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Leekeworld Mikhaila discussion part 3

Jul 5, 2012

    1. Lady White Raven - my girl is very kicky, too. Sueding helped a bit, but I need to re-suede her (using glue) as it's starting to wear thin.
      But it doesn't help 100% so I'd also like to know if anyone has a better remedy to this :3
    2. See I am worried that this issue is caused by the way her feet are attached via a screw. Which would mean that this would require quite a bit of "surgery/modding" to fix.
    3. Yes, I've noticed that on my boy. I was just going to hot glue suede him so there's a little more traction on the joint ^_^
    4. Tulipe tried to be an "emo" kid yesterday, she even took a picture of herself.
    5. Both of my girls are kicky. Lizzie like to throw her foot at me. For some reason her right foot like to come of the hook a lot. No damage but I am going to glue the hook in next time it happens.

      Does anyone else have trouble with shoe and shoes or stocking like I do? I have to work the boot or shoes I put on my girls when they have stocking or socks on.
    6. To he honest,I got that issue too. I am not digging the ankle system they did.
    7. Skylar is pretty kicky herself, but she has a lot of weight to balance too since she sports the metal arm from the Rabbit Bear Girl set. However I'm hoping maybe some hot glue sueding and maybe even some wiring will help her!

      And to add to the pic spamming, Skylar's new Another Space outfit finally arrived today! She slays me with her cuteness always~

      • x 1
    8. God,I love your Skylar so much! How easily did the rabbit bear arm go on her?

      Alright,I did some tweaking with my tumblr to kind organize,but I haven't been able to upload the full photo set (had to go to my laptop to do it and it's still not wanting to cooperate -_- )

      So here's the link to my tumblr: http://chibikirakishou.tumblr.
      The posts are a bit spread out.
    9. Well, I still haven't finished her wig (got sick, haven't been up to much of ANYTHING the last couple of days) and I still haven't decided which eyes she's getting (the purple that came with her, or some powder blue I already had at home, she and I both like both for her) so the only photos I have of my girl are from her box opening. I'm loading them to photobucket right now, then I'll share one here! I am SERIOUSLY in love with this girl! And now that she's home, I'm sure I'm going to mod her bust, too. Not sure how much bigger I'll be making it, but I WILL be doing so! Hopefully by the end of summer...I tend to take FOREVER to get mods started, let alone close to finished. lol.

      Here's a shot of her freshly opened: [​IMG]

      And here's the box opening link: http://www.denofangels.com/forums/s...haila-in-Pure-Rose-skin&p=9233651#post9233651
    10. Thank you! ^o^

      I had to make a little arm peanut for her, but other than that it was pretty easy to put on~
    11. Yay, Ash is so cute! Can't wait to see him finished!

      Tulipe is cute as an emo scene kid. :)

      Congrats on the new girl Ayas-Shadow.

      Skylar looks way too adorable in her new outfit!!!!! *squee*

      I would still like to know how you people get your dolls to stand on their own. Dulcina does NOT do it ever. I got over my fear of restringing with her already, I don't know if I can work up the courage for sueding yet though.
    12. ZombieEdward I have the same problem with both of my Mikhailas. I ended up putting some covered wire in them when I took them to a meet and used doll stands just in case. I was afraid to leave the wire in though because it has a colored covering. I need to get some in white one of these days.
    13. I can get mine to stand but it takes a while and some work. Ishe won't stand on carpet very long. It has to be a had,flat surface. I have gotten her to stand in some sneakers but she makes me nervous. She seems to stand best barefooted.
    14. Covered wire, now that sounds like something to try out.
      I know my SD girl has a problem with standing on her own unless she's in a certain pair of shoes. Maybe I need to find Dulcina more stable shoes.
    15. I love everyone's photos. I know I've missed some people out, it's not intentional it's just I can't remember everyone's names!
      Ash looks ever so cute. I can't wait to see his face-up. Is he the first male Mikhaila on here?
      Skylar is amazing. I love her outfit and her odd eyes.
      Hasel, your girl is gorgeous, that's such an amazing wig on her.

      You have all inspired me to take some more photos of Amelia. But first I could do with some new clothes and perhaps a wig other than her stock one. As much as I love it on her it would be good to have something different too. I'm thinking of getting one of the limited mixed coloured wigs from Leekeworld.
    16. I simply cannot wait to get my Mikhaila!! Meanwhile I'm drooling over the spam and gallery pix to ease the tension...
    17. The first male was Bao. He's a panda. He is listed in the database.
    18. I love that dark brown wig Hasel! Tan Mikhailas look so nice in just about any color wig. My poor girl has been stuck in the default lavender since I got her. I kind of want to change it since its so common...but its also so cute ^^;;

      @Aiowen, Skylar is adorable in that outfit! Are you going to paint the arm or leave it clear?
      • x 1
    19. The pictures are so lovely. I think I am falling for the Tan Mikhaila now lol. I wish you could still get a basic doll from leeke I like to have gotton one. The twins got there little victorian nightgowns in and I am hopefully can do a little photo shoot with them.

      Cydril I got one of their beds from you. Love it.