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Junior Delf Discussion

Jul 1, 2009

    1. I find Volks SD10 stuff works really well (though I realize I'm replying to an old question, haha)


      Took some pictures of Aidan (Rigel) today! He's one of my favourites.
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    2. Terra look beautiful, Luts will allow us to purchase head separately from 27 Nov to 18 Jan. I will buy Terra.
    3. Gonna breathe some life back into this thread after over a year of being dead!

      So I got a junior delf body secondhand (I'm collecting one of each line xD) but I was looking into head options for a hybrid. So far I have a Doll Family A Anthony head on the body, which isn't bad but I need to mod the neck hole in the head deeper so it doesn't have such a long neck.


      Hopefully I'll post my nodding adventures or other hybrid options soon. >.<
    4. omg the thread lives. That's a pretty cute combo!
    5. HAHAHA! I have put together MY OWN Delf Spica with a Spica head and an IoS 50 cm boy body! I couldn't buy him when he came out and I wanted to but the funds weren't there and I have been pining ever since. He doesn't have eyes or a wig yet. But I'm working on it. I got him the girliest pink face-up and I can't wait until he's complete.
    6. I'm actually wanting to do the opposite! I used to own an IoS Cho head that I never got around to getting a body for and I regret selling it. So I want to get one again to put on this body.
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    7. It's been a minute since I last posted my Lepus in here.

      I love Junior Delf size so much. I low-key regret not getting another doll from Luts before they stopped selling them.

      [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
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    8. I am hoping to be a proud owner of a JDF body soon...but what heads to put on it? I'd love to get a Luts head but are the head sizes okay to put on it?
    9. Size-wise I think most standard SD size heads should work - I've put regular SD size event heads on my Terra's body before and it works fine. Some sculpts might be a bit bobbleheaded but the JDF body is.... not immature exactly. Soft enough? That it doesn't look too out of place. You might have to do some minor neck mods for fit depending on the exact sculpt.

      In the end I think it probably comes down to personal preference? I wouldn't put, like, an iplehouse head on it, it would feel too mature for that body for example, but you know your own taste well enough to know what would work for you.
    10. Delf size boy or girl or SDF size girl works
      I have four JDFs, two with their original heads (Terra and Rigel) and two JDF bodies, one with Blanchet girl Senior Delf head and the other with Emma Delf girl head. Sorry for my english
    11. @Nasa - I wanted to get a Luts head specifically for the body. I wanted to know if what heads from their current lines would work.

      I understand any SD would do but I'm not wanting to hybrid too much since I have seen the neck can be a little tall? IDK. I'll have to see once I get my body in. :)

      @paxita - Thanks! I am sad I missed out on Spica.

      When you say Delf Size Boy, do you think event heads work? I see they do a lot of interchangeability through their lines like putting a Delf head on an SDF or SDF65 and vice versa?

      Your English is fine! I will look into girl heads too. :D