1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Leekeworld Mikhaila discussion part 3

Jul 5, 2012

    1. Shaiyeh Thank you! Yeah, Im really happy with her, I dont like that's she's single jointed though but her body sure makes up for it...besides, Fairyland spoils us so I guess I shouldnt expect her to pose as well as my two pukifees. Hehe, all in all, Im in love with her! :3

      Ayas-ShadowYay! How exciting! Be sure to share pics of her when she's here! :D

      Cydril Hehe, it does fit pretty nicely, a tiny bit poofy but it still looks nice. Luckily this dress in particular is a shorter version on the Rosettes so it's long on Mikhaila, if it was long on the Rosettes it would have been waay to long on Mikhaila n_n

      Theyre adorable! and hey, I have that same elephant somewhere! How cool! C:

      Yay! Her cute little bum! :3
    2. Take a look at the clothing thread for the Art Body - link in the first post on this thread. I've updated it today with etsy sellers, but if anyone has any other sellers or wants to post pics of their dolls wearing clothes from other manufacturers please do.
    3. Thank you, I've had a look! It seems to be a whole lot harder to find boyish clothes for this body lol for obvious reasons, I suppose...
    4. Well, according to her tracking info, my poor girl is still stuck in customs, where she has been since late Saturday. Personally, I'm hoping it just hasn't updated, and she'll actually be home tomorrow or Wednesday. I am stalking the tracking number, though, hoping for any update at all to it. And don't worry, there will be pics! And then she'll either sit out to remind me to give her a face-up, and start looking for a wig and eyes for her and make her clothes, or she'll be put away in the dolly cabinet with everyone else to actually wait her turn to be worked on. I'm rather betting that she'll jump the line, though.
    5. Hello! First time posting here! Just thought I would post my little girl too ~

      Her name is Mai (Vietnamese for Cherry Blossom)
    6. I don't have a picture of them wearing it but I got a Heart 4 Heart 18inch Doll clothing set at target. Its a Indian Sari and it fits my girls really well a little short in the skirt length, but unless your super picky about it not dragging the floor its a pretty good fit. They have a riding set i want to get with pants and some boots. I don't think the boots will fit too big and all but I think everything else even the hat should fit her.
    7. My girl is home! Gonna go open the box now, but SHE'S HOME!
    8. Congrats! Don't forget to share photos!
      And becuase I don't want to leave without a photo, here is one of my favourite photos of Amelia.
      resting by chocchip, on Flickr
    9. I'll share some photos just as soon as I finish her wig. Assuming that when I get done it actually looks how I want it to. Should be tomorrow if nothing comes up to keep me from working on it. I'm about half way done with it right now. She'll not have a face-up yet, but I figure that's OK. She's a darned cute sculpt without a face-up anyway!
    10. Hey,Cydril,I just seen your post since the last thread was closed. I am starting to post photos on my tumlbr
      Would you guys like the.link to that? I put on her tattoos today. And for fun I put the Ariana head on ot. Lo and behold I fell in love with it! If I don't get the original head back ill be sticking with the offtopic Ariana,more than likely.
    11. I'd love a link to that! (if its allowed here) :)

      Congrats on her arrival ayas shadow!

      @krevetka, that wig is super cute. Don't see too many curly headed Miks^^

      @Pokiepocky--so much cute :D <3
    12. New thread spam :)))

    13. It should be fine. My tumble is public so it doesn't bother me. Ill be posting a shoot I did yesterday on there when I get home tonight. I'm at work and posting thru mobile so ill post the link once I get home. I stuck the Ariana head on there so I can't post it.on a thread here anyways unless I put my Flo headlines on it something.
    14. I've just posted this in the waiting room as well, but I'll do it here too:
      HE'S HERE! He arrived today, and I have no camera, so the photo sucks- I used my phone.
      But these are the correct wig and eyes, and he is borrowing Branigan's clothes XD
      I LOVE HIM!!! This is Ash!

    15. love seening the new girls and boy picturs
    16. Oh,Ash is going to be adorkable!
    17. Thank you! I can't wait to do his face up XD
    18. Ash looks amazing, I look forward to seeing him finished.

      Anyone have a solution for the kicky leg/ankle syndrome?
      My girl keeps popping her ankle out of joint and her foot always points upwards. I already checked the stringing twice, its not twisted or anything. I must admit it is starting to annoy me quite a bit.
      Anyone else got the problem and possibly a way to fix it?