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Luts Senior Delf 65 Discussion Part 1

Dec 29, 2014

    1. I just paid off my Breeze and he'll be shipped my way tomorrow! I'm so excited! I already got some TTYA clothes in, and oh my goodness they are huge compared to my YoSD and MSD. I don't know if I'm prepared for the size of an SD.

      Does anyone know if SD65 and SSDF heads are interchangeable? I know Breeze is technically a SSDF, but mine is a MyChoice in the SD65. I'm wanting to get a Flood head, which is also a SSDF, but I don't know if it would fit if I found one that was originally from a SSDF doll. >.<
    2. I totally feel this!
      I got some jeans from TTYA for mine too, they’re basically the same height as my MNFs :XD::aeyepop: now I’m seriously considering the concept of having a 2-foot tall doll. Where tf will I put him XD
      From what I’ve heard, yes they’re compatible.
      #342 dragolivia, Mar 17, 2018
      Last edited: Mar 20, 2018
    3. @dragolivia
      I actually did a photo shoot with one of my MSD and YoSD for comparison and it's kind of adorable how large the clothes are on them. xD

      I'm also wondeing where I'll put such a large doll! I've been thinking it in terms as needing the room of 2 MSD. I don't know where I'll put him either. ;u;

      Also, thank you very much for the info! :hug:
    4. Does anyone have jointed hands on their SD65? If so, which hands do you have and how is the resin match and size fit?
    5. I actually wondered the same thing. I asked about it on Facebook but I can't find the post now. We were looking at this page and if I remember correctly, as far as resin matching, Ringdoll is closest (but sold out), and Doll Legend & (Oh god I can't remember if it was Doll Family H or Angel of Dream) in normal yellow were close but still not an exact match. I was thinking of ordering some Doll Legend hands but I've held off in hope of finding some other hands that have a closer skin match.
      If I'm not mistaken, I remember this one Instagrammer (I think the username was Takillar) who put a Luts head on a POPO doll body, in which case that company's jointed hands would work, but neither of us are doing that lol. So I would think POPO doll would match Luts to some extent, but not sure which skin-tone. Takillar's dolls looked pretty white to me. So maybe POPO's white skin option would match Luts'.
      As far as sizing goes, I couldn't find wrist measurements for either Luts S65 Delf, or for Doll Legend (Which is where I was planning on getting hands from. I couldn't even find wrist measurements for the Doll Legend SD bodies). But I'm still going to keep my eyes out. Always wanted a doll with jointed hands.
      Hope that was somewhat helpful..
    6. @dragolivia
      Thanks for the info! I'm going to try some trial and error with some hands I'm planning on ordering. Haven't been able to find any SD65 with jointed hands on my internet searches yet, but I'm still looking.

      On a related note, I finally got tracking for my Breeze and his estimated delivery day is the 2nd. I'm hoping he'll be in sometime this week, however, as I have the week off for spring break so I would have plenty of time to spend with him.
      I'm starting to get impatient! >.<
    7. I've seen Burgundy and Black at the convention a few days ago, that was LUTS' booth. They're soooooooo beautiful:XD: They look so much more beautiful than pictures on the website!
      • x 1
    8. Good luck! Let me know what ends up working haha.
      So exciting! That would be super nice if he arrives during your spring break. Godspeed, little one :)

      My Alice Collections order came today with all the clothes for my Breeze and they're so big! Hoping everything fits ok. I can never be sure >_<
    9. oh!! I love Burgundy mold! he's my wishlist!
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    10. @paxita me too~ He's so beautiful

      Have you ordered him yet?
    11. nop, maybe in December :abambi:
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    12. My Breeze came in today! Three days earlier than expected. I love him so much! I'm just waiting on his new head to arrive because rather than getting him a new faceup with his current head, I found a head that already has a faceup that I like and it should be shipped out tomorrow or Monday. I'm planning on taking (good) pictures on Monday (all I have is ones with bad lighting that I took while opening him because I was too excited to wait til daytime, oops).

      But here's a sneak peak because when I first opened him he was in fetal position. xD
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    13. @Cap'n Aww...look at how he curls up XD
    14. @Cap'n, awww...poor guy looks like he was thoroughly traumatized in shipping! What a cute photo. I can't wait to see his new head...it's fascinating that you found one you liked. It will be wonderful to see him all together. Congratulations on his arrival.:)
    15. My Breeze already lost his body to an event head that came in today. xD
      But don't worry, he'll be getting a SSDF body very soon. This weekend soon!

      For now, here's my nameless boy who may very well be blind and has koi fish tattoo'd on his face.
      His eyes will most likely change, but all my others are currently dark and I don't like him with dark coloured eyes. >.<
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    16. You've had some good shopping lately! He's very compelling.
    17. @Cap'n, he's a real stunner! That koi tattoo is beautifully done. He has a very unique and compelling face-up.:)
    18. Finished my layaway on my own Breeze today, I hope he gets shipped soon so he can arrive on/before my birthday, which is this Tuesday.
      • x 1
    19. @dragolivia
      Ah, that's so exciting! I hope he arrives to you soon, and on your birthday would make him all the more special. :whee:
      • x 1
    20. @Cap'n Those eyebrows are amazing!