 Style goes..................it's very hit or miss. I was able to squeeze him into one shirt, but the other one I ordered was way too small.
    8. Thanks for the link Aliera! They have some really nice patterns.
    9. Also the Karito Kids, have around the same Chest measurements as the JID guys, so their shirts can easily be made for them :) with just a little tweek on the waist.

    10. Thank you for that . I just looking around to see what fits and what I have to do have it fit . I never had doll that had a hard time with clothes with before and he going to be one of them I can see that now .
    11. For those of you with JID girls, I discovered while going through a lot of my old clothing leftover from previous fashion dolls that have moved on, that MA Cissy clothing seems to fit well. This outfit is actually new, I got it from an ebay seamstress, but it's made for Cissy. The boy shorts are a little loose at the bottom of the leg, but other than that it fits her well. She has the glamour bust.
    12. Thanks for the tip, Jackie! Was this made for the 18" Cissy?
    13. Is there another size? I don't know that much about Cissy, but I used to have the modern Cissy, and the lingerie seller on ebay advertised for vintage or modern Cissy. Hope that helps?
    14. Lol. We're in the same boat. I don't know much about MA dolls at all, but I was looking around after I saw your post and found 17" ones and 21" ones. I haven't found measurements but 17" makes sense. Thanks again. :-)
    15. I had just learned about the size of Cissy. It is good to know about the bottom/leg circumfrence size.
      Your girl looks wonderful on that lingerie. Who was the seamstress?
    16. After reading this thread, I did some research about Cissy. Apparently the main size is 21" but there is an alternate, 18" size as well. I bought a dress on eBay that was made for 18" Cissy, and I'm going to try it on my Glamour Bust JID when it comes in. Hopefully it fits well!
    17. Awesome! Please keep us posted. Which seller did you purchase the dress from?
    18. I bought it from the seller HappyDaisyDeeDolls. There are some gorgeous dresses on sale here, so if the one I got fits my JID glamour bust, I'll definitely be looking into the other 18" Cissy dresses she has on sale!
    19. I hope it fits! Just went to see and her dresses are gorgeous!