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Little Genie by angelregion-tell me about them

Oct 23, 2007

    1. Hi Valli
      The bob wig is a 3-4 can't remember what brand, it doesn't have a tag in it. I looked in my other tiny wigs and they also don't have tags in them, I guess they are just too small to fit them in.

    2. mary-lee, thank you!

      maisiedoats, I love Lilica's blond wigs, which look great with her blue eyes and dresses.
    3. The wig is darling.

      Yes, the detail is amazing, I love it! So much more detailed than any other outfit I have seen for Lilica.

    4. Does anyone happen to know all of the old Little Genie sculpts? I'm editing the AngelRegion Wiki and I would like to know. So far I only have Lilica, Edward, Mini Ren and Kohaku.
    5. The originals were Lilica and Edward, who were sculpted by Rainman. In 10/2006 several other fullset versions were added (Mr. Hamster, Queen of Hearts, Gloomy Rabbit, etc), but they were repaints of those two face molds. A third face mold, Mini Ren, was added at that time, and I'm not sure who sculpted him. He's pretty different from Lilica and Edward. He appeared to have white skin, but I've never seen owner pics, so I'm not sure.

      Risi and Ziti are the newer face sculpts released last year. They use the standard Genie body.

      I'm not familiar with Kohaku...is it a different size, perhaps? I don't recall a Genie size new face sculpt with that name, and nothing comes up when I Google it. Can you post a picture?

      Edit: Ah, I see...you went to Gigglegeek. Koharu is just an Edward repaint, just as "Memorial Genie" is a Lilica.

      If you're editing the Wiki, please check on the price listed. The price on my Genie Lilica in 2005 was $220, not $175. I do not believe I had a choice on faceup, and it's not listed on my receipt. Unfortunately, the website change eliminated all their store records from back then.
    6. clochette, great info. I really didn't know anything about these dolls, even though I have one. Rainman designed Lilica! no wonder I love her!
    7. You are a plethora of information Robin!! Thanks
    8. De nada. You fill your home with enough of these little people, you learn a thing or two along the way (plus, I just happen to have a Lilica fetish ;) Wonder who caused that......) .

      I still wonder if anyone bought Mini Ren...I can't recall ever seeing owner pictures of him. Has anyone else?
    9. Lilica is enjoying being out of her box, she spent such a long lonely time there being neglected.


    10. Very cute...I love her dress, what sweet little lambs.
    11. maisiedotes, Lilica is ready for St. Patrick's Day! no one will be pinching her! Cute outfit.
    12. [​IMG]
      my little risi says hi to everyone!
      • x 1
    13. Thanks Clochette I am always on the look out for tiny motifs but they are hard to find.

      Sfbeck Yes Lilica's dress would suit for St Patricks Day, I forgot all about knitting some this year.

      TJ001 Risi is lovely and looks so different with the white skin.

    14. Frankie says hi back! There are not many of us here!

      • x 1
    15. Eek! Something's growing on her head! tj001 How cute. Is she a plant fairy?

      clochette, I love your girl's eye color, especially with her cute dress.
    16. ha ha sfbeck, yeah she is risi the apple fairy (has a cute little apple suit too)
      clochette, hi to frankie, wow she looks like a different girl, it's amazing what skin colour and a different wig can do!
    17. Thanks...they're her defaults, and seem to be the same color as the ones that came with Grace, my Queen of Hearts Lilica. I really like them, which is unusual for me and acrylics.

      Part of it is also the set of the eyes. These girls can look so very different...my two Lilicas are the same way. Same facemold, very different looks.
    18. Thanks for all the beautiful pictures of Genie.
      There are very few people on this thread.
      Clochette your little babies are adorable as always.
      Maisiedoats ,I like your green knitted dress .I wish I could knit as well!
      Cherry -Risi is a cutie ;but where is the worm ?
    19. tj001 I forgot to ask...is that the wig she came with? If not, where did you get it? It's really cool.
    20. clochette, yes, that's what I love about bjds, the look of a single mold can be changed so drastically! By the way, both your Lilicas are adorable!