1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Joy doll discussion

Jun 19, 2023

    1. Having received my Labyrinth body I am definitely going to buy a second one for Lai if they rerelease it. It’s so good!!!!
      • x 1
    2. First batch of Lai have been sent out. Mine should be home this week!
      Plan is to put her on the new IMPL Model body. Shoulders are a bit bigger than I’d like(14.5cm), but it should work.
      • x 1
    3. My Lai was also shipped! I ordered from Joydoll's Taobao store so it'll be shipped to my proxy's warehouse first. I'm waiting for a few more items to arrive at my proxy, then I hope to send everything including Lai home before the end of Sep. I can't wait to see my Lai, and everyone's owner photos. :D
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    4. Just going to say I'm lurking here in hopes of photos. :lol: Lai is a beautiful sculpt!
      • x 1
    5. Hi,
      Just like to know if you settled on a body for your Lai?
      I have an Angel No.2 that I'd preferably would like to put on a 60-65 cm body, and since these heads are pretty much the same size I wondered whether you had found anything suitable.
    6. @Azra-Elle -

      My Angel no2 is on a VS SD16 girl body which has a 9.5cm neck circumference and it works great. There's a small gap under the chin but it's not visible unless you're looking up underneath. I know there are a boy sculpts in the 60/65cm range with 9.5 necks it'll just take a little more investigation.

      I don't think I'll have this settled until I actually receive my Lai head. I have and have access to a lot of body types, so I'll have to try the head on a few things to get a better idea of what will work.
    7. Thanks for your answer!
      I am not that familiar with SD-sized dolls myself, but after some research I'm thinking of putting my boy on the Delf Muse v.2 body.
      It's 64cm with 14cm shoulders and 9.2cm neck if that's of any help to your own search.
    8. Lai is here. The sculpting is subtle and intricate - I really think this is Joy's best work yet.


      Next to my Kanadoll Mars, who has a 8-9" head (21.8cm / 8.6inch, to be precise) and is on a 65cm boy body. I haven't measured Lai's head yet, but by eyeballing them, both heads are similar in size and proportion.


      Lai was not planned, a bit of an impulse buy too, although I gave it serious thought before joining the preorder. I had buyer's remorse at first, then got over it, and now I'm really happy that I caved to FOMO and a bit of peer pressure this time! Lai is definitely joining my doll family, I plan to make her a girl and put her on a 68cm girl body. Not for a while though - the body I'm after is still in development, I think it'll be released before the end of the year. And I have other dolls to finish first!

      Hope that everyone is receiving their dolls!
      • x 5
    9. he's sooo beautiful :D:D
      i'm waiting for mine, i'm so happy to see people receiving theirs ^^ (also a little envious and hoping i'll get mine soon :eusa_pray)
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    10. Dang, mine was delivered and I have a body waiting for him as well, but I can’t open the package until I get back from college during my fall break.
      • x 1
    11. I was lucky enough to receive my Lai this week and I second @aihre, the sculpting in Lai is beautiful. There’s just so much detail. My wife painted her for me this week (thank you @Amet <3) and I am in love. As of right now I have her on a Volks SD16 body. The match is very good and like @idrisfynn noted, there is a slight gap under the chin that you only see if you’re looking up from underneath directly. The proportions are also very good. Not sure if this is her forever wig but the color is what I was hoping to have. I definitely think this sculpt is very versatile. It could work very well as either male or female. I am excited to do pictures of her next to @Amet’s Angel No. 2.

      I’m tentatively calling her Seraphina. We’ll see if it sticks.

      I look forward to seeing more Lais pop up!:fangirl:
      • x 8
    12. I am kicking myself for not ordering Lai! Can’t wait to see more owner pictures.
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    13. Aww, I hope you are able to find one. Or that another run is released.

      Thank you very much! :aheartbea I am really pleased with how her face up turned out. I can’t wait to figure out the rest of what I’d like to do with her.
    14. Great to see all the ordered Lai heads reach their owners. I also got my milk tea rose l
      Lai today. I've been unable to find a body that I like for him. Would somebody know any companies, apart from Switch or DF-A, which offer colours that are close to Joydoll's SNG milk tea rose?
    15. Good to see the lai heads starting to arrive. I can't wait to see what you guys do with them ^^

      anyone having problems ordering from newcloversinging? I sent them an e-mail to order 2 Jakki heads from joy doll and haven't heard back yet :(
      #37 deathdoll, Oct 13, 2023
      Last edited: Oct 24, 2023
    16. I got my shipping notice for my Lai today!! Staring at the Switch site waiting for them to open Labyrinth body sales again...
      • x 1
    17. @deathdoll I ordered my Lai from Clover Singing- and I have not received a shipping notice yet... I'm getting a little worried now that I see so many people have already received their Lai heads... :(:(:(
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    18. I also ordered my Lai head from New Clover Singing and I just got my shipping notice! :dance
      So hopefully you will get yours soon!
      • x 2