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Luts releasing a "Senior Delf"? O_o

Apr 16, 2007

    1. *falls into a gurgling mess of goo*

      THOSE ABS.

      AAAAAAAUUUUUUUGH. @__________________O

      I hate the hands. Hate them. I only hope they can be substituted for normal delf hands. *hopes* And the face I'm not sure about from what we've seen, but who knows.

      All I care about, though, are those ABS. *goes back to staring*

      EDIT: Have I mentioned I LOVE dolls with stories? I LOVE the little lines and such that Luts gives some of the dolls (Like Yder and Woosoo) and somehow I inadvertently put them in my story...
    2. Okay. I just screamed out loud.
      Thankfully, no one else is home right now. :sweat
      Holy jebus, they're not just trying to take all my money, they're trying to kill me!

      ...I do agree that the hands look kind of massive, though....:XD:
    3. I don't usually buy boy dolls but. . . SO TEMPTING!! :drool What a manly doll! :nosebleed
    4. the ABSSSSSSSSSSSSS *dies from inside*
      i just saw the pics on luts website and i gone abit crazy.
      i see that he got joint on his abs area =x i wonder will he have another joint at the hip area :x

      his eyes!, his lips are making me <3333333
      but the hands *_* are surprisely rough and big unlike the normal CP which is slender.
    5. I think it would have to be a really, really low waist joint if he had one. In one of the pictures you can see down to his very low abdoman, where a joint normally would be... (I kind of hope he doesn't because no-waist joint gives better hip-bone definition... and hip-bones slay me. x333)

      P.S. I love your icon. XD To itty bitty pieces.
    6. Is it just me, or does BLISS (the other doll, no pics yet) sound suspiciously like a girl? :eusa_pray Sadly, ABadon is too ripped for me. I need a tall, slim boy. Even hounds are too muscular for me in their upper-body :(
    7. Yeah, I was thinking that as well....
      Seems reasonable that they'd release one boy and one girl to start with.
    8. This is not looking good. D: ...for my wallet, that is.
    9. Bliss sounded like a girl to me as well. ^_^
    10. *_* Woww, Abadon's ripped...but too ripped for me, I was kinda hoping he'll be like Reisner (so slim :D, with just the right amount of muscle;) ) He's got a cool name though. Still I can't wait to see all of him, I'm just glad I don't "really" want him ;)
    11. i kinda pray that he doesn't have hip joint and i can die at the smexiness of hip bones :aheartbea

      thank you XD ryuuk rocks!!

      i think most likely she's a girl, it will be weird for a big man to be named bliss :lol:
      ah~~~ >< i'm disappointed at the hands but shall wait for more pictures on the day of release!
    12. I still want to see more pictures of him... but, yeah, what I can see of his hands is disappointing. The build is nice though.
    13. I agree...the hands (well mostly how odd the wrist/ball joint looks. Would have looked a lot nicer if the hand continued down - may limit movement but I am a sucker for beautiful hands. I actually like the sculpt of them just wish they were engineered a bit more so it didn't quite look so...akward?

      Otherwise the body looks really promising. Hoping for locking knee joints as well
    14. omg that's ryuk? For some reason I thought it was... a fish... :? HAHAHA :X Yeah, it will be weird for a big man to be named bliss, but you never know *looks at engrish.com*
    15. bliss could go either way, i could name a few ripped bishounen that i would call bliss 9___9;; <3
      BUT i am hoping for a girl

      but i'll have to see how this turns out, it might spell disaster for me, could be my Slasshhuuuuuuuuu

      and as to the hands
      if he's 70 CM you could maybe substitue dollshe hands >>;;;
    16. Why isn't my "please be ugly" chant not working, seriously?!!
      Crap, so far he's lookin mighty good... profile..abs.. belly button.. *licks screen* e____e;; <-- shameful face!
    17. ya hahahah ryuk got fish-like mouth XD, those monster fish *sorry OT*

      engrish.com, nothing is impossible? XD
      :...( the hands is making me sad. i just have to look at the overall pic to judge him. but i totally love the profile of his face <3. *hope that his head can fit normal delf body*
    18. Anyone else think he may have double jointed elbows o.o? Look at how his hands can touch his face... :D...
    19. HOLY. ****.


      The wrist looks a little bulky >_> reminds me of Dollzone wrists...and the hand isn't too attractive but maybe it's just the angle? I mean CP hands are one of the most beautiful ones out there they CAN'T give the Seniors ugly-looking hands...

      The face scuplt will be the deciding factor for me I think.
      DUDE!! The ??? one is called BLISS!!! I am betting that it's a Senior girl *dies more*
    20. i hope he DOESNT have a low waist joint cuz i agree w/ the person who said hip bones slay them!!!

      lol and when i saw senior delf my first thought was OLD delf like wrinkly delf LOL

      does anyone else absolutely HATE teaser pictures but love them at the same time?!?!?! grrr

      so begins the wait to see all the info

      and i hope the other heads can fit his body cuz i'm still in love w/ Dambi's mold