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Leekeworld Mikhaila discussion part 3

Jul 5, 2012

    1. hey Hilarie!

      yep it's silky material...i find it a dream to work with and yes the sleeves are separate, i'm not that clever lol
    2. candy kitten, she looks beautiful! I recognize those eyes! I just got mine in the mail! Can't wait to put them in a doll :)

      Here is Cairo in her new wig. I've decided that she needs a new faceup. It will have to wait until I get some time, though.
      • x 1
    3. Such lovely girls periwinklestars and risa-risa
    4. I really love the Mikhaila head. But Leekeworld isn't selling them separately right now. I just want an opinion, do you think anyone would be willing to split the head from the body? Those eyes just melt my heart but I'm undecided on whether I love the body.
    5. New to the forum. Thought I would show off my girl. :) This is May!
      I'm completely in love with her green eyes. :D
    6. Loving the newest pic spam! I also REALLY love that dress perwinklestars!
    7. Just sharing some photos of my Minako



      I usually post all my pictures to flickr
    8. Tried getting a pic to show up of Dulcina in her new wig but it looks like I can only put in a link.
      I seem to put all pictures on Instagram now that I have a phone that takes better pictures than my actual camera.

      I also have several people on here to thank for even looking at a short wig for her but that face really does look great with a bob and bangs.
    9. ZombiEdward I love that wig!! I totally agree that the short bob style looks great on Mikhaila's face; my own girl Cadence has a black one. I saw somewhere in one of the earliest owner pix a green wig in the same style. Would love to find one of those!!!
    10. So many lovely ladies~:aheartbea :D Mikhaila really does look good in bob-style wigs! (but I think she looks great in anything! lol!) My Lillian was rocking one for a while.
      • x 1
    11. Bandersnatch that may be the picture I saw -- I simply love that color!
    12. Urgh, I've retyped the first few words a million times it seems, not my native tongue xD

      I want to restring my Mikhaila, but the way she's strung scares me.. How her hooks are screwed into hands and feet.. I'm not used to that at all!
      Is there any way to fix that? Would it be possible to add small s-hooks in between strings and the hooks she already have, or would that affect posing? Or would it bee to big if I used pliers to open up the current hooks? If neither of those works.. How do I string her so I won't get the big knot ending up in her head? D:

      Any help is greatly appreciated!
    13. Darque when I restrung my mikhaila I simply streached the string thin enough so it fit under the screws, not sure if they used smaller screws later on.
      I know however that the old Bambicrony dolls used to come with string instead of S-hooks to connect their hands & feet to the string, I had my girls like that for a long while and it didn't seem to affect their mobility. So if you get some small enough S-hooks to go into the joint I don't see why not.
      The only thing that would worry me is that the second pair of hooks might scratch and scrape the inside of the joint.
      Best of luck!
    14. Lady White Raven, I can try taking a picture of the screws..? I might try bending them just a little (using pliers) to be able to get the string through.. I had to do that with my Dollzones s-hooks, because the opening was too small xD Yeah, extra hooks is probably a bad idea, don't want it to destroy the joints from the inside :/

      Looks like this.. Should work if I just bend it a little right?
      2012-09-03 19.07.45 by Darque91, on Flickr
    15. Darque, I have put narrow s-hooks in Lillian's wrists and it actually helped her poseing (her wrists were so tight she could hardly move them!) alternatively, (if you can't find s-hooks) you could use a small loop of string tied to the elastic and loop it under the wrist "hook" instead of an S-hook~
    16. Bandersnatch, ah thanks for the advice :D I actually went ahead and bent them yesterday.. My problem now is that since she has two separate strings for each leg there are way too many knots in her torso xD I'll be changing her strings to the spare ones that I ordered with my dollzone, they aren't as thick as her current ones.. I also changed the s-hook in her head to a spare ring that I got with my ddoll xD (already stealing other dolls stuff!)
      Wouldn't using small string tear on the elastics..? :o

      Too many knots :C
      2012-09-04 00.09.10 by Darque91, on Flickr

      The ring is way better than the s-hook I got with her, as it actually passes through her head without needing to bend it xD
      2012-09-04 00.14.02 by Darque91, on Flickr
    17. Cadence reluctantly agreed to pose in her borrowed wig and Decora fashion outfit that I made for Keladry's latest sewing project... She's a bit iffy about appearing in this, she says it wrecks her tough street-kid image!

    18. But she's adorable, even tough street kids can be cute.
    19. She is adorable. I love her outfit too, and as everyone has commented, her hair is perfect.

      wow, what an amazing seamstress you are! I love the lacy bodice on her dress.

      I love how the bright colours of her dress work really well to make her natural colouring shine.

      Such a gorgeous photo!

      I love how Mikhaila can wear so many different hair colours and still look stunning. My Amelia has always worn her stock lilac wig but whilst I'm waiting for some LW wigs to come through I popped on a black wig that was for my LTF and she looks so pretty in it. I will try and take photos to share with you tomorrow. My poor girl is still rather neglected in the clothing department. I need to hunt down a seamstress (and figure out Amelia's style!).