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Love at first sight?

Jun 13, 2014

    1. I tend to fall in love with a doll at first sight, like my first bjd from luts, i saw him and knew he was perfect. It wasn't like that for the doll leaves girl i own, i saw her, thought she was pretty, looked around some more. I actually fell really in love with her once she was home andsaw her irl, then i was really sold.

      But there is one doll that after the first look stealed my heart, Ringdoll's crystal. As i am convinced his name is Cecil, that's what i'll name him if i ever get the money to get him.
      Also, i think i fell in love at first sight with minifee mika too.
      Another absolute love is Wolf the knight from Soom, but i discovered him years later after the release and i think he might be my grail *cries*.
      Souldoll Jin stole my heart when i saw him as well.
      And, while it isn't truly love at first sight, one of my favourite will always be Angel of Dream Shi. He almost was my first bjd and he holds a special place in my heart.
    2. oh yes... mi first love at first sight was :loveInfernale from Immortality of Souls:D and he captivated me to enter on this beautiful hobby.
    3. So far all the dolls I've ordered were love at first sight. It's usually a good indicator of how much I'm into a doll. If I don't get that "I must own him/her!" feeling then I'm not going to buy it.. At least not immediately. So far it's been a good stragedy - I haven't regretted buying any of my girls, and I'm still so excited about getting them.
    4. Yes! My first doll. When I saw her, I fell immediately in love and knew I definitely NEED to have her! Now she's here with me and I love every bit of her :whee::love
    5. The first doll I ever fell in love with was the Soom Gena...I still really want to get her one day.
    6. Delf Angel Elf Soo. I knew I'd need her as soon as I saw her. It's been many years, and I finally have one on the way!
    7. Was Akando from Iple and Volks Hijikata in the past and recently Tristan white rabbit from peakswood, love him
    8. Yeah! I agree with some other people here - all of the dolls I have or have ordered have had that "in love at first sight" moment. I spent months making sure I wanted each one, though (minus my $35 off-topic ABS doll), so I've never impulse bought just based on that. I loved Impldoll Avery immediately for his little scar and sweet face, but I probably spent the longest time just staring at his company pictures and every owner picture in existence...

      I've also been automatically drawn to every single sculpt with eyes like they're looking upwards, with the bottom eyelid up a bit (Think SWITCH's recent Seolrok Holy Ver., or Aprilstory Adrian, who I actually ordered.), most sculpts with asymmetrical expressions, and most sculpts with teeth - so I know what activates my "I LOVE THEM" sensors, a little bit. Some other ones are a mystery, or I'll realise I'm drawn more to the fullset/styling/faceup than the sculpt itself. So, like with people, when you fall in love immediately it isn't always a good idea to actually commit to it!
    9. The first doll I fell in love at first sight with is PIPOS' D. Charlotte, and while it's been almost two years and I still haven't had any luck finding one for resale, I'd still definitely love to get her someday! Another doll I've fallen in love at first sight with turned out to be.. less than I expected after looking around at owner photos, so I'm glad I took the time to research and dwell on what may have been a regretful purchase..!
    10. I definitely have had love at first sight with many dolls.

      My main love is Switch's Mocha Brown Soseo

      And Xagadolls limited Zenobia.

      I would literally kill for them as they have been on my wishlist for ages. However, both of them may be next to impossible to find.
    11. To be honest... I wasn't interested in owning a bjd for years. I knew about them and some of my friends had them. I liked them but the price put me off because I thought of them as shelf space stealers. But then, out of the blue I found myself falling in love with one. And then another. So for me, it is love at first sight. That has to happen. I can't force myself to love a doll.
    12. Elfdoll Vivien, Zaoll luv, and a few others. Elfdoll Vivien was the doll that really got me interested in this hobby, I don't own one yet, but I'm keeping my eyes peeled and I'm ready to pounce whenever!
    13. I fell in love with almost every Soom boy I've got my eyes on. Their sculpts are simply too gorgeous to resist. I finally manage to get my hand on my ultimate grail doll, Hyperon and now I'm on the hunt to look for Soom R. York.
    14. I think in a way all of my dolls (including one curently on layaway) were love at first sight.

      For my first doll, I was planning on shelling a different character first but when I saw her I knew I would have to come up with something for her. I loved her instantly. I wanted to get her as my second doll but things happened and I ended up getting her first. It's funny because I loved her fullset, but I ended up not using any of it afterwards! It's gorgeous, but her character just went in a completely different direction. Still in love with her sculpt and faceup though~

      My second doll is the one I intended to get as my first doll. She's one of the first sculpts I wanted long before I got into the hobby. I was looking up elf sculpts and when I ran into her it was kind of like "That's it, that's the one.", haha. It took years to be able to get my first doll though and by then I started second guessing myself, but then seeing the photos of this one doll someone had convinced me that she was definitely perfect for what I wanted, and in the end things worked out so I ended up buying that exact doll from that person instead of from the company. So I guess love at first and second sight?

      And the girl I have on layaway... When I decided I could definitely afford a BJD, I went looking at my options. I remembered seeing one I liked from this one company and so I went to check it out. That one was sold out (and I didn't like it as much anymore so it's all good), but then I saw this other girl who I absolutely loved! And who had been available until two weeks prior. :'D Now that was sad, haha. I was able to get her now with a re-release event from the company that lasted only 3 days.
    15. Yes.

      Granado Pancho - Bought
      Ringdoll Norman - Bought Head Only (Buying Him a body at the end of the year)
      Supia Naomi in Tan Skin - Saving up to buy that at the end of the end.
      Souldoll Kid - Joelle (That's 2017 plans)
      Souldoll Kid - YeonSoo (That's 2017 plans)
    16. Oh yes! Loongsoul YingLong, the doll that got me into bjds and my grail doll and the doll I don't see myself ever getting.:eusa_pray
    17. When I saw Hyperon from Soom, I knew that one day he would be mine :)
    18. Yep! That's really how I decide on my dolls. I have to love them, or I can't justify it. With my Crobidoll Lance, I just KNEW. It was absolutely love at first sight!
    19. The very first doll that was "love at first sight" was a looming time ago (I think I was 14-15) and in the end I never got him. After that, I found I don't really do that first sight thing, as I plan dolls for my ocs and try to find sculpts I like to match.

      And then I found SWITCH and dollzone and ringdoll and now there are three bjds that I know I have to own but have no solid plans for. But I know for sure that I need a switch Milhwa (maybe I misspelled that?) in mocha brown skin. Absolutely need him some how.
    20. I've bought a lot of dolls and sold a lot of them too. Even if I like a sculpt, if I don't have the "love at first sight" feeling, I don't end up keeping it! It sounds silly but that "must have" feeling is a big indicator on whether I will keep and love a doll.