1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Luts Kid Delf Discussion part 17

Jan 9, 2022

    1. Muscat and Grape are both super cute! I love Muscat's eye shape! And Grape sorta gives off model delf vibes, more mature which is cool. Def don't need either one haha but I always love seeing new kid delfs.
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    2. Seeing more pics of Grape on the website, I completely change my mind about her. I think her face shape makes her look very harsh and she would not fit in with my group. And muscat is reading very much boy to me, I can’t really imagine him as a girl unless someone did a really soft faceup for him. I suppose I’m safe although I didn’t want to be lol
    3. I totally love Grape, I'm trying to curb my hoarding right now and not meant to be making a wishlist... but if I had a wishlist, she would be on it :wiggle I love her teefs and facial proportions. I would probably ask for darker lashes though.
      I love Muscat too, he is certainly reading more girly to me personally and I would make him a girl :whee: He has great default make.
      I am extremely happy to see that these two are not limited. I have been too rushed to buy dolls this year. It will feel great to bring these cuties home after I've caught up on all my doll projects. Thank you, sweet Luts!!! :eusa_pray
    4. anyone who owns bronco skin, please feel free to spam it for me :XD:
      i can't decide if it will be dark enough for my character
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    5. [​IMG]
      i turned my papaya into Rem with long hair :chibi she also just got this nice jacket from volks.
      i need to figure out which sculpt could be her sister before the event ends!
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    6. Hi everyone. I want to put my Bory head on a body with a 7 cm neck circumference, and I was wondering if anyone tried to size down like that already. He is currently on the first luts KDF boy body with a neck circumference of 7.8 cm, so I'm a bit worried it'll gap too much. :pout: I know that KDF45 neck is 7.2 and KDF heads should fit that, I think, but how different is that compared to 7 cm by doll standards?
    7. I don’t think gaping should be a big problem since Luts allows you to put the kid delf heads on model delf bodies and those have a 6.5 or so neck, you can see a few pictures in the my choice section. I have my Duri winter blossom head on a body with about a 6.9 cm neck and haven’t noticed any noticeable gaping!
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    8. Hi guys, does anyone have Luts KDF 21 event head? I want to match it with a minifee a-line body, but i don't know if the face ratio would match. I tried Soom serin head (which has similar sculpting style w Luts 21s) and it seems a bit bigger than the body T T
    9. I finally did the face up on my Rika! I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

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    10. does anyone have both a kid delf type 6 or 7 and model delf girl? i would love to see a photo of them together to compare the bodies for clothing purposes. thank you!
    11. I have both Kid Delf 6 & 7 bodies but no girl model delf. Those two are identical minus their chest size but if you want I can take some comparison pictures of them. Just let me know what kind of pictures you need. :)
    12. thank you so much but actually i really wanted to see the difference between model and kid. i ordered type 6 and type 7 kid delf girls and im wondering if nothing i have will fit them when they arrive :?
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    13. The new makeup for Aru and bory is gorgeous!! But I prefer Jeans older look. I hope soon they will renew mocha and woori

      lutsdoll co.,ltd.
    14. Luts announced a new kid delf Melon, they look super cute! And it looks like on their twitter they announced that for the month of March, orders of full body Melon will come with heart hands:)
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    15. ohh she is gorgeous. i always forget to check their twitter
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    16. Do you still need pics? I have a Model Delf Carrot (older) and KDF type 6 lovely body (from the last Satyr event) if that helps?
      And would a clothed comparison be fine. I don't really wanna undress my Yul again if I can help it because her official dress was not easy to get on her and Carrot is wearing a Kimono that also wasn't too easy to wear but I can undress her
    17. I would love to see a photo, dressed is fine I’m not going to be picky for this favor :) thank you so much
    18. i'm waiting for my very first doll to ship right now! he's a Kid Delf Kai and i'm just so excited!! i've been admiring Luts dolls for years and years now, so to finally be able to buy one was a real dream come true <3

      Muscat is a strong contender for a future doll for me. i'm holding out hope that they might release an elf ear version in the future!
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    19. Congrats!! How exciting :D Even after 10 years I still remember how magical receiving my first doll in the mail was. Luts is such a good company for a first! You're going to get hooked :XD:
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    20. Congrats on your firstie! I am excited for you.
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