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Little Monica - Little Harmony Line Discussion

Apr 15, 2012

    1. Hullo! The Little Harmony Girl Body (that one you call regular) does not come with a single piece torso like the new hot body and since it's pretty new and no one has it I doubt anyone can answer that specific question here. The only single piece torso LM has is the Muse Harmony line. :kitty2
    2. Oye how embarrassing I've been looking at the wrong photos on Flickr this entire time. Sorry about that. Well, in that case I guess I'm out of luck and shouldn't even be considering these bodies. :( Thank you for clarifying!
    3. Hiya everyone! I lurked around this thread for ages looking at everyone's gorgeous dolls, but just realised that I never shared a picture of my Little Sophia here. I got her in stock from DenverDoll in the normal skin and then I dyed her purple. I adore how versatile this sculpt is (and I'm sad that I can't get the gloomy version)
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    4. Such lovely dolls! I'm actually a fresh face to the BJD community, and my only doll is Little Kliff from LM. (That will change soon, though.) He looks amazing in everything I put him in. It took me a bit of time to figure out his joints, and I'm almost scared to touch him because his body blushing is coming off (already), but he's such a pretty doll. ^-^ I think it will be a while before I attempt any customization with him.
      Little Kliff posing with my wife's Doll Family-H Bei Lie.
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    5. Welcome to the forum, @Little Lu ! :hug: I'm always happy to see more Little Kliff around :chibi Everyone should own one hahaha :abambi: I'm the person who made the body review, so it's nice to see you around here too~ I checked your LM review and haha guess what? You ordered yours one day before mine's first birthday. That's exciting ♥
    6. I heard LM offers the Little ones in tan only during certain events. Does anyone know when in particular this happens? I'd love one in tan.
    7. Someone know if a minifee wig (like the ones on etsy) fit a little sophia? there are some amazing one that I would love on my girl ;;
    8. That's so funny! It's good to see you again! I saw your thread posts on here and was happy to see I wasn't the only one with love for Kliff. XD
    9. As long as it isn't a hardcap wig, you should be fine, just check the listing or ask the seller to make sure it isn't hardcap. Fur wigs will be fine and tibetan lambskin wigs on hide will be fine, as I've had my girl in both and both were originally designed for minifess.
    10. @Hyperion Thank you for you help! c: Then I need to ask the seller u.u All of them are in alpaca, and I just bought some in soy fiber. I hope that they can be used even for my little sophia, that would be great. Some people say that she fit in minifee clothes but isn't totally true. I have some minifee dress that can't go over the thighs of my girl .-.
    11. Fingers crossed that there'll be something that works for you :)

      And yeah, I find minifee clothing to be somewhat hit and miss too, as long as it isn't too fitted or is stretchy/flexible it works, but if it is super fitted the fact that the little harmony body is somewhat chunkier than minifees definitely impacts fit.
    12. @Hyperion Yeah, that's right. I have no luck and they are all no stretchy clothes (obviously =__=).

      buuut! Didn't see anything about it. What do you think about the new Gloomy little Sophia? I want her, but only the head (and the outfit is amazing too!) >---< hate the fact that she is sold only as full doll:pout:.
    13. @Ladyuzumaky I really like Gloomy little Sophia and I'd love to get her as a sister for my regular little Sophia, but I don't have the money to get her as a full doll and I don't know how I feel about the un-jointed torso. I wish at least they had some blank photos of the head so I could know how much I'm going to regret not getting her
    14. @Hyperion Yeah, I don't like that too. I would have chosen the regular little harmony girl body for her. Annd I'm in the same situation (crying my eyes out because I don't have money- no- because I can't use more money on dolls in these months). Maybe is better that we can't see her in blank x--x
    15. It does look like there is an option to at least pick the little girl body if you are buying the gloomy Sophia instead of the hot body. I'm not personally a fan of the hot body. But the head is very pretty.
    16. Hey! I have an Elena, and have been trying to find shoes that will feet the heeled feet. I've found the measurements for the feet, but that dosent help me too much with figuring out if it will fit the incline (for lack of a better word) of the shoe. I think the flat feet are similar to minifee, does anyone know if the heeled feet are similar aswell? I'm asking about minifees because thoose seem to be a common size for shoes, but if you are aware of any other company's shoes that fit the heeled feet that would be wonderful.
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    17. Sadly I don't have the heeled feet to try shoes on for you, but I can tell you that minifee heel shoes also fit Withdoll heel feet and Dearmine heel feet, as well as Souldoll heel feet in terms of incline (but not width, Souldoll heel feet are very thin) maybe someone will have one of those they could compare as well?
      From looking at Little Monica's pictures they seem to have a similar incline, but obviously, that's not 100% accurate.

      If they do fit minifee shoes, then they might also fit 22" Toner American Model shoes, or at least one particular ebay sellers 22" Toner American Model shoes, I don't know if it holds true for all 22" Toner American Model shoes

      I hope that helps at least somewhat.
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    18. Thank you! Actually you helped me a lot! I was looking up if the toner American model feet might be similar to another off topic doll I have when I happened upon a post comparing minifee and little harmony feet! I'm not sure if this will work since its from another thread, but I'll try and quote the post

      So although not super conclusive, it seems like minifee shoes will not fit little harmony. I might message the poster and ask, and I'll update.
    19. Sorry to randomly drop in - I'm trying to pick out my next doll to buy and I'm really loving both the Bear and Little Demetri sculpts. And I was wondering, is it possible for someone to show me a profile of the Little Demetri Head? I'd really like to see it before making my decision! Thanks in advance!
    20. Bumping to help the person above find the pictures they need! :sumomo: