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keeping the original box?

Jul 23, 2019

    1. I've only ever kept a couple of boxes. It's such a shame putting them in the recycling because they are often so beautiful but I don't ever see myself selling my dolls and it just feels like more clutter keeping them.
    2. I would keep boxes of dolls you aren't 100% sure of keeping or wanting to take to meetups or other places. I find the boxes personally valuable to me because you pay hundreds of dollars for a doll might as well keep everything you can keep with it, but maybe that is a bad mentality to have. Completely up to you and what you want to do with your dolls.
    3. I was raised on Antiques Roadshow, so I keep boxes for things whenever I can just for posterity’s sake. It may not be the best idea, but...well, at least so far only Zara actually has a box. As a ResinSoul, Krina only has her transport bag, which I still use if I have to take her anywhere. Flattening the boxes temporarily has been mentioned by a few people; I might try that.
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    4. I keep all boxes for storage in case I move and if I would ever need to sell anything since I think it brings up its value.
    5. I have one signed box so that stays, I’d like to make that part of her display at times...and then there are only a few other boxes I want to keep. My dolls travel in a rolling suitcase so no specific need to transport them in a cardboard box unless it has shaped foam maybe.
      We will have a few dolls travelling to new owners at some point coming up, I'm doing KonMari but dolls are last, so I’ll keep a few boxes to be able to offer a doll box option to buyers if they want one. But after that, I'll just keep maybe 5? I will photograph the boxes with the dolls they belong to though, as one more proof of original purchase, I guess? Maybe film a pretend mass unboxing, then dispose of the boxes. :wiggle
      #45 mimimontoya, Aug 6, 2019
      Last edited: Aug 6, 2019
    6. The only reason I could see for keeping boxes is if you weren't 100% on your doll and planned to resell within a year or two. I find storing the doll with the box more tedious than just finding a place to store the doll.
    7. I kept all boxes so far ad store them on a shelf in my closet. They will be handy when moving or storing the doll. I also use them to keep extra outfits or accessories for my dolls organised.
    8. I've owned my dolls long enough to know that I'm not going to part with them, so I got rid of the boxes. They were simply taking up too much space.
    9. I have a cupboard in my upstairs room that is floor to ceiling doll boxes...I can't seem to not keep them, you know...just in case...and with over 40 in the house, that's a LOT of boxes! But then I keep other boxes for things too - for instance, I've only just managed to throw out the box our TV came in. Plus I have about a million boxes that came from all the guff I've bought from Mandarake over the years, just in case I have a rush of blood to the head and decide to do a load of sales...

      Yeah. I have a box problem...
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    10. I keep mine for convenience. In the future when I move, having the boxes may come in handy for easy transport. However, they do take up space. It's possible I'll change my mind on this someday and toss them.
    11. Not all my dolls have boxes (buyed second hand) but I keep them all. I used to keep them just because they are cute and because of the feeling that I had "a set" for the doll, as it had more value. But I recently moved and all of my dollies were moved in the boxes (some had to share, obviously). It was so practical!
    12. All my dolls are MSDs and I have no problem with keeping the boxes except one from Supia Doll. The box is really too huge for a MSD and it occupies almost half the size of my wardrobe. I keep it because I may resell it one day.
    13. I plan on keeping my boxes. I have one of those storage beds where you can life up the mattress and store everything inside. You’d be amazed at how many boxes fit in there (I have a lot of figures). It’s a great alternative to filling up my closet with tons of empty boxes. :XD:
    14. I keep the boxes because I store the dolls in them when I don't have them out. It ended up being very helpful when I moved. I do also keep a supply (broken down) of the shipping boxes, in case I need to sell, although to date I have only let go of a few of my krewe. I also label the boxes with their names (the ones I give them, I mean).
    15. I am absolutely anal retentive about keeping the boxes, and this is a big reason why I inadvertently took a break from the hobby - moving the boxes around with me was getting to be too much.

      The reasons I keep the boxes are because it's easier to store my dolls (God forbid they get too much sunlight LOL), easier to move them, and it's a quick and easy way to show authenticity IMO. My dolls are 11+ years old at this point, and only one comes with any kind of authenticity paperwork.
    16. I just can't bear to throw out any doll boxes, they're too pretty! They were very handy the last time I moved, and I expect will be if/when I move again. And it really hasn't been that much of a storage problem. With 14 dolls so far, the boxes only take up the top shelf of one of the four closets in my apartment, so I'm willing to devote the space to hoarding them for now.
    17. I store my dolls in their original boxes so I actually need them for storage.
    18. I get rid of plain boxes and keep the pretty ones to store art supplies in. I have a lot of shelf space in my spare room, so I can keep the boxes there.
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    19. I like to keep the original boxes to store all the extra things that come with dolls, and also because I know it would be impossible for me to lose a COA lol. I would most definitely lose the coa, extra strings, hooks, magnets etc without those boxes..
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    20. I generally keep the boxes as I tend to store my dolls in them when not on display. I think it’s nice to have a dedicated space for them where I don’t have to worry about misplacing something, like the COA. My collection is fairly small right now though so it’s understandable for people who have a lot of dolls to not want to keep packaging for them.