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Leekeworld Mikhaila discussion part 3

Jul 5, 2012

    1. OK. After some playing around tonight, I am 100% sure! My Mikhaila is going to be modded to have a larger bust. I took of her bust (and arms, was NOT re-stringing those over and over tonight!) and tried on the top bust piece of my Souldoll girl (on original body) and that looked decent aside from the whole lack of color matching. With minimal modding, could look really good. Tried on the upper torso of one of my RS single jointed girls...didn't fit at all on Mikhaila's lower torso, the RS upper torso for the single jointed body is just too narrow. With some modding, could work, and look OK, too. Then tried on my RS Double Jointed upper torso piece. It's a tad big around the joint, but the bust proportions looked REALLY good! I don't want Mikhaila quite that big busted, but all of it just convinced me that she does, indeed, need a larger bust. Now...to just mod her own...or to find JUST an upper bust piece that's about the right size to mod to fit her, then airbrush to color match. Heh. I'll likely just mod hers, though. I doubt if I used another bust piece that she'd ever wear the original again, so what would be the point of keeping it original?
    2. Yay! We need more big girls!
    3. I want to paint it, I just can't decide on how I want it to look! > < I like the idea of making it look old and made out of spare parts and trinkets... but even then, deciding on how it should look and how to paint it is hard... :sweat

      I'd definitely be open to suggestions if anyone has any!
    4. @Ecchokat, Victorian nightdresses? That sounds overwhelmingly adorable. I hope you do do a photoshoot so we can see! (I'm glad your girls like the bed too ;) )

      Cool Ayas-shadow!

      @Aiowen, Spare parts themed sounds neat, like matching her mechanical eye? Since she always seems so bright and colorful, it might also be fun to paint it in bold primary colors like it was made of legos or something :D

      Does anyone have some Fly Mikhaila spam? I feel like I never see any, with the outfit and everything.
    5. Hi guys, I'm a long time lurker ^^
      I want a Mikhaila on Dollzone girl body, does anyone know if that works out? Thanks in advance!!!
    6. Did anyone even get the fullset when they got their Fly Mikhaila?
    7. Page 2? I wouldn't think so!
      bad photo of Tulipe (with Shai in the foreground) to bump up the thread a bit. I need to take my girls out for some photos...
    8. Has anyone glue swadded there mikhaila? I am wondering if it would help my twins stand better. I have never glue swadded any doll before myself.
    9. I hot glue sueded my Mikhaila at her chest joint, thighs and neck; and it made the world of difference to how she can pose now :) If you're not sure how to do it, there's some neat tutorials in the Customisation Thread.
    10. I also clued Tulipe. in all gluable joints. I need to re-do her knees, but it made a BIG difference :)
    11. My girl's wig is here! It looks WAY cute on her! I'm totally in love all over again! I hope to get some photos today to show her new wig! Now...to choose which eyes she needs, give her a face-up, get her bust mods done and get her some clothes made instead of just the stretchy skirt she's in now, with some lace wrapped around as a top!


      Here's a photo of her in her new wig! She's also in her powder blue eyes...not sure if she's keeping them or not yet...she also has a pair of deep purple eyes that I just love for her, too...I can't choose between them! I'm sure she'll eventually tell me which eyes she really wants to keep. Sorry for it being a flash photo. Light's not that good in the house, and I can't go outside for photos right now.

    12. I do love that pink wig!!
    13. Me too! I fell in love when I saw a picture of it, and then waited almost 2 weeks to be able to order it! And it's just amazing on her! The color and style are just perfect!
    14. Ack! That wig is awesome!
    15. Yay, made my second payment to DDE on my Mikhaila today -- just one more to go!!
    16. Speaking of sueding,how did you guys do the ankles? I can't stand my girl's ankles. @_@
    17. Tulipe is so cute shaiyah :D

      @ayas-shadow, that wig is fantastic!

    18. Cydril:So sweet, she's got her own little tea set!

      Chibi:About the ankles,my girl didn't have a problem when she first came,but now her elastics are looser and she's having trouble standing,maybe try tightening the elastics might help.
    19. Her elastic is pretty tight. Her legs are kinda kicky because it. With mine,her ankles keep turning like where the little notch thing is.
    20. That's another reason my girl can't stand, her ankles have a mind of their own!