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Junior Delf boys - Spica and Pluto

May 29, 2010

    1. If I hadnt looked at this thread I would have thought Spica was a girl. On the order page I can find no definite gender, which I think is very misleading. Really liked this doll as a girl and I have to say its one of the most ridiculous examples of doll androgeny that I have seen in the doll hobby! (Im sure people could point out others, might make a good thread ;) )
    2. O_O

      I was crying inside because I really wanted Spica since she was a girl and gorgeous. Now my mind is so confuzzled after finding out that she's really a he that I'm not sure what to think o_o.

      I guess that makes me not want her as much..but she's just so pretty as a girl! I really hope they release Spica as a girl JDF soon!
    3. I for once am happy Spica is a boy, I wouldn´t be interested in him if he was a girl :) He looks really really girlish ... but somehow I like that alot!
    4. I second that!
      I see alot of girls that look too 'soft' so It's a nice surprise for me.
    5. I've always been a Volks fan, but Spica has really got me thinking about Luts again - it really is an amazing sculpt...

      and I was wondering about a Spica head on a girl Delf body - would that work? I know all the neck types are different - can they be adapted? I'm also considering a Soony...

    6. Don't know about neck pieces, but having mismatched resin colour would bother me.

      They're hard to buy clothes for.. really? @_@ I assumed that they fit in Delf/normal SD-sized clothing... just that the pants might be a bit too long. Hmm...
    7. Alice80, if you are a Volks fan I am sure you love Spica because of her similarity to School C.
    8. Geez, I've been waiting for a Jr. Delf girl and they come out with Spica. I'm gonna go ahead and say it--why do they dress these boys as girls? I don't get it. There are some of us who just don't do the gender blender thing with our dolls. I don't think it's cute or interesting--just annoying. My opinion only==please don't flame me.
    9. *shrugs* Some of us *do* really like the feminine boys though. I think Spica's adorable. Just because you don't like that style, it doesn't mean Luts can't cater to those of us who do, no?
    10. Well, that's all they seem to be doing in this line of Junior Delfs. Catering to you. I want to be catered to too!
    11. The neck wouldn't be a huge issue, that can be worked around. But I'm with you, the resin is not a good match. However there are plenty of other girl bodies that do match that could be used.

      Yes I do find my boy hard to dress. I love him anyway but honestly he can wear girl clothes more easily than boy. He swims in most SD sized boy clothes. The pants are too loose and too long in the legs and with the shirts it looks like he is wearing hand me downs that he hasn't quite grown into yet. However, Dollmore's Adam dolls (SD's) are actually far smaller than Dollmore claims they are and so their SD clothes often fit pretty well. I have several dollmore items for my Jr. Delf. SD10 boy sized clothes are an option as well, but there aren't a whole lot of options in them. Luts also makes some Jr. Delf clothes but again, not a whole lot of options. As more and more molds come out I expect to see more options in clothing.
    12. Right now quite a few companies are cross dressing their boy dolls. Like the Alice in Wonderland theme it seems to be the "in thing" at the moment. However from what I have seen Luts boy dolls have always been a bit effeminate, it isn't a totally new thing for the Jr. Delfs. I think it is easier with the Jr. Delfs like the Kid Delfs because they are smaller and more immature. Luts intends them to seem younger, and frequently younger people are considered more gender ambiguous. I understand your impatience to get Jr. Delf girls, but does anyone even know if Luts even intends to release any?
    13. Hmm, in which culture are 11 and 12 year olds gender ambiguous? Doll culture perhaps? Usually this is when puberty starts and gender is no longer ambiguous if it ever was. Sexual identity or preference yes, but not the actual gender. These aren't hermaphrodite dolls--which is truly gender ambiguous--they are cross dressing dolls, which is completely different. I am trying to understand this, the dolls are inanimate and represent what some people desire, but it's so unfair to tease those of us who just want a real girl!
    14. LisaMarie, just because the way Luts depicts Spica is very effiminate, does not mean every person who decides to own him has to make him look that way. It just takes a a bit of creativity and I'm absolutely certain he could look very boyish indeed. You don't have to like 'gender blending', just make your boy dolls look like boys if that's what pleases you. And if you do want him to be a girl, why not modify him into one? Or hybrid? I wish I could remember which specifically, but a company just came out with a new girl body at 55cm that turned out very cute that might be a good candidate (or if I'm not mistaken, aren't Luts' Delf girls already at around that height?).

      Anyway I've been lurking this thread as I'm so excited that Luts has decided to release the Junior Delf body seperately! I have been waiting for this since they came out with this line! After receving my Glorydoll boy I'm entirely in love with this petite size of boy dolls and I absolutely can't wait until I can find the proper head to go with it :)
    15. I don't think culture has anything to do with it. Puberty may hit around 12 but not in every case. A good percentage of pre-teens and even younger teens will not have developed many of what we consider to be gender defining physical characteristics yet. Things like facial hair and breast development as well as loss of "baby fat" can vary greatly by age and individual. What most people use to judge gender are hair styles and clothes but that is rather subjective. I could show you facial pictures of kids ranging from 9-15 and without hairstyle to use as a guide it is difficult to discern gender.

      Cross dressing dolls isn't exactly a new thing, it is incredibly popular in this hobby where effeminate boys seem to be the norm. Luts was not trying to tease anyone, simply appealing to a popular trend. It is just marketing.
    16. Well, I guess my question actually is why is it so appealing? I'd really like to know why people like effeminate boys? Is it male or female collectors mostly--a generational thing or this hobby in particular or ???.

      I will ask Luts if they plan to produce any female Junior Delfs.
    17. LOL probably!

    18. Is Spica a boy?? I sure thought I was looking at a girl with that kind of faceup and hair.....I wish they would put it on the website who was who.
    19. I don't know that it is just this hobby in particular. It is very noticeable in the whole anime/manga culture too. Maybe it has something to do with people who are attracted to the Asian aesthetic? It is the same as people who like manly men, or people who like guys with glasses. Just what appeals to you personally. I prefer more androgynous or feminine looking guys, at least for certain of my characters. I find the big beefy muscly guys unappealing. Even in real life I prefer guys with less harsh "male" characteristics to their face and more delicate body types. I also don't find the whole cliche macho man personality appealing. So it isn't just physical traits for me. I think for at least some women the appeal is that these feminine boys are not threatening, but that may just be my spin on it. Hubby and I both collect dolls and he also prefers pretty boys, though his boys are a bit less androgynous than some of mine. We are in our late 20's.
    20. girly boys r the best! I want Pluto so bad!!