1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Leekeworld Mikhaila discussion part 3

Jul 5, 2012

    1. I've noticed the ankle thing, too! My girl's ankles CONSTANTLY dislocate on me! Really, it's driving me a little nuts. I'm hoping that sueding will help fix that, though.
    2. Surprise!! My Mikhaila arrived on my doorstep yesterday, after only two of my three layaway payments! Somebody at DDE goofed and shipped her out too early! Being the honest customer I am, I quickly made the third payment and settled into getting acquainted with my new girl. She let me know right away that she's a no-nonsense, tough little kid. She's 9 years old, and already not taking any nonsense off of anybody. She told me that I'd better get some clothes on her, and since she was a bit premature I hadn't planned anything yet! Fortunately she (sort of) fits a tee shirt I just finished for my Doll Chateau Bella, and I managed to fold up the legs on a pair of SD jeans that fit fairly well over the hips. Now she wants a face. Sheesh!! I promised I'd try, but if my faceup skills are not up to par she's going to have to take a trip to a real artist. She's not pleased with that, but I've gotta start showing this kid who's the boss...
    3. Oh my! That is QUITE the mistake! But at least it's a happy one for you (and them, since you're a good, honest person and made that last payment after she arrived home!) Congrats on your new girl! She's definitely luckier than mine! She's still in an old skirt I 'made' (it's a shirt sleeve with a snap, basically) for one of my other girls that has enough stretch to fit on her...and a lace ribbon tied around her for a top! I need to make the poor girl some decent clothes, and give her a face-up...but I really want to do her bust mods first...but if I don't at least get to the face-up soon, I'll run out of good, consistent weather to get it done in...

    4. I love the gorgeous dress your girl is wearing here. Where is it from?
    5. Hello everybody! I finally got my lovely Mikhaila! Her name Lily, and she is sooo cutie! :D I love her so much!
      • x 1
    6. OMG your Mikhaila is so beautiful! and different! I love the look of that hair with the faceup!
    7. Ooh, congratulations on your Mikhaila, lakot! I absolutely love how you've styled her. <3

      She looks very...Bohemian? I think that's the style? XD I am so fashion-stupid, I'm not sure. But she's lovely!
    8. It's from Soom Rosette Armeria [Summer Term] (and so is also the wig). I joined a split probably a year ago and got it becouse I want to get a rosette someday. I did think the wig was going to fit but never imagined the dress would...but it did! Sleeves are a bit long though and it's full lenght almost on her as opposed to the tall Rosettes.
    9. Thank you! I'm not sure, but I think it's hippie style or something like that. I guess you're right.

      I did box-opening of our dolls!
    10. I love your hippie Mikhaila lakot! She makes a very pretty brunette!

      My girl got a new wig(the Leeke World Rabbit Bear Girl wig), need to get pictures of her in it.
    11. I have a question, I ordered from leeke directly for the first time on layaway when the stopped selling basics, I finished my layaway a week ago and today the status changed to prepare for an order, does that mean it's on its way or do I still have a bit of a wait?
    12. "Prepare for Order" is the fun bit between payment confirmed and delivery! :D When she's been shipped, the status on Leeke with change to "Delivery Confirmed" you have to keep checking it, I don't think they send out email-updates! :)
    13. Thank you that what I figured but was hoping otherwise
    14. here's some spam from a few days ago when David and I went to a nearby lake with my parents.
      don't worry, they were both dried our well after this ^^'
    15. Cadence wants to say hello, even though she's a bit embarrassed to be seen in this trial pattern I made to get the right fit on her cute little body. Say "hi", Cadence....


      Shaiyeh I love the lake pictures -- they look like they're having a great time!
    16. Hello Cadence! She's really cute :D

      also, thank you! it was a lot of fun taking the pictures :D
    17. hey everyone. just thought i would pop by because Dorrit wants to show off her new dress i made for her last weekend

      • x 1
    18. Thank you!
      That is amazing! :D

      That's really well done! Beautiful!
    19. It's absolutely beautiful. I like the fabric - is it a chiffon trimming? I've bought a pile of embroidered tulle to make dresses for my girls but am finding it a bit messy to sew. Are the sleeves separate?
    20. Beautiful! The color looks really good on her, and the way you did the dress itself is just plain darling on her!