1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Leaving the Hobby...SAY WHAT!?

Oct 29, 2009

    1. A little off topic, but I thought I was crazy! :doh I believe that these dolls are extremely spiritual things and have personalities and souls and so on. Perhaps a different thread. :sweat
    2. Oh, I have seen this. I think it is very sad too. :?
    3. I quit the hobby for a while, I think mostly because new items stopped impressing me as much as they had - no new sculpts were appealing to me, and even new shoes from companies I loved were boring to me. I kept my dolls in hopes that I would one day become interested in them again (which happened recently). I did still treat them well - they were all packaged up in their boxes and were the only things besides my computer that I took with me in my car when I moved where everything else went in the moving truck - but I just didn't really do much with them except pose them on the shelves and make a new outfit for one or two of them occasionally. I'm not sure what really sparked my re-interest recently. It could be that I had started smoking around the time I stopped being interested in them (which was a contributing factor as I didn't want smoke anywhere around them) and recently quit, or maybe it was my best friend having to move out of state and feeling lonely, I don't know.

      My word, you sound like me! Even if I lose interest for a while, the love is still there, it's just harder to find people to share it with. Still :aheartbea:aheartbea:aheartbea mermaids though LOL :)
    4. Have you ever known someone who left the hobby and what did you think?
      No, I have not known anyone personally who has left the hobby. I've seen it, and like almost everyone else I've been curious but it's none of my business.

      Have you ever thought of leaving the hobby and why?
      I've thought about it in a rhetorical sense. I started this mostly because my roommate and a friend got into it and wanted me to join them, so I was gifted a couple dolls. They seemed interesting before, but that was as far as I went. Once I had the gifts, I began to independently (somewhat) look into things and figure out how to work my dolls myself. I think I'm more likely to stop playing/fiddling with them for awhile, as I've no money, and the drama inherent in forums always makes me blegh.

      Have you ever sold all your dolls, left the hobby, then eventually made your way back into it and bought another doll?
      No, I have not and I probably will not.
    5. Some people keep a journal to document their thoughts, hopes and dreams. Me? I put all that into my dolls. Each of my dolls, in a way, reflects a different part of me. It's more creative and fun for me than just writing down words and going back to re-read them at some later date. I look at each one of my dolls and voila! There it all is instantly in a visually creative and artistic presentation. So no, I don't ever see myself giving the hobby up.:)

      And I find a lot of enjoyment here on DoA. It's a wonderful forum where the mods work very hard at keeping everything on topic and relatively melodrama free, and I really appreciate that. (Trust me, I've been on other doll forums where 95% of the posts had to do with who hates whom, whose kids have the flu, and whose street's are being repaved rather than anything about dolls!):doh I've been enjoying this forum with my morning coffee for more than 3 and a half years now and find it a lovely and uplifting way to start a busy day. What could be more wonderful than seeing the unique and beautiful creativity offered here on a regular basis?

      But let's face it, that's just my own reasons for loving this hobby. People get into BJDs for all sorts of reasons, and perhaps those reasons just weren't strong enough to stick with it in the end. Perhaps they've fallen in love with a new interest and really need the money to dive headlong into it. Maybe their situation is just too financially precarious to maintain their enjoyment in their collection and the stress finally gets to be too much. Maybe their lives just move off into a new direction. Or maybe they want a more melodramatic forum and feel this one is way too neutral (weird to me certainly, but then obviously there are people out there who just love those 95% off topic post doll forums with their daily soap operas.):lol:
    6. Have you ever known someone who left the hobby and what did you think?
      - I haven't known anyone personally who left the hobby. But when I do see it around here, I kinda makes meh sad. Ya never wanna see people in a hobby you enjoy leave. But in the end, there's nothing you can do.

      Have you ever thought of leaving the hobby and why?
      - I only got my first doll about a year ago. So I have no intention of leaving the hobby now. Right now I never want to leave the hobby, nor do I think I will in the future. However, you never know what's gonna happen. But as of right now, NO WAI! 8D

      Have you ever sold all your dolls, left the hobby, then eventually made your way back into it and bought another doll?
      - Nope. XD <3
    7. Have you ever known someone who left the hobby and what did you think?
      No. It seems like a sort of weird concept. I guess if you need the money and have a ton of dolls and don't feel as passionate as you used to, I understand downsizing your collection, but I don't see the reason to "leave". You can still keep a couple dolls stored away and if you see one some time in the future that you want, why not buy it? It's not like becoming a citizen of another country or quitting a MMORPG that you're subscribed to.. there's not really a barrier to cross.

