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Luts Delf Discussion - thread 2

Jul 16, 2014

    1. My Dan is back from his faceup!


      He's currently borrowing a normal skin type 1 body until i order delf yuu in easter!
      • x 9
    2. Wow, that is Dan?! Finally I get to see owner images of him :XD: When Dan were first released he did catch my interest because his face were so different. But in the end I did not end up getting him because when I build my group of dolls I follow a background story, and I just did not find any place for him. I also follow this rule where I only allow 1 Luts doll of each size. So, only one Delf boy, and since I got a CP Delf Juri B head, eventually he'll get a Delf body. I had to prioritize him. But every now and then I check out Dan's official images because he still have my attention. It's kind of hard to resist imagining all the cool characters Dan could have been if I ordered him, but because I don't have the best space to keep dolls he'll probably just be a sculpt I keep admiring.

      But do you think you could take an image of your Dan without the wig on? I still don't know what to do, I'm hoping maybe seeing some owner images might help figuring things out :sweat
      • x 1
    3. [​IMG]


      Hope these help, honestly considering getting another Dan...

    4. Thank you so much :) I'm guessing that is white skin. That is a very cool style on him :3nodding:

      Originally I were going to oneday get a Muse Jean, but now I'm wondering maybe a Delf Dan head on the Muse body could have been a good idea! At least then I won't break my "only one of each size" rule. Jean were supposed to be a genderless, shapeshifting kind of creature, but I guess it does not have to be Jean if it turns out I'm not able to let go of the Dan sculpt.

      I'm not quite back into my doll hobby yet though, as I've had to for some time now, prioritize some other things outside of my hobby. But that does not stop me from planning my future dolls :)
      • x 1
    5. I actually have a sdf Jean on the way just the head though back when they did the head event.
      I'll photograph them together when she arrives!
    6. Cool, that would be helpful as well :)

      I've been trying throughout the years to find owner images of Dan, but up to now I have not found any, other than your images. But seeing your Dan did draw me back to many years ago when I first had a look at Dan's official images. But of course I've ended up looking at Yeon who were released together with Dan as well. I find her super cute too, and I find myself imagining them as siblings. I'm not the kind of person that buys dolls on impulse and I always take my time to really think things through! But, I did not expect 2 Delfs would suddenly end up tempting me so :sweat

      That's the difficult part of this hobby, so many dolls that are hard to resist *_*

      I'm really wondering how Dan would look on a SDF male body. I feel like a Muse body will be too close in height to my Bliss's SDF65 body. I still like the idea of Dan being smaller than my Bliss, but I can't have him on a Delf body because of the "no more than one Luts doll of each size" rule I got! And because my CP Delf Juri B head is the one that will be on a Delf body. I tried my CP Delf Juri B on a SDF type 3 body and I were not happy with how he looked!

      I'm very serious about my "only one of each size" rule because of the smaller space I got to keep my dolls, so it's important to me to not have any duplicate bodies. I prefer to feel like my doll crew got more diversity. And having dolls of different heights is one way to create a more diverse group!
      #706 manabusama, Feb 20, 2023
      Last edited: Feb 21, 2023
    7. Luts seems to be discontinuing some bodies. There's a lot of SDF. We offer a 20% discount on the body to be discontinued, so I hope you can refer to it.

      2023. 02. 27 (Mon) 11:00 ~ 2023. 03. 31 (Fri) 17:00 (KST)
      1) SDF Girl 1, 2, 3, 4 Body
      2) SDF Boy 1,2,3 Body
      3) DF Mature type 3 girl Body
      4) KDF Girl&Boy Body 3,5
      • x 2
    8. The head sculpts are more important, but it's still sad news that they are discontinuing some bodies :sorry

      I loved how many different body types they had to offer, so I'm sad to see the SDF boy type 3 body go as I like to have another option that is non-muscular, certain type of characters look better that way. And I'm sad to see DF girl type 3 body go as that body is nostalgia itself, what we had left of a time when the old CP Delfs were still available! Also for anybody who have managed to find a floating CP DF head on the MP, they won't be able to get the old girl body anymore... I have owned a SOONY in my past but for personal reasons back then I sold her. But I love that body because it feels a bit fuller, so this is really sad news. How I would have loved to have a girl on the type 3 body again, also so that I could have a shorter DF girl. But I just don't have the oportunity to do any orders at the moment. I'm not quite back in my BJD hobby yet although I try to save up money little by little to finish my old doll plans :pout:

      I'm also sad to se KDF type 3 and 5 go as I do love single jointed because of the old school feeling it gives, and I really loved it that they had a chubbier kid type body, it fit nicely when you wanted a KDF to be a child of a SD sculpt and not a mini mature teen!

