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Luts Delf Discussion - thread 2

Jul 16, 2014

    1. Cool, that gives me some extra time to further plan his character and look at clothes and whatever else I need to complete his style :)

      Crossing my fingers they will do another event for the special resin color then :eusa_pray
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    2. I have a question about these Muse hands on a Delf boy. lutsdoll co.,ltd.

      Luts says they would not recommend it because these hands do not fit the wrist. But I'm still curious how it look, does anybody have the Muse cat hands they could try on a Delf boy?
    3. This thread gone quiet...

      I'll be ordering my lavender Dan in the middle of next month :dance
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    4. Can anyone who has the Muse body tell me if you like the posing?

      I have a lot of thoughts about it. At first I didn't like it because I'm pretty against genderless bodies (feels like I'm spending hundreds on a Barbie and I'm just not into that in the hobby personally, among other things), and the proportions are strange, but the idea of getting a Bliss in the Rosy Brown tone on that body popped into my head and I can't get it out. I'm a little hesitant about it too because the proportions look similar to the KDF45 body and I *hate* that body lol.

      I saw one video on Youtube from Resin Junky with hers and he looks cute, but some of the other pictures I See make them look pin-headed. I don't know.

      Sorry for rambling, just wanted to hear peoples opinions on how it looks and poses and fits stuff! :)

      (they also seem to have two sets of heel legs that fit and I'm confused about that)
    5. @Littlebirdzoom I don't have a muse body but one thing to think about is will you have this doll clothed all the time? I have the slender KD body and though he does look a bit slim when nude, when clothed he is more like the type of fashion doll that was made slimmer on purpose so clothes look "right".
    6. My plans will that the doll will go between both since I like the slender body for more saucy pictures :whee:. And I do take this question into consideration (I have like 80 dolls, so I have to lol). In my experience with the KDF45 body he looked pretty... not great both unclothed and clothed. I tried to even him out with different thicknesses and cuts of wigs, colors, types of clothes, etc but nothing worked. But the more I think about this and look at the Muse body the more nervous I'm getting :doh
    7. Getting closer to my Dan order, either on the 17th or the 19th :kitty2

      But I made some changes to my original plans. Instead of Lavender, I'll go for the Milky Orange resin color and make him a tiger themed kind of character. He'll be a character belonging to a group of dolls that got a paranormal, supernatural kind of background story. But I don't want the story to only have negative kinds of paranormal, supernatural beings, so having a good kind of feline spirit will help lighten up the background story some :)
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    8. Awww yay another Dan! I think you and I are the only Dan owners??

      My boy won't have his body for a while but I love looking at his sweet face.
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    9. I guess we are? I'm looking so forward to getting him home, I can hardly wait :kitty1 Originally I wanted him in the Lavender color, but I changed my mind and I'm glad I went with the Milky Orange. I felt much more like making him a tiger themed character. That makes it easy for me to give him Chinese inspired outfits also. Black, red and gold color, if I find a nice hanfu or something fitting for a tiger.

      I also really like Delf Yeon, I have been thinking about every now and then that she would be the perfect sister character for Dan. If I went with White Skin for her, she could be a rare albino tiger :) But that are plans for the future. Right now I got to focus on saving up for GSDF Mars!

      Your Dan, does he have a body he can borrow meanwhile? What character were your Dan again? Now I got really unsure if you have mentioned it before :sweat
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    10. Oh such a cute concept!!
      Can't wait to see your boy.

      My boy is a yeti ^^
      Here is Neve with his new wig, borrowing a 5star doll body!

      I really wanted to order my Yuu so they can both body share but i have a massive layaway right now so fingers crossed it'll be by next year or they do another head event!
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    11. He's an adorable yeti, and that white skin is so pretty :chibi

      I'm not sure which ws I should go for with my other Yeon tiger charater. Probably Zuzu White as my event head is in Normal White.

      I know how it is XD It have taken me forever to start saving up for GSDF Mars, but I'm going to start now.
    12. Does anyone have a Ju-Hee? I don't think i've ever seen her in owner photos before!
    13. Also can anyone compare old ns Cp delf resin and ns luts delf resin? Im not too bothered by resin match but im curious
    14. Theres a great color comparison of the resins a couple pages back by @juumou
    15. There was a ju hee on the MB that sold a few months ago which was owner pics, I think she was in tan.
    16. Recently acquired an Eveline head that I plopped on my Delf type 5 girl body. Absolutely love this sweet face~ <3

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    17. Hi! I was wondering, does anyone have Volks Bronze (like SD17 Regulus) to compare with any of the Luts tan resin colors (brown, light tan, or tan)? Thank you in advance!
    18. Dan have been shipped today :whee:
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