      Have you ever thought of leaving the hobby and why?
      Well, I'm still sort of new to it, so no. XD; But if I ever did, it would probably be like what I described above. I go through suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper slow phases and sometimes I leave stuff alone for yeeaars, but I don't really change my mind too often, so I know that even if I lose interest temporarily, I'll probably come back to it some day.

      But then again, I don't know if I do hobbies in quite the same way as a lot of people do. I'm not the type who buys or collects a lot of extra stuff even when I'm really interested in a thing. My hobbies don't usually have a big physical impact on the rest of my life and finances, and so can easily be left alone for a while. I don't really know what it's like to have a constant flow of merchandise through your house.
    8. Have you ever known someone who left the hobby and what did you think?

      Yes, I was the first one in my local circle of fashion doll collecting friends to get in ABJDs and bring one to our club meeting. Although they initially were not enthused over my Volks SDC Kaede, over the next several weeks a couples of members asked me about ABJDs and a few got into them too. I don't think any of them are still into ABJDs now though, and most have sold those ABJDs they had, to refocus their collections on other types of dolls again.

      Have you ever thought of leaving the hobby and why?

      Yes, just very recently as a matter of fact. I don't want to really go into the specifics of it, but let's just say I had a knee-jerk reaction to a situation I found hurtful. But now that my temper has cooled, and my skin has thickened, I realized that I still love my dolls, it's some of the people in this hobby that I can do without. ;)

      Have you ever sold all your dolls, left the hobby, then eventually made your way back into it and bought another doll?

      No, I thought about selling a number of my dolls, but I haven't yet made a firm decision. I actually am amazed at the number of ABJDs I ended up with, when I really thought I'd only have a handful at the most. And I taken breaks from DoA, and may do so again in the future. But I've always been into dolls of various types, so I think my interest in the hobby will always be there, but I may just return to enjoying it more privately.
    9. Have you ever known someone who left the hobby and what did you think?
      I had a friend who sold her only doll to pay for rent and that depressed her enough to keep her away from DOA for awhile. I gave her a doll for Christmas though, so I've managed to suck her back in.

      Have you ever thought of leaving the hobby and why?
      Yes, I did think long and hard for a little while about completely leaving the hobby. Financial burden, stress and guilt all played a major factor, and just plain old clinical depression (yay me!).

      In the end though, I couldn't do it. I did however, significantly thin out my collection and re-evaluate and implement more strict criteria for the acquisition of BJD's.

      Have you ever sold all your dolls, left the hobby, then eventually made your way back into it and bought another doll?
      Nope, never left the hobby entirely, as mentioned above. Just the collection thinning and a major DOA hiatus.
    10. Have you ever known someone who left the hobby and what did you think?
      No, but perhaps I will after I've been in the hobby for a while.

      Have you ever thought of leaving the hobby and why?
      Again, I'm still very new to the whole BJD hobby, but this hobby is to take focus off of my other one. I figure if I can't quit that hobby (which is very drama filled at times and stressful) then I doubt I'll be able to leave this one, which is waaay more relaxing! :)

      Have you ever sold all your dolls, left the hobby, then eventually made your way back into it and bought another doll?
      My first one hasn't even arrived yet... I hope I don't sell her!

      As far of being shocked when people leave a hobby such as this, I'm less inclined to feel that way. This hobby rewards you with material gain for time, money and effort (dolls, clothes, photostories, etc.). I've been part of a hobby for a long time where the only reward is dots on a sheet and social interaction.

      In both hobbies (and most hobbies in general) people get drawn in and sometimes emotionally invested. At least if you walk away from BJDs you can get a little bit of your investment back and the knowledge that you are making someone else very happy by offering them a doll they may never otherwise have been able to get.

      Ok, I'm done rambling. :)
    11. I've known a few people leave and sell all their dolls, which was a shame since between them they had some absolutely gorgeous boys and girls, limiteds and standards alike... Even if I left the hobby I wouldn't sell my dolls though, since they're all characters who've been with me for between 10 and 15 years at this point so they're here to stay no matter what hobby takes my interest over the years, so it'll always be nice to have them around in physical form and I'll never get tired of that :3nodding:
    12. Its weird how this was bumped onto the top again because I was just wondering what happens when a BJD collector dies. Sorry if this off topic but I was just wondering.
    13. Hopefully they leave their dolls in their will to someone who would take good care of them...

      I would never leave the hobby, because once I start a hobby I keep with it (yeah my wargaming minis are on long term haitus as with magic: The gathering, but I have not sold any of them and one day I will get back to it). If I get burnt out with doll collecting then I will do something else for a while before coming back to it when good and ready. And no, I will not be selling any of my dolls.

      Unless I start making and casting my own, in which case, I might sell them if they're good enough to sell.

