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LittleFees, Ciao Bella's, and other similar sized dolls wearing "Ty Girlz" clothing

Mar 29, 2010

    1. Lovely Lola. Very much it is pleasant, but the skirt is rude, and here trousers very much and very approaching and on the size and as a whole.



      Happy Hillary. Obviously there is no button on a grey jacket, the T-shirt very much is pleasant, trousers are longish and on each side - velcro... Not clearly what for. The hood is small.


    2. School Cool. The skirt seems big (long), and a bag huge.


      Hangin Out. Suit big, trouser-legs long, the bag was pleasant.


    3. Best Dressed Red Skirt with Black and Dot Jacket. Oh, the most our favourite dress!



      The end
    4. Thank you those are very pretty on your Ante :D
    5. Great pics freesha!!! Thanks for sharing all!!!!
    6. Maylea my DollZone BB Ani likes this outfit. (The tights are from Boneka) One of the skirts I have is too tight for her but most of it fits just fine.


    7. Thanks for the pics! I ordered the Hanging Out outfit today!
    8. Ahh, what a great resource! I ordered a few outfits yesterday, I'll post pictures of them on my CH ange ai when they get here. ^^
    9. The girls (all LittleFees) are wearing from left to right:

      Rockin' Ruby (on Ruby!) minus the jacket, Classy Carla and Cute Candy shirt/Rockin' Ruby pants.
    10. Wow! these dolls are a dream for me!!
    11. The actual Ty Girl dolls are made of cloth, and the velcro down the legs makes it easier for small children to dress those floppy legs. The velcro also helps when I want to dress my BJDs who have big feet!
    12. Outfits for "groovy girlz" fit´s too :D
    13. those are very cool outfits and l have a store sell them. So Rini's Luna will have clothes to wear.
    14. Ooo, that's great to hear. I plan on getting Eun-Ryoung and Seo-Lin and wondered what might fit them. According to the OM site, they have chubbier tummies than Yos do! Both will be girly-girls, so I need dresses for them. All my other girls are tomboys.

    15. Sylvin! That photo just...WINS! They look awesome!! and Freesha, thanks for posting those.

      This thread is very helpful =)
    16. Perhaps the way the top is finished is a kind of fashion trend or something? I've actually seen it in human clothing. I don't particularly care for it (in either human or doll clothing) but the outfit is too cute to pass up. ;)
      I wonder if the pants on the PJ outfit are meant to be like capris or something? Has anyone seen a pic of them on an actual Ty Girlz doll?
      I was wondering about them. I hope more people can post these outfits too.

    17. Here is Tabitha, my littlefee Ante, in a Ty Girlz outfit. I don't think this one has been posted. Its our favourite =) The tights were made by someone else.

      Tabitha by Lucy-Loves?, on Flickr

      Does anyone know of anywhere you can get the boy outfit i saw in this thread? I think it was "Totally Troy".
    18. Love all the reference photos. I've got a couple of outfits on their way.