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Love the head, don't like the body - bad resin match, or new mold?

Apr 20, 2008

    1. This always happens to me, I like a lot of heads, but I dislike the bodies. I either find a body that I like and hope it's a good resin match, if not, then I just give up on it. But majority of the time, I try to find heads that match with the Volks pureskin bodies, and thankfully there are several heads that do, that I like.
    2. My both dolls are Hybrids. I really don't care about resin match, because you can always blush! I have pinkWHITE (it really is white) dollstown head and normal pink skin dollzone body and the resin match is obviously bad. But the head was very easily blushed to match the body and you really can't really see the difference. It doesn't even show on photos! :) I'm more worried about if the head fits perfectly or does it look natural with the body.

      I'm very picky about bodies and usually if I find a company that makes gorgeous head molds they don't have that type of bodies that I like. For example dollstown girls.. when I bought my Bandi head they did not have any larger bust bodies so I had to buy it from elsewhere.
    3. Pink white Dollstown is it Freshskin or Orientalskin? I couldn´t find Pink white on Dollstown :(
    4. Freshskin is the same as the old pink white. Paleskin is the DT white resin. Orientalskin is normal skin color, sort of a medium beige.
    5. linakauno, thank you very much! :)
    6. I have (or will have shortly) a Min MSD head from AoD. I love the sculpt for Kijika, but.... Kijika is supposed to be 9" taller than his lover Moswen (who is another AoD MSD and whom I love to death).

      Technically, I'd need a 55-57cm boy body to make the height difference right. While I found a body that would work size-wise, the neck size is a fair bit larger than the AoD one and then there's the question of resin match. The MSD head may also look wrong proportion-wise on the slightly larger body. The heads available for the larger body don't tweak me for Kijika's character either.


      Because Kijika tends to have quite a bit of skin showing, I'd probably have to go with a new mould as much as I love the Min one for him. A bad resin match would bug the daylights out of me.
    7. An msd head is going to be too small for a 57ish cm body--that's really small SD sized. I understand where you're coming from--I had a similar problem for two of my characters, since to be correctly in scale with each other, one would have to be a really odd size. In the end there just ended up being a larger size difference between them than would be ideal, since I didn't want to sacrifice getting the right skin tone or having to pick a sculpt that was less like him. You may have better luck in the end, though, since it is possible to find SD bodies that are in the range you mentioned--it may just take some looking around to find the right head.
    8. arg im going thru this right now with my MD Miho. i have a Type A WS and im realizing that NOTHING out there matches him :o
      he's supposed to be a Leeke/Lati match, but i have yet to even see a Leeke boy body available in WS and Lati only sells bodies every once in a while...plus i think Lati is too tall for what i have in mind which is closer to Fdoll or B&G. i dont know about Fdoll but B&G is a horrible match.

      since id just finished a marathon matching session in hybridizing my El which turned out perfect, i was all set for this next hybrid doll, but i think in the end i may just get the body i want regardless if the match is perfect or not...it might not be too bad...i can blush!
    9. It is likely that I will have to look for an alternate sculpt. AoD has a similar one to the Min in SD size (I believe it's their Gu sculpt) but it's been sold out since this side of forever *sigh*. This is the Min head in case you were curious (click on the pic for larger image):
    10. I have gotten rid of a doll because I hated its body so much. My first MSD, a volks nasia. I loved her head mold. I loved that doll. But I hated her body. It was an immature one, so it reminded me of a chubby boy. She was oldskin, and I couldn't find a decent match for the resin on a body I liked, so I eventually sucked it up and sold her.
    11. I adore the A-line body of Minifeés, and I also own one. And compared to Bluefairy bodys, A-line is awesome. It's sad that Bluefairy bodys aren't doublejointed. I mean, I love the bodys but the poseability is _bad_. Love the Tinyfairy heads though. :D
    12. you could do the opposite you could do the face up to match the body. Ive seen it dine before. get a skilled enough artist and no one will know.