    14. Have you ever known someone who left the hobby and what did you think?
      I'm new to actually being active in the BJD community, despite loving them for like 10 years now. I'm not surprised to see people leave though, interests and priorities change in life. I've done the same with other hobbies, many of which seemed like stepping stones to my BJD love.

      Have you ever thought of leaving the hobby and why?
      I'm just new to the hobby so I haven't yet. Whether or not I will, I really don't know. I could see me keeping my Ani boy though, even if my interest in BJDs starts to fade or die down abit. If I manage to make dolls of my boys who have been OCs for years then I would probably keep them as well. They're very precious to me.

      Have you ever sold all your dolls, left the hobby, then eventually made your way back into it and bought another doll?
      I haven't done that, I'm not sure I'd be able to get back into things if I did do that either. When I sold my other dolls (OT here) I left that hobby. I sometimes see one I like but then I know I'd get bored of them quickly again and it would be a waste of money to reinvest after selling everything off once already.
    15. There are at least one or more threads about what happens to the dolls if you die, or what plans you've made in case-of. Not sure what search string to use for that, though.
    16. Have you ever known someone who left the hobby and what did you think?

      Dont know if she totally quit the hobby, but i was shocked when jujube stopped updating the Unoa Dream website

      Have you ever thought of leaving the hobby and why?


      Have you ever sold all your dolls, left the hobby, then eventually made your way back into it and bought another doll?

      Nope, did radicallt changed my collection from WS to NS/ RS/Tan dolls at one point
    17. I've known a few people who left and I can't say I blame them for it. As I've said in other threads, I know myself well enough to know that I won't be doing this forever either. I've known and accepted that from day one. A hobby may hold my interest for a year, or five or fifteen... but sooner or later, they all go the way of the dodo. There have never been any exceptions.

      I've been involved with these dolls to one extent or another for about four years now, which is a longer run than average for my passtimes... but I highly doubt I'll still be around four years from now. The longer I'm here, the more I find myself uncomfortable with a lot of the "fandom culture" that's grown up around these dolls. I seem to have very little in common with the younger set of collectors any more, and I actively dislike the attitiude of a fair few of the older ones. (To put it mildly, I find some of them very childish and I'm embarassed that they've become the most vocal "face" of the hobby's older membership. :| ) All of that makes me less and less interested in having anything to do with the social side of collecting.

      Will I eventually sell all of my dolls or make some big flounce of a sale announcement about departing? Probably not. I still have favorite pieces from all of my previous collections, and I don't see any reason why this one would be different. I doubt I'll keep all of them, but it's likely I'll always have a few special favorites around.

      I guess I take a more pragmatic view of the hobby. I'll be involved as long as it's fun. Once it ceases to be, and there's no good reason to stick around anymore, I'll walk away without regrets. As someone else up-thread said, I'll accept that it was fun while it lasted. It seems like a lot of us do that.
    18. I hear you there. Sometimes I'm just not into them. I still love them, but they're just on my shelf.

      Have you ever known someone who left the hobby and what did you think?
      Not anyone personally. I've heard people say they're leaving, but none were people I talked to or were friends with. It makes me sad to see people go, but it's there choice. If their dolls go to someone else who loves them and will care for them that's what matters.

      Have you ever thought of leaving the hobby and why? I've wondered what I'll do when I have a family. When I have kids I'll have less time on my hands and will probably develop other intrests. I'll always love my girls, and can never see myself getting rid of Alice (I'm so attached to her, maybe it's the story behind her and how I got her that I don't care to go into at the moment). I feel that even with children she'll be somewhere in my home, waiting patiently.

      Have you ever sold all your dolls, left the hobby, then eventually made your way back into it and bought another doll? Nope ^-^ They're still all here!
    19. Have you ever sold all your dolls, left the hobby, then eventually made your way back into it and bought another doll?

      *raises hand* um, i did :sweat long story short i was in a group order that could have went much better and it upset me so much i sold the few items i had left (i was having money trouble after the group order so i had to sell all my other bjd's so i could keep the one i hadordered) and i 'left' the hobby after a few months i could go on doa with out feeling angry. and a little while later i ordered Ama Cha. i regret how thing had turned out, but that's all behind me and i'm much more careful about my choices. it's made me a happy bjd owner again :)
    20. I've never know anyone who left the hobby personally. But I have had people who I follow and had beautiful dolls leave the hobby and sell all their things. I don't think that I'd even sell all my dolls, I usually keep my hobbys once I get into them. I've been taking pictures since I was fifteen and I'm twenty-five now.

      I think a lot of the 'leave hobby' threads may be due them feeling overwhelmed, money issues, etc. that make them leave.