      Basically I'm sad to see all these bodies go, so many I never got to own. Luts having so many body options were one of the things I really loved about them!
      #708 manabusama, Feb 21, 2023
      Last edited: Feb 21, 2023
      • x 3
    9. Ugh... if they would offer all the skin colors for the sale, I might have gotten a tan body for a hybrid. And now if I ever get my hands on a Clary head, getting a body for just got a lot harder. I am so bummed!
      • x 1
    10. Agreed, if they had allowed special skin colors for the sale I would have been tempted. :o
      • x 1
    11. I am a little confused about the Delf girl #6 body released a couple months ago. It says it's 5 but more compatible with certain dolls such as vers and boys heads. It also says "other companies 60-65cm doll heads."
      Does it work with Luts senior delf 65? If i look at Shell this is not an added body option. I dislike the two body options her size and if this works itd be a good solution in my opinion but it's a little unclear to me
    12. I believe the difference is that the Type 6 Delf girl body has a thicker neck. There is also a picture of Shell with Type 5 Delf and Type 6 Delf bodies compared. Not sure why Luts doesn't have the Type 6 Delf body as an option for Shell but if you contact them they, they may be able to offer that.
      • x 1
    13. Oh i see! I was just thrown off by the lack of body option. *sigh* the picture should have cued me in lol
      Thank you!!
    14. Aww, sad to see so many older bodies get discontinued, especially the SDF and Delf girls. Very sad to see the older Delf girl body go. I'm not a big fan of the newer version(s); the posing is quite nice, but to me it somehow lacks the aesthetic charm of the older version.

      I've been pondering whether or not to keep my SDF Aru head, and if I keep her I'd want her on that Delf body, so looks like I'll have to decide soon! The $148 shipping is quite the deterrent, though. :aeyepop: I wonder if DDE will have this 20% off deal? Heck, even if they don't, they'd probably still be cheaper with shipping for those of us in the US.
    15. Which body did Clary use? Cause I’ve been wanting her for ages!

      Also, tried asking in Senior Delf too, but does anyone know if a DOT head would fit on a Senior Delf Type 1 Boy Body? I’ve had this event head from like 2013 or 2014 from Dream of Doll, but never had a way to get the body for it before they went under. The Type 1 is like exactly what I wanted for it, but I can’t tell if the measurements I found for Senior Delf and DOT are compatible or not. I only have Delf Nina and Claus here or I’d test one of them.

      Also really hoping they bring back Arwen with Real Brown Skin tone option x_X her and Aragorn were my next ideal pair.
    16. I give up for now, don't know whether I should choose Delf Dan or Muse Jean *_*
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    17. Both!!

      They're both lovely.
    18. I personally love Jean!
    19. Yeah, that's what I'm starting to think too, that I'm probably going to need both XD I'm also starting to think of Dan in either mint gray or lavender. I've currently only saved up halfway to pay for one of them, but I'll put some more money into my doll funds soon. I've had to slow down on my doll fund saving for some time because of other things, it haven't allowed me to be in my doll hobby quite as much as before. But I have to keep my eyes on Luts in case they have a limited resin color event. I feel like creating a non-human kind of character :kitty2

      I love jean too :) But I'm starting to think there's no way to choose between the 2, so I guess I'm going to have to work towards getting both!

      Edit: Seems like my choice have fallen on Dan first :chibi Once I started thinking of getting him in an unusual skin, resin color, the ball kept on rolling and I started planning his character :XD:

      I decided for the lavender resin color. I also contacted Luts on the Q&A to ask if they are planning another event for the special resin. I really hope there will be an event soon!
      #719 manabusama, Mar 10, 2023
      Last edited: Mar 10, 2023
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    20. Their pastel resin tones are usually available in summer. Fingers crissed you can get Dan then :).