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Luts Kid Delf Discussion part 17

Jan 9, 2022

    1. I haven't been on in a while~
      Everyone's dolls are super cute!!! :D

      I ordered Kid Delf MELON on March 4th in Real Skin White w/ Face Up Type B.
      She was just too beautiful to pass up~ :aheartbea

      I had also ordered Kid Delf KAI Elf Ver. quite a while back on September 17th.
      I'll share him after I take some new photos this week~ :XD:
      #341 Snow White, Mar 25, 2024
      Last edited: Mar 25, 2024
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    2. Looks like Luts is coming out with a Kid delf muse body! They posted two coming soons on their instagram and twitter for Enoki and Shallot, they look so cute! Super curious about the new body
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    3. enoki is beautiful!! omg
    4. Ooo... new body! I hope they show us more photos soon!
    5. I love the new muse bodies so much! The new head sculpts they're releasing alongside them are also lovely. Enoki's kissy face and wide eyes are especially adorable!!

      I recall the SDF muse body ended up needing a separate chest piece (added later) so the non-muse SDF heads would look better on it, so I hope they've already worked out that issue so it doesn't occur with the KDF muses!
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    6. Kind of a bummer that they're not offering the limited sculpts on the new Muse body.
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    7. Definitely not a fan of muse bodies (or any non gender body), but I am freaking out over those limited heads. How am I supposed to choose? There's so many I want! I wish we didn't have to spend so much to get them, but wow!
    8. i don't really like the new body either, i can only see it as a boy and i don't collect boys. but i really am desperate for a chance to own hanael. ugh
    9. Yeah when they released the other KDF45 bodies they offered limited head selection on the new body. And without requiring you to buy another doll.
    10. I'm not into the genderless bodies. I find it odd? It's a boy doll without his parts lol horrific accident?? Saw that on oprah once haha they've been really focusing on this type lately and I find myself drawn away from their dolls. I collect girls anyway. Other companies are filling in the classic doll vibe I like though. Sad, as I have 12 kid delfs and 3 delfs. I plan on getting some of their older sculpts mayyybee.
    11. Back when they released the Senior Delf version of the muse body I would have bought the new kid version in an heartbeat since I actually like genderless/androgynous bodies (I think I might even have mentioned that here?) but now? I don't like the wide shoulders they keep using on all the new bodies and compared to the other dolls I have Luts bodies aren't really the best at posing either. I don't really see the need to purchase another body that would just frustrate me.

      It's kind of weird feeling, I still love Luts in general but don't really love the direction they've been heading for a while now. None of the new heads interest me, literally the last one I was excited for was the elf eared Kai but as you could only get it as an extra gift and not in the skin color I would have wanted I skipped that one too. :/
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    12. yeah the shoulders are sooo wide... i know im not going to like that body when i get it. but in my mind, im telling myself that im paying for the limited head doll and getting the muse doll for free. so it's still a good deal .. or something :cool:
    13. I think the muse bodies are quite pretty, though the shoulders are a bit wide for my liking - and a bit stiff-looking too.... if not for that I'd be really tempted to snag one!! maybe they'll release a 2nd version later on, and hopefully the shoulders will be a little different if they do.

      enoki is so cute :chibi I love the big round eyes!
    14. I wish I wasn't on a No Buy and had the space for three new dolls, because I know exactly which dolls I'd get and what I'd do with them. As for the body, I'm less bothered by the shoulders than I am by the neck. On the body page they have a comparison of the KDF heads on the KDF, KDF45, and KDF Muse bodies and it has the thinnest neck out of all of them and looks off as a result. The shoulders just make me think of runway models, which I'm not opposed to.
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    15. As much as I love the muscle details, the shoulders are a turn off for me as well. Why must everyone be going towards the wide shoulders style?
      I guess I just miss the old chunky bodies with the smooth lines.
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    16. Ugh... I just ordered MELON... Had I known they were going to release SHALLOT a few weeks ago, I would have held off on MELON... :| I don't think I'll be able to resist... I'll most likely order SHALLOT (at least his head) before the end of the event... My poor wallet... *_*

      As for the new body... I like it! :blush While I do agree it is quite masculine and would only use it for a boy, I love that it's slightly shorter than the 45, shoulder's are less wide than the 45 as well, and the fingers are less chunky--slender. It gives off a feminine boy image~ My Senior65 Delf WINE is on a Senior Delf MUSE body because he is androgynous; so, I'm definitely ordering it in the future~ :whee:

      And here is my Kid Delf KAI Elf Ver. (Eiji) as promised! :XD:
      This was his box opening photo:


      And, here's one of him dressed:
      I am still gathering photos to create his doll profile~ :sweat
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    17. I forgot that my Flickr is currently private... :roll:
      Here is the photo of my Eiji dressed~ :aheartbea

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    18. He is so dreamy! Dressed like that he has a very prince charming vibe
    19. oh my GOSH he's absolutely stunning!!!!! :chibi:D congrats to you! this is making me so excited for my kai to ship. wow i really can't wait now <3 <3 thank you for sharing these!!