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Junior Delf Discussion

Jul 1, 2009

    1. I'd love a light tan dolly, but I can't manage getting another doll right now :sweat: I'm sad Luts is discontinuing the JDFs... I was always a fan of Terra, and almost got him in the summer event until Vega persuaded me otherwise.
    2. I just e-mailed Fabric Friends & Dolls to see if I can put a Rigel on layaway. I've admired him for a long time but didn't expect him to be discontinued. I really want the cute smaller JDF body, it's such a nice size.
    3. Hello! Last week I ordered a brown skin Terra for myself and a normal skin Rigel for my daughter. I always thought about getting a junior delf "someday;" Lut's discontinuing them brought that day much faster than I had planned. :) I had to push other doll plans aside, I was sure I would be sorry if I didn't! I can't wait to see the brown skin in person. I would love to get a light tan doll someday too!

      Congrats to everyone else who is getting a JDF soon too!
    4. Hi, could anyone please help me? i cant find any information on luts' neck measurement for JDF. i tried asking them what the neck circumference was, and their reply was "we dont have the neck piece"..... so yeah......

      Please help me if anyone know, coz i was thinking of buying AE head to put on luts but dont know what their neck circumference is. Every time i asked luts, i get really useless answers and have given up trying to explain to them....

      PLEASE HELP!! :...(
    5. I recently asked them and they told me
      "The girth of JDF neck is about 9cm"
    6. Hello! I'm in that group of people who've been wanting one for a while and the discontinued news has sent that plan a little faster than I thought XD I'm thinking of getting a Terra Dreaming, though I'm not sure about the default faceup. Anyone have any pictures, with or without the default?

    7. oh my god!!!! aaah~~ thank u so much!!! i have been trying to get this information off of them for about a month now! thank uuuuuuu!!
    8. also i have another question to anyone who can help, i want to get the JDF body but i would like a SDF head.... i was wondering if the SDF head would look to big on JDF???
    9. Man.. this is sad news for me. I've always really liked Lepus, but I went with Rigel instead for my 2nd doll... I guess this is what happens when I leave the hobby alone for a while. Seems like I have a penchant for odd sized dolls.

      Still looking for clothes for my boy. Anybody know what sizes fit them?
    10. Since they're using the JDFs as SDF heads now, I'm thinking they're probably the same size, or close enough.

      I put a Rigel on layaway last month. I can't wait. :3
    11. And there's an end to the Junior Delf line. I was on the Luts website just now and all the JDFs and the JDF My Choice are marked as sold out. Its sad, but I'm glad I was able to get my Rigel before the JDF body was no more!
    12. Well, my poor 2nd hand faded JD boy isn't going anywhere soon, so I'd REALLY like to know if anyone's found clothes that fit on them? fortunately mine has that little prince outfit, so he has one outfit, socks, shoes... but for future reference, what shoes or clothes fit? Can't belive that I'm ending up with all odd-sized dolls (with an even odder one on the way ._. )

      Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
    13. Is it bad that I think if they would have done the same faces they had on rerelease I would have gotten these boys when they were available? Oi, maybe they will reinstate them sometime in the future? Sorry I have no info on what fits, I think it was a mix of MSD clothes and some of the smaller Delf clothes last I checked, there may be a what fits thread somewhere though.
    14. Theyre larger than msds though, but not quite as large as SDs.. no idea about feet. im hoping they'll fit something, but from what i'm seeing so far, they're an odd inbetween size? At least that I know of? I wanted to check with people that have more dolls/doll clothes. I just have 70cm sized clothes and those won't do...

      Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
    15. I just got my JDF boy a little while ago and I've been going through my doll clothes to see what fits him and found SD13 girl clothes fit him decently.

      Here's an example
      Jeans from nine9style, shirt from TTYA both SD13 girl size.

      I also have a pair of boy jeans (1/3 SD) from Alice's Collections that were too small for my Migidoll, but fit the JDF fine. Unfortunately, I haven't got any shoes that fit him.
    16. Wow, the SD13 girl stuff looks great! I'll have to keep that in mind.
      Paid off my Rigel today! I hope he arrives soon <3
    17. Wow, thank you very much for info *.* so much stuff to order from ninestyle now, hehe >w<
      but what about these jeans? aren't they too tight? can he sit in them?
    18. SD13 boy clothes from Volks are a little bit baggy, but if you don't mind that, then they's not a bad fit either and they can sit just fine with them xD
    19. They're not tight at all, actually a bit loose, and he sits in them just fine, they're pretty stretchy (they could be a little stretched out from being worn by a girl that's a tad too big for them though). It's good that this pair of jeans isn't too tight on the ankle or I wouldn't have gotten them over his feet. I tried some skinny cargo pants from TTYA on him but couldn't get them over his feet (not very stretchy).
    20. Waiting for my tan Lepus to be marked as shipped. *rolls*