1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Lee-el : 90cm Dolls

May 2, 2013

    1. You are really making me like Anastasio more and more!
    2. Beautiful color, chinadoll! They go extremely well with his skin color. Don't tempt me too much, please. If I will get one Leel doll, I wanted it to be Alzad.

      *Goes away, repeating mantra: I do not want him, I do not need him, I do not...

      And thanks to You all for pointing out, my problem could be just a lost communication. I will try again after the thanksgiving. Thanks for mentioning that, too, Lady Tiku and chinadoll.
    3. He is gorgeous with an attitude :)

      No problem, good company, I got the wigs free from them but I find I like the style of wigs I have at home. I also got them with free face up .

    4. One day. One day I'll get one of those huge boys. One day ... *sigh* I'll have to move out of my flat and live on the balcony to make room for him but one day ... ;)
    5. Jacob is gorgeous like the other guys, I am hoping to wait till December to get him or later.
    6. Oh. My.
      He is pretty! Love those eyes!
      At this rate, I'll have to sell all my old dolls that are shorter than 70cm to buy all these big boys and their incredibly cool clothes and toys! lol
    7. You ARE trying to get me broke, Le-el, right? :D
    8. So many feels...so much want. My heart and wallet weeps. :doh
    9. I am still waiting to see how these guys stack up to EID's :P *pokes aernath* yes that is directed at you lol. Obviously a 20 cm difference is huge but they have some surprising size comparisons by the number *dying to see how funny a head swap would be*

      by the way ... can someone drop a link to the site in here??? I can't seem to find it.
    10. I am quite interested in seeing the female version! I do hope it's not huge breasts and big bum like some I've seen. I am hoping it's one I don't have to sand down and alter! Mature face would be nice too!
    11. Oh gods no ... a bigger option for makeing 'couples' dolls >< no no no... not now... I've already given up the notion of going to Dollism as it is :...(

      tvm Yuan ^^ for some reason I just wasn't getting the 'e''s right and the dash in the right place I guess lol... the company is new enough too that some smart searches don't show it yet lol.
    12. Hello,

      After Lee-el has made such a splash by re-releasing the little Oz dolls, I wandered around their site and found their big guys. Their SUPER big guys! Mr. Alzad is incredibly gorgeous and handsome, but I've had no luck finding owner photos of him. Does anyone own him? My searches on DoA/flickr haven't turned up anything... I read on the notice board he's limited to 30, but I don't want to be hasty and buy a $1200 90cm doll on a whim.

      Lee-el's line up is amazing though. I don't even know how he'd fit into my family or on the shelf for that matter... but he's got a gorgeous face. Thanks in advance!
    13. ^OOO! Thank you I didn't even see the member gallery. There are some gorgeous Alzad's lurking in there. T^T Lee-el is a dangerous new place for me to look around. xD
    14. I was all set to buy Livan, and no Paypal. Was going to buy and then hope female would be offered later. I want a couple. I do historical costume and this would be my half scale. My Vega and Sabic are 2/5 scale. sort of. guess I wait until the site is fixed or whatever the problem was or is.
    15. He's pretty. Too bad they don't take Paypal or I'd have Jacob on order. It would be nice if they came up with some more regular guy clothes too instead of all the punk rocker looks.
    16. They accept paypal :) I paid mine by paypal. I love Jacob but do not have enough fund right now. I am hoping next year to get Jacob or Edward. If have money I would buy all LOL

      I have Livan and Anastasio and wonder which will fit the group more Jacob or Edward? Edward looks very different from the other boys I think.
    17. I love like, ALL of their 90cm boys! But 90 cm is honestly too big for me :( It's important they'd fit with the rest of my dolls who are no bigger than 70cm...

      I'm waiting for that 50-60cm line displayed on their website ~ and secretly hoping for a Wooyan re-release xD; (my grail)
    18. Ok, someone please help out the befuddled. Where on their site does it say they take Paypal??
    19. If I remember correctly when you check out it does not say it but follow through with it and at the end there is an option of paypal. that is how I pay my two boys. :)