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Lillycat Tinycherry Aglae, Lulu & Colline discussion part 1

Sep 28, 2013

    1. I would love to see a photo of tinycherry wearing a monster high top, i know they are too big everyone says but id love a visual to actually help me grasp that lol.

      And thanks you all ^_^
    2. I think dollzwize said that her doll( a few pages back) was wearing monster high outfit?...A little to big doesn't matter can look cute sometimes ?
      ah the collines are up on the site, odering starts tomorrow.....I am not used to do face-ups myself, but I think she only needs little color and a bodyblush isn't so difficult.......so I think I will try myself, but I wish they offerd face-ups
    3. Hi! I'm new to Cerisedolls, but I totally feel in love with a Millie I got to face-up recently so I'm planning to order a Colline in the blue resin (I love the color!)

      roughly how much is shipping from France to the US for this size?
    4. Hello...
      I saw Colline, first I thought I like blue skin, but now I think pink is cute too.
      So...haha, I cannot choose one.
      Colline is so cool.

      For me, Aglae looks like TinkerBelle♥
      My Aglae♥
    5. Shes so cute! I love that wig on her~

      I think my shipping was like 30-40$ but i cant remember atm
    6. Thanks! that was about what I guessed it was, just wanted to check that it wasn't $60+ dollars like Lati charges :)

      I'm excited that she'll be able to share my Pukifee and Blythe shoes since I've got a fairly large stash of that size shoe :)
    7. Shes up on the website now~ I think i will grab another pair of eyes, because it sounds like 5mm would be hard to find xD

      Oh my Diana is excited to have a cousin coming lol

      Im really happy about their shoes size too. There are so many cute blythe/pukifee shoes out there (So many that i cant even decide what ones i want)
    8. and the Blythe doll shoes are so inexpensive too! I really need to stop looking a Mimiwoo....

      I'm curious what size wig will fit Colline best, I've got a few 2-3" Kemper wigs that my Pukipuki's wear to I'm hoping one of them will fit her :) (or a regular 3-4" wig)

      oh and I placed my order! shipping was 34.50 euros so roughly $47 USD, so excited to see her in a few months!
    9. Owww, I reaallly love little Colline in blue skin! :D I don't think I can get her this time, though. I do hope there'll be more chances in the future... but, I really love the blue skin and I'm afraid it won't be available again :'(
    10. Ordered my pink tan colline :3

      upload by Sanngridr, on Flickr

      I wonder how they will look together~
    11. there is a layaway option (enables...)

    12. I just ordered my blue Colline!! I couldn't decide between the straight black wig and the grey fur - so I had to get both. I didn't order any extra eyes, but I think I might finally order some fish or reptile eyes from the taxidermy supply to try out. I think she might look awesome with her blue skin and some lizard eyes.

      I can't wait to get her and try on some monster high clothes! I'm sure I'll at least have something that fits her.
    13. Congrats! I've got a bunch of MH clothes to try on my Colline too (not sure if they'll fit her style though)
    14. I orderd a blue colline......I looked at all the pictures and almost wanted to order both, they are so different.
      It will take a very long time before she is here, so I will try not to think about her to much...I know but I even dream about my dolls.........and it drives me nuts, don't want to dream about them......
    15. I am new to Lillycat, but ordered Colline in the blue as soon as I saw her. She is a must have for me as I love both her size and colour, and with that face I was doomed!:) She will be my first face up and I do plan to keep her looking fairly natural. Can anyone advise me what product I need to purchase to give her eye lids and rims a soft pink shimmer. Is it gloss or a pearlescent paint (or both)?

      I am going to start looking out some clothes for her too. So exciting.
    16. hello saraht......good to see you here too :).....my girl will have a natural face-up too I think she doesn't need much..but love to see what everybody will do with her.......I always loved lilycat dolls, but the size ....need tiny dolls and there she was......perfect girl and then the blue is so mysterious.....the pink is great too..more human...
    17. The same as wilkies, iwasteela,.. I also ordered a blue Colline.
      Now begin the most difficult part: the wait... I just hate to wait :D
    18. thanks just joined the waiting room
    19. So exciting~ It looks like many people managed to get Colline this time~

      I just ordered some Blythe shoes for Diana. wheee~