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Luts Delf Discussion - thread 2

Jul 16, 2014

    1. [​IMG]

      Here's Danny :kitty2

      He's supposed to have black hair green eyes, and the same kind of ear and tail set in orange and black tiger style. But his ears and tail have not shipped yet, so a kitty cat will have to do for now :chibi
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    2. [​IMG]

      Much better :kitty2 But he'll be needing eyes that fit, some of the eyeputty show a little.
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    3. hello, does somone know if senior delf body 5 6 and 7 are all the same just with different bust?
      i have been studying them and i dont see much difference besides the one with solid torso but i wanted to double check here
    4. Awww omg, its so lovely to see another Dan finally!! is that the default faceup? I wonder if we have the only two Dan's

      Meanwhile it snowed today, Neve wanted to go outside but sadly it disappeared as fast as it appeared.

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    5. I think I've only seen your Dan around before. He's such a cute Yeti :chibi


      I haven't gotten around to order Danny eyes I'm happy with yet. I've been trying different ones, currently he have these, but they'll work for now. And I wonder if I should keep him in this wig or not.

      I worry a little bit about his ear and tail order. If it get lost in the mail, I've decided I'm going to contact some fursuit makers and ask if they would be willing to do an order for a doll. It may be an unusual request, but it's worth asking.

      His faceup is not the default one, it is SDF Jude Faceup.
      #745 manabusama, Dec 2, 2023
      Last edited: Dec 2, 2023
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    6. [​IMG]

      The boys chilling :kitty2 Both my cats are very well behaved around my dolls. I trust them completely around them. Even my 3 years old cat does not take any interest in all the dolls in my room. They only care about one thing, sleeping in my bed or on my table XD

      Ever since I decided to get Dan I've felt that Yeon is his sister. So it's hard to not get her as well someday. It's decided that I will once I get the chance. I'm thinking in ws so she can be the white tiger/ cat sibling.
      #746 manabusama, Dec 19, 2023
      Last edited: Dec 19, 2023
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    7. So I’m hoping to finally get my other goal pair of Arwen and Aragorn, but uhhh….. Am I missing something or are there not any clothing sets for Delf male dolls on Luts anymore? O_O

      Like there’s gorgeous dress sets I would get for Arwen, but nothing remotely matching them that I could get for Aragorn, and his default outfits are gone too.
    8. Luts haven't been really giving the Delf line any attention as of late, especially not the male line. I believe they haven't released a new Delf male head in about 6-7 years now? I've been hoping for an updated Delf male body for years at this point. Something actually double jointed. But with the direction they're taking these days, if the Delf male every got updated, it would probably be another overly-muscular-tiny-head version unfortunately. So not surprised they haven't kept the Delf clothes section updated. :sigh
    9. I'd definitely want an updated male body too, but then I worry they would discontinue the old body, same as they did with the old Delf girl body. I feel like they shouldn't have discontinued the old girl body. There's something about the old school bodies that are special and nostalgic.
    10. I had asked them a few times if they had plans to update the Delf boy body and they said no because it's no longer a popular size and would've been a waste of time for them to do it sadly.

      Luckily most of their delf heads are universal for the other similar size bodies they carry.
    11. Ugh that is such a bummer. I saw the new girl body when estimating the new cost for Arwen and went wait…. What happened to the default body?? They charge a fee for the only body option itself now for the new one ‍♀️

      It’s kind of funny because a year or two ago, Real Skin Brown Arwen was only listed as Sold Out without being a secondary skin tone option in the other Arwen listing, and when I asked them if she’d be available again they either never replied or said not at that time. Then when I ask again recently cause it didn’t look like anything changed they tell me she’s always been available ‍♀️ I’m like…which is it?

      It seems like lately they have placeholder listings of a few of the old generation items like Claus’s outfit to show that they’re the same company as the old site, but all those items are perpetually Sold Out.

      Guess I’ll get to checking the marketplace and stuff to see if I can find a suitable outfit.
    12. *rolls into the thread* hello. I’m gonna go back through the thread to take a look but I recently was looking at lots and kind of fell in love with Joe, Aragon, Arwen, and a couple of others. So I just wanted to look at pics if folks had them. I’m sad that the delf line is kind of neglected these days.
    13. I have a Delf Annemarie!


      She's on a Doll'n'Doll body in the above photo, but since then she got her own Delf type 3 body (from Luts' last sale of them, before discontinuation).

      I'm still a big fan of classic Delfs, but I really like some of the newer ones, like Annamarie and An.
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    14. I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask, but does anyone mind sharing if they own a muse body/head and how the head size compares to regular delfs?

      I love the look of the muse body and I love the idea of a smaller head; but I just don’t know if it would be small enough to look good next to my kinda pinheaded loongsoul boy :XD:
    15. I have, uhhhhhhhh, Nina and Clary from the Delf heads list. For SDF heads I have Eveline, Niya, Noelia, Thanos, and Howl. Most of my head are on SDF bodies. Only Clary and Eveline are on Delf bodies. I really need to take pics of them all together. :sweat
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    16. She’s beautiful!

      Luts was my first company so I will always adore them. And I have a bit of obsession of wanting to be a completionist and own all the delfs which is impossible. lol
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    17. Thank you!
      I think Luts was my first favourite company too, but I couldn't afford a Delf back then. I ended falling in love with a Souldoll Soulkid Miryu, and buying her. Next year I managed to get my first Delf after all though.
    18. Man, glad I remembered discussion threads. The old Delfs were always my favs back in the day. (But I was a teen and could never pay one. And I traded my Chiwoo. Regret trading him away but I do love the doll I got.)

      A few years later I got a Delf Lishe on the boy body. I should try to post pictures of him when I can. (I don't like the new aesthetics of fairyland rip. I like the Feeple60 girl body, and the Luts Delf boy body) so I want so many old Delfs now. So I am very sad there isn't many new Delfs and they are being kinda neglected. I hope to get Joe at some point. I wonder if I see some of the other newer Delf boys if they will hit the mark for me like with Old Delf boys